Experimental Investigation of Rotational Behavior of Glulam Column-Beam Connection Reinforced with Carbon, Glass, Basalt and Aramid FRP Fabric/Eksperimentalno istrazivanje rotacijskog ponasanja spoja izmedu lameliranog stupa i grede ojacanoga polimernim tkaninama s vlaknima karbona, stakla, bazalta i aramida

In the domain of modern timber structural systems, timber frame constructions distinguish themselves as preferred and commonly used building methods. Their appeal arises from their architectural adaptability and their distinctive attributes, which enable rapid assembly. In this type of structural sy...

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Published inDrvna industrija Vol. 75; no. 2; p. 259
Main Author Turker, Yasemin Simsek
Format Journal Article
Published Sveuciliste U Zagrebu 01.06.2024
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Summary:In the domain of modern timber structural systems, timber frame constructions distinguish themselves as preferred and commonly used building methods. Their appeal arises from their architectural adaptability and their distinctive attributes, which enable rapid assembly. In this type of structural system, the effectiveness of the connections between beams and columns plays a pivotal role in determining how forces are distributed, ensuring lateral stiffness, and upholding structural safety. Various methods have been developed to ensure column-beam connections in wooden structures. Column-beam connection points deteriorate and get damaged over time. These critical areas need to be strengthened over time. In this study, glulam columns (140 mm x 140 mm) and beams (140 mm x 280 mm), which are often used as load-bearing elements in wooden structures, were used. Columns and beams are connected to each other according to the wooden notching method. Column-beam connection areas are reinforced with carbon, glass, basalt and aramid fiber reinforced polymer fabrics. After the strengthening process, bending tests of the column-beam connection samples were carried out and the load carrying capacity, total amount of energy consumed, and maximum stiffness values were determined. Additionally, FRP damages occurring in the column-beam connection areas were observed during the experiments. The optimal outcomes for encasing column-beam connections have been identified with carbon-based fiber reinforced polymers. Glass-based fiber reinforced polymers yielded the least favorable results. Aramid-based fiber-reinforced polymers demonstrated similar outcomes to those wrapped with carbon-based counterparts. Consequently, it can be deduced that reinforcing column-beam connections with FRP fabrics, be they carbon, aramid, basalt, or glass-based, can markedly enhance their strength and durability, thereby extending their operational lifespan. KEYWORDS: glulam, column-beam, connection, FRP fabric, reinforced U suvremenim konstrukcijama drvene se okvirne konstrukcije smatraju pozeljnima i cesto su primjenjivane metode gradnje. Njihova prikladnost proizlazi iz njihove arhitektonske prilagodljivosti i prepoznatljivih svojstava koja omogucuju brzu montazu. U toj vrsti konstrukcijskog sustava ucinkovitost spoja grede i stupa ima kljucnu ulogu u odredivanju nacina raspodjele sila, osiguravanju bocne krutosti i odrzavanju strukturne sigurnosti. Razvijene su razlicite metode za osiguranje spojeva stupova i greda u drvenim konstrukcijama. Spojne tocke stupova i greda s vremenom propadaju i ostecuju se, pa ih treba ojacati. U ovom su istrazivanju koristeni lamelirani stupovi (140 mm x 140 mm) i lamelirane grede (140 mm x 280 mm) koje se cesto upotrebljavaju kao nosivi elementi u drvenim konstrukcijama. Stupovi i grede medusobno su povezani kutnim trokrakim spojem s pravokutnim urezima. Podrucja spoja grede i stupa ojacana su polimernim tkaninama ojacanim vlaknima karbona, stakla, bazalta i aramida. Nakon procesa ojacanja spoja provedena su ispitivanja na savijanje uzoraka spoja stupa i grede te su odredene nosivost, ukupna kolicina utrosene energije i maksimalne vrijednosti krutosti. Osim toga, tijekom pokusa pracena su ostecenja polimernih tkanina ojacanih vlaknima koja su se dogodila u podrucjima spoja stupa i grede. Optimalni rezultati za ojacanje spojeva stupa i grede dobiveni su s polimernom tkaninom kojoj su dodana karbonska vlakna. Polimerna tkanina ojacana staklenim vlaknima dala je najnepovoljnije rezultate. Polimerne tkanine ojacane vlaknima na bazi aramida pokazale su slicne rezultate kao i polimerne tkanine ojacane karbonskim vlaknima. Posljedicno, moze se zakljuciti da ojacanje spojeva stupa i grede polimernim tkaninama kojima su dodana vlakna, bilo da je rijec o karbonu, aramidu, bazaltu ili staklu, moze znatno povecati njihovu cvrstocu i izdrzljivost, cime se produljuje njihov vijek trajanja. KLJUCNE RIJECI: lamelirano drvo; spoj stupa i grede; polimerne tkanine ojacane polimernim vlaknima; ojacanje