Epizootiological and genetic characterization of the bovine leukemia virus in the Russian federation - evaluation of bovine leukemia virus in Russia/Epizootioloska i genska svojstva virusa govede leukemije s podrucja Ruske Federacije

The genetic characterization of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is an important task in scientific research in many countries of the world. According to the sequenced gene region - env BLV isolates have been found in different geographical locations of the world, and up to 10 different genetic groups of...

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Published inVeterinarski arhiv Vol. 89; no. 6; p. 785
Main Authors Petropavlovskiy, Maxim, Donnik, Irina, Bezborodova, Natalia
Format Journal Article
Published Sveuciliste U Zagrebu 01.11.2019
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Summary:The genetic characterization of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is an important task in scientific research in many countries of the world. According to the sequenced gene region - env BLV isolates have been found in different geographical locations of the world, and up to 10 different genetic groups of the virus have been identified and classified. As part of the research, we monitored the epizootic situation of the BLV in Russia. For grouping of animals (n = 54) Holstein-Frisian (imported breed) and Russian Black Pied (local breed) were selected, belonging to agricultural organizations in the Tyumen region. Serological screening methods (ELISA, AGID) were used in the cattle to identify infected animals. Immunological evaluation of the animals in all the test groups was also done. A primary A nested-PCR study was performed, which resulted in a fragment of the env 444 bp gene in the studied samples. RFLP analysis of this fragment established that in 94% of the samples there was the <<Belgian type>> of the leukemia virus, in 4% of samples the <> type, and in 2% - a <<mixed type>>. The phylogenetic evaluation of the BLV genome env site in the isolated samples and the immunological evaluation of the infected animals helped to obtain new data that will enable information on the genetic groups of the BLV in the territory of the Russian Federation to be updated. Key words: bovine leukemia virus; cattle; phylogenetic classification; serological screening; polymerase chain reaction; epizootic monitoring Genska svojstva virusa govede leukemije (BLV) važan su dio znanstvenih istraživanja u mnogim zemljama u svijetu. Prema sekvenciranoj regiji gena - env BLV izolati nalaze se u razlicitim podrucjima širom svijeta te je dokazano i klasificirano do deset razlicitih genskih skupina. Kao dio istraživanja pratili smo epizootiološki status BLV-a u Rusiji. Za pokusne životinje (n = 54) odabrane su holštajnsko-frizijska pasmina (uvozna pasmina) i rusko šaro goveda (lokalna pasmina), koje potjecu s poljoprivrednih dobara regije Tyumen. Kako bi se otkrile zaražene jedinke, upotrijebljene su serološke metode probira (ELISA, AGID). Takoder je u svim pokusnim skupinama provedena imunološka procjena životinja. Primijenjena je primarna A-nested-PCR analiza koja je rezultirala fragmentom gena env 444 bp. RFLP Analizom tog fragmenta u 94% uzoraka ustanovljen je belgijski tip virusa leukemije, u 4% uzoraka australijski tip, a u 2% mješoviti tip. Filogenetskom procjenom genoma env BLV-a u izoliranim uzorcima i imunološkom procjenom zaraženih životinja dobiveni su najnoviji podaci o genskim skupinama BLV-a u Ruskoj Federaciji. Kljucne rijeci: virus govede leukemije; goveda; Biogenetska klasifikacija; serološki probir; reakcija lancane polimeraze; epizootiološko pracenje