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Summary:Evaluating study on the appropriate treatment for the epitheliocystis disease in juvenile tilapia was conducted by using 4 chemical agents, 30 ppm of formalin, 2 ppt of salt, 2 ppm of benzalkonium chloride (BKC), 4 ppm of potassium permanganate and water exchange. The average percent mortality from the five trials was 20 percent (BKC), 3.3 percent (potassium permanganate, salt, formalin), and no mortality was found in water exchange group. Treatment efficacy was assessed by number of cyst reduction. Percentage of cysts reduced by water exchange (93.9 percent), formalin (92.6 percent), salt (92.5 percent) and BKC (89.2 percent) were not significantly different, while potassium permanganate which displayed the lowest mean percentage of cyst reduction (68.1 percent) was significantly different, comparing to other treatments. Result revealed that water exchange was the most appropriate treatment to treat the disease or mitigate the heavy infection.