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Summary:This report examines the environmental impacts of ground-skidding timber operations in Peninsular Malaysia, and reviews a draft Code of Practice currently under development by Forestry Department Headquarters. This is one component of a larger effort by the Malaysian-German Sustainable Forest Management and Conservation Project to develop a comprehensive planning process for sustainable management of primary and logged-over,secondary forests. Malaysian forest policies are currently being developed within the context of ITTO criteria and guidelines for sustainable forestry, as amended for local conditions. This consultancy assists in developing standards for one specific aspect of the Criteria and Indicator (CandI) process, specifically management standards for ground-skidding in production forests. A draft Code of Practice and Road Specifications have recently been developed by the FDHQ. These constitute an excellent start to a full set of guidelines for reduced-impact logging, but suggestions are offered for improvements in a few key areas. Recommendations are primarily related to 1) planning the harvest operation, 2) road construction and drainage measures, 3) wet-season stabilization and closure, 4) protection of future crop trees, and 5) conversion of logging equipment. Implementation of a Code of Practice for ground-skidding must go beyond the preparation of written guidelines. Substantial changes are needed in the behavior of the logging industry and enforcement by State Forestry Departments in order to realize improvements on the ground. Suggestions are made for institutional changes, training, changes in logging equipment, and testing and monitoring of alternative practices. Comments are also included on the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment requirements for logging.