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Summary:Human antibodies, preferably recombinant human antibodies, that specifically bind to human tumor necrosis factor 'alpha' (hTNF'alpha') are disclosed. These antibodies have high affinity for hTNF'alpha'(e.g., Kd = 10-8 M or less), a slow off rate for hTNF'alpha' dissociation (e.g., Koff = 10-3sec-1 or less) and neutralize hTNF'alpha' activity in vitro and in vivo. An antibody of the invention can be a full-length antibody or an antigen-binding portion thereof. The antibodies, or antibody portions, of the invention are useful for detecting hTNF'alpha' and for inhibiting hTNF'alpha' activity, e.g., in a human subject suffering from a disorder in which hTNF'alpha' activity is detrimental. Nucleic acids, vectors and host cells for expressing the recombinant human antibodies of the invention, and methods of synthesizing the recombinant human antibodies, are also encompassed by the invention. Human antibodies, preferably recombinant human antibodies, that specifically bind to human tumor necrosis factor 'alpha' (hTNF'alpha') are disclosed. These antibodies have high affinity for hTNF'alpha'(e.g., Kd = 10-8 M or less), a slow off rate for hTNF'alpha' dissociation (e.g., Koff = 10-3sec-1 or less) and neutralize hTNF'alpha' activity in vitro and in vivo. An antibody of the invention can be a full-length antibody or an antigen-binding portion thereof. The antibodies, or antibody portions, of the invention are useful for detecting hTNF'alpha' and for inhibiting hTNF'alpha' activity, e.g., in a human subject suffering from a disorder in which hTNF'alpha' activity is detrimental. Nucleic acids, vectors and host cells for expressing the recombinant human antibodies of the invention, and methods of synthesizing the recombinant human antibodies, are also encompassed by the invention. Opisana so humana protitelesa, prednostno rekombinantna humana protitelesa, ki se specifično vežejo na humani tumorski nekrozni faktor alfa (hTNF alfa). Ta protitelesa imajo visoko afiniteto za hTNF alfa (npr. Kd = 10-8 M ali manj), počasno "off rate" za hTNF alfa disociacijo (npr. Koff = 10-3 sek-1 ali manj) in nevtralizirajo hTNF alfa aktivnost in vitro ter in vivo. Protitelo v smislu izuma je lahko popolno protitelo ali njegov del, ki veže antigen. Protitelesa ali deli protiteles v smislu izuma so koristni za detekcijo hTNF alfa in za inhibiranje hTNF alfa in za inhibiranje hTNF alfa aktivnosti, npr. pri človeku, ki trpi zaradi motnje, pri kateri je hTNF alfa aktivnost škodljiva. Izum zajema tudi nukleinske kisline, vektorje in celice gostiteljice za ekspresijo rekombinantnih humanih protiteles v smislu izuma ter postopke za sintezo rekombinantnih humanih protiteles.ŕ
Bibliography:Application Number: SI19970020020