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Summary:FIELD: processing powder materials, mainly aluminum hydroxide. SUBSTANCE: proposed method includes preliminary straight-flow drying of moist aluminum hydroxide in ascending flow of waste gases, cyclone separation, preliminary straight-flow heating in waste gas flow, supply to reaction chamber and roasting in suspended state with combustion products of fuel and preheated air flow, cyclone separation of alumina thus obtained, multi-stage straight-flow cooling with air fed to reaction chamber and final cooling of commercial alumina; mixture of combustion products of fuel and preheated air is prepared separately. Plant proposed for realization of this method includes drying unit for drying moist aluminum hydroxide, cyclone separator, unit for preliminary straight-flow heating, roasting reactor, cyclone separator for produced alumina, multi-stage cyclone unit for cooling alumina and heating air and commercial alumina cooler; burner unit of reactor is made in form of cylindrical prechamber which is equipped with several burners located tangentially and smoothly distributed over cylindrical surface; it has lower central inlet opening for air and upper central outlet opening for mixture of combustion products and air which is coupled with lower central inlet opening of reaction chamber; prechamber is coaxially connected with lower part of reaction chamber; reactor is provided with additional heater for delivery of air to burner unit. EFFECT: improved quality of commercial alumina; enhanced economical efficiency of process. 8 cl, 4 dwg, 1 tbl
Bibliography:Application Number: RU20020100968