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Summary:PURPOSE:To suppress respiratory metabolism of the vegetables and fruits and also to prevent formation of water by dew condensation by interposing a water absorptive layer between a synthetic resin film and a porous synthetic resin film having specified maximum pore diameter. CONSTITUTION:A film for holding freshness of the vegetables and fruits is constituted of a laminated film obtained by interposing a water absorptive layer between a synthetic resin film and a porous synthetic resin film. The porous synthetic resin film is regulated to <=30mum maximum pore diameter and water-vapor permeability is regulated to >=100g/m /24hr. Hydrophilic treatment is performed for the porous synthetic resin film by an imparting agent of hydrophilic property. Further the water absorptive layer is partially interposed and the transparency of oxygen of the film for holding freshness of the vegetables and the fruits is regulated to 2,000 - 20,000ml/m /24hr/atm. By the above-mentioned constitution, control of humidity in a package is performed between the vegerables and the fruits and the water absorptive layer via the porous synthetic resin film and formation of water by dew condensation is prevented. On the other hand, respiration of the vegetables and fruits is controlled and respiratory metabolism thereof is inhibited by controlling the concn. of carbon dioxide in the package, especially the concn. of oxygen by the combination of the synthetic resin film and the water absorptive layer.
Bibliography:Application Number: JP19890209062