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Summary:To provide a propeller shaft capable of suppressing intrusion of muddy water, etc. into the inside of a center bearing as much as possible.SOLUTION: At a position on an opening-portion side of a holding ring 26 of a propeller shaft, a stub shaft 8 in this case, a water-impermeable cover 30, which is provided with an opening portion extending so as to approach the opening portion of the holding ring 26 is provided. According to this, the water-impermeable cover 30 is fixed in a position on the opening-portion side of the holding ring 26 of the stub shaft 8, and the opening portion of the water-impermeable cover 30 is extended so as to approach the opening portion of the holding ring 26, therefore, even if muddy water, etc. scatters obliquely from the opening-portion side of the holding ring 26, risk of muddy water, etc. entering the opening portion of the holding ring 26 is suppressed, and as a result, phenomenon of muddy water, etc. entering the inside of a center bearing 19 can be made less likely to occur.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 4 【課題】センターベアリングの内部に泥水等が侵入することをできるだけ抑制することが可能なプロペラシャフトを提供する【解決手段】プロペラシャフト(ここではスタブ軸8)の押さえ環26の開放部側の位置に、押さえ環26の開放部に近接するように延びる開放部を備える遮水カバー30を設けた。これによれば、遮水カバー30をスタブ軸8の押さえ環26の開放部側の位置に固定し、遮水カバー30の開放部を押さえ環26の開放部に近接するように延ばしたので、押さえ環26の開放部側から斜め方向に泥水等が飛翔してきても、押さえ環26の開放部に泥水等が侵入する恐れが抑制され、結果としてセンターベアリング19の内部に泥水等が侵入する現象を生じ難くなる。【選択図】図4
Bibliography:Application Number: JP20210026516