Recoil imaging for directional detection of dark matter, neutrinos, and physics beyond the Standard Model

Recoil imaging entails the detection of spatially resolved ionization tracks generated by particle interactions. This is a highly sought-after capability in many classes of detector, with broad applications across particle and astroparticle physics. However, at low energies, where ionization signatu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors Altenmüller, K, D Aristizabal Sierra, Attié, D, Awe, C, Ayyad, Y, Barbeau, P, Bell, N F, Biasuzzi, B, Bignell, L J, Boehm, C, Brunbauer, F M, Caamaño, M, Caratelli, D, Carmona, J M, Castel, J F, Cebrián, S, Cogollos, C, Dafni, T, Dastgiri, F, Deaconu, C, F Di Giambattista, Dutta, B, Eldridge, C, Ezeribe, A C, Fava, A, E Ferrer Ribas, Froehlich, M, Galán, J, Galindo, J, García, F, Gelli, B P, G Grilli Di Cortona, Hall-Wilton, R, Harton, J, Higashino, S, Irastorza, I G, Jones, B, Kelly, K, Kemmerich, N, Kemp, E, Korandla, H B, Lackner, A, Lewis, P M, Lisowska, M, Luzón, G, Mack, K J, Majewski, P A, Mano, R D P, Markoff, D, Marley, T, Marques, D J G, Massarczyk, R, Mazzitelli, G, McCabe, C, McNamara, P C, Messina, A, Mirallas, H, Miuchi, K, Monteiro, C M B, Mosbech, M R, Muller, H, H Natal da Luz, Natochii, A, Newstead, J L, Nikolopoulos, K, J von Oy, Pfeiffer, D, Phan, N S, Pinci, D, Popescu, S, Prajapati, A, Raaf, J L, Ropelewski, L, Roque, R C, Ruiz-Choliz, E, Rusu, A, Samarati, J, Santos, E M, J M F dos Santos, Sauli, F, Scharenberg, L, Schiffer, T, Schmidt, S, Schott, M, Schueler, J, Segui, L, Sekiya, H, Sengupta, D, Slavkovska, Z, Snowden-Ifft, D, Spooner, N J C, Stuchbery, A E, Sun, X, Thomas, A W, Thorpe, T N, Utrobičić, A, Vahsen, S E, Veenhof, R, Williams, A G, Wood, M H
Format Paper
Published Ithaca Cornell University Library, 17.07.2022
Online AccessGet full text


Abstract Recoil imaging entails the detection of spatially resolved ionization tracks generated by particle interactions. This is a highly sought-after capability in many classes of detector, with broad applications across particle and astroparticle physics. However, at low energies, where ionization signatures are small in size, recoil imaging only seems to be a practical goal for micro-pattern gas detectors. This white paper outlines the physics case for recoil imaging, and puts forward a decadal plan to advance towards the directional detection of low-energy recoils with sensitivity and resolution close to fundamental performance limits. The science case covered includes: the discovery of dark matter into the neutrino fog, directional detection of sub-MeV solar neutrinos, the precision study of coherent-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, the detection of solar axions, the measurement of the Migdal effect, X-ray polarimetry, and several other applied physics goals. We also outline the R&D programs necessary to test concepts that are crucial to advance detector performance towards their fundamental limit: single primary electron sensitivity with full 3D spatial resolution at the \(\sim\)100 micron-scale. These advancements include: the use of negative ion drift, electron counting with high-definition electronic readout, time projection chambers with optical readout, and the possibility for nuclear recoil tracking in high-density gases such as argon. We also discuss the readout and electronics systems needed to scale-up such detectors to the ton-scale and beyond.
AbstractList Recoil imaging entails the detection of spatially resolved ionization tracks generated by particle interactions. This is a highly sought-after capability in many classes of detector, with broad applications across particle and astroparticle physics. However, at low energies, where ionization signatures are small in size, recoil imaging only seems to be a practical goal for micro-pattern gas detectors. This white paper outlines the physics case for recoil imaging, and puts forward a decadal plan to advance towards the directional detection of low-energy recoils with sensitivity and resolution close to fundamental performance limits. The science case covered includes: the discovery of dark matter into the neutrino fog, directional detection of sub-MeV solar neutrinos, the precision study of coherent-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, the detection of solar axions, the measurement of the Migdal effect, X-ray polarimetry, and several other applied physics goals. We also outline the R&D programs necessary to test concepts that are crucial to advance detector performance towards their fundamental limit: single primary electron sensitivity with full 3D spatial resolution at the \(\sim\)100 micron-scale. These advancements include: the use of negative ion drift, electron counting with high-definition electronic readout, time projection chambers with optical readout, and the possibility for nuclear recoil tracking in high-density gases such as argon. We also discuss the readout and electronics systems needed to scale-up such detectors to the ton-scale and beyond.
Author Scharenberg, L
Schiffer, T
Schueler, J
Thorpe, T N
Asaadi, J
Dastgiri, F
García, F
Mosbech, M R
Stuchbery, A E
Oliveri, E
Schott, M
Marques, D J G
Bolognino, I
Collison, D
Schmidt, S
Markoff, D
Pérez, O
Segui, L
Lynch, W A
Messina, A
Prajapati, A
Ayyad, Y
Neep, T
Battat, J B R
Hedges, S
Newstead, J L
Soffitta, P
Zettlemoyer, J
Amaro, F D
Ezeribe, A C
Perez-Gonzalez, Y F
Mack, K J
McNamara, P C
Torelli, S
Aune, S
G Grilli Di Cortona
Giomataris, Y
Cebrián, S
Irastorza, I G
Mei, Y
Costa, E
Dutta, B
Tilly, E G
Ikeda, T
McKie, L J
Natochii, A
Biasuzzi, B
Samarati, J
Lewis, P M
Hill, G
J von Oy
Veenhof, R
Vahsen, S E
Kemmerich, N
Sauli, F
Majewski, P A
F Di Giambattista
Elliott, S R
Lackner, A
Wood, M H
Jackson, P
Strigari, L
Kaminski, J
Santos, E M
Margalejo, C
E Ferrer Ribas
Lane, G J
Gnanvo, K
Scholberg, K
Piacentini, S
Ortiz de Solórzano, A
J M F dos Santos
Ropelewski, L
Mazzitelli, G
Castel, J F
Olloqui, E Picatoste
Attié, D
Holanda, P C
D Aristizabal Sierra
M van Stenis
Álvarez-Pol, H
Flöthner, K J
Orlandini, G
O'Hare, C A J
Williams, A G
Cabo, C
Froehlich, M
Marley, T
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Snippet Recoil imaging entails the detection of spatially resolved ionization tracks generated by particle interactions. This is a highly sought-after capability in...
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SubjectTerms Argon
Coherent scattering
Dark matter
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Gas detectors
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Negative ions
Particle interactions
Solar neutrinos
Spatial resolution
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