Nutritive value of 52 ecotypes of cleargrass Hemarthria altissima (Poir) Stapf and Hubb in differents ages. [Spanish

Limpo grass has a good dry matter yield ha-1 and a satisfactory nutritive value. In order to determine yield and nutritive value two experiments were conducted. The first one to evaluate the effect of three harvesting ages (21, 42 and 63 days), the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), crude pr...

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Published inAgrociencia Vol. 1
Main Authors Sandoval Sandoval Francisco, Perez Perez Jorge, Gonzalez Munoz Sergio S
Format Journal Article
Published 1991
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Abstract Limpo grass has a good dry matter yield ha-1 and a satisfactory nutritive value. In order to determine yield and nutritive value two experiments were conducted. The first one to evaluate the effect of three harvesting ages (21, 42 and 63 days), the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and ash content; and the second experiment was done to study dry matter production and the IVDMS: in situ dry matter digestibility (ISDMD) relationship; 52 cultivars of limpo grass were used in both studies. The yield was different between harvest age, being higher at 63 days. It was found a positive correlation (R2=0.79) between methods for the IVDMD and ISDMD determination, where the equation obtained was: Y=18.079+0.666x. Thus, IVDMD can be used to estimate ISDMD of these limpo grass cultivars at three different ages. El pasto limpio tiene satisfactorio rendimiento de materia seca y posee un valor nutritivo adecuado. Para probar lo anterior se realizaron dos experimentos; uno con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de tres edades de corte (21, 42 y 63 dias) en la digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS), porcentaje de proteina total (PT), contenido de paredes celulares (CPC) y de cenizas (C) y otro para determinar el rendimiento de MS y obtener la relacion entre la DIVMS y la digestibilidad in situ de la MS (DISMS). Se utilizaron 52 ecotipos de limpo. El rendimiento fue diferente entre edades de corte siendo mayor a los 63 dias. Se encontro una relacion positiva alta (R2=0.79) entre los metodos de determinacion de la digestibilidad in vitro e in situ cuya ecuacion fue Y=18.076+0.666X, pudiendose determinar la DISMS a partir de la DIVMS, en las diferentes edades de seis ecotipos de limpo estudiados.
AbstractList Limpo grass has a good dry matter yield ha-1 and a satisfactory nutritive value. In order to determine yield and nutritive value two experiments were conducted. The first one to evaluate the effect of three harvesting ages (21, 42 and 63 days), the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and ash content; and the second experiment was done to study dry matter production and the IVDMS: in situ dry matter digestibility (ISDMD) relationship; 52 cultivars of limpo grass were used in both studies. The yield was different between harvest age, being higher at 63 days. It was found a positive correlation (R2=0.79) between methods for the IVDMD and ISDMD determination, where the equation obtained was: Y=18.079+0.666x. Thus, IVDMD can be used to estimate ISDMD of these limpo grass cultivars at three different ages. El pasto limpio tiene satisfactorio rendimiento de materia seca y posee un valor nutritivo adecuado. Para probar lo anterior se realizaron dos experimentos; uno con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de tres edades de corte (21, 42 y 63 dias) en la digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS), porcentaje de proteina total (PT), contenido de paredes celulares (CPC) y de cenizas (C) y otro para determinar el rendimiento de MS y obtener la relacion entre la DIVMS y la digestibilidad in situ de la MS (DISMS). Se utilizaron 52 ecotipos de limpo. El rendimiento fue diferente entre edades de corte siendo mayor a los 63 dias. Se encontro una relacion positiva alta (R2=0.79) entre los metodos de determinacion de la digestibilidad in vitro e in situ cuya ecuacion fue Y=18.076+0.666X, pudiendose determinar la DISMS a partir de la DIVMS, en las diferentes edades de seis ecotipos de limpo estudiados.
Author Sandoval Sandoval Francisco
Perez Perez Jorge
Gonzalez Munoz Sergio S
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Snippet Limpo grass has a good dry matter yield ha-1 and a satisfactory nutritive value. In order to determine yield and nutritive value two experiments were...
SourceID fao
SourceType Publisher
SubjectTerms bovin
frecuencia de las cosechas
frequence de recolte
ganado bovino
harvesting frequency
nutritive value
valeur nutritive
valor nutritivo
Title Nutritive value of 52 ecotypes of cleargrass Hemarthria altissima (Poir) Stapf and Hubb in differents ages. [Spanish
Volume 1
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