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Summary:To provide a vehicle display device which can realize efficient cooling of heating elements.SOLUTION: A vehicle display device includes: a circuit board 40 on which heating elements 171 are mounted; a metallic shield member 173 provided on the circuit board and covering the heating elements; first heat conductive sheets 172, each of which is provided between the shield member and the heating element and is held in an elastically deformed state; a heat sink 60; and a second heat conductive sheet 66 provided between the shield member and the heat sink and held in an elastically deformed state. The first heat conductive sheets, the second heat conductive sheet, and the heat sink extend in a range that overlaps with the heating elements when viewed in a direction perpendicular to the circuit board.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 10 【課題】発熱素子の効率的な冷却を実現できる車両用表示装置を提供する。【解決手段】発熱素子171が実装される回路基板40と、回路基板上に設けられ、発熱素子を覆う金属製のシールド部材173と、シールド部材と発熱素子との間に設けられ、弾性変形した状態で保持される第1熱伝導性シート172と、ヒートシンク60と、シールド部材とヒートシンクとの間に設けられ、弾性変形した状態で保持される第2熱伝導性シート66とを含み、第1熱伝導性シート、第2熱伝導性シート、及びヒートシンクは、回路基板に垂直な方向に視て、発熱素子に重なる範囲内に延在する、車両用表示装置。【選択図】図10
Bibliography:Application Number: JP20180187124