High Occurrence of Aberrant Lymph Node Spread on Magnetic Resonance Lymphography in Prostate Cancer Patients With a Biochemical Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy
Meijer, Hanneke J.M., M.D, van Lin, Emile N., M.D. Ph.D, Debats, Oscar A., M.D, Witjes, J. Alfred, M.D., Ph.D, Span, Paul N., Ph.D, Kaanders, Johannes H.A.M., M.D., Ph.D, Barentsz, Jelle O., M.D., Ph.D
Published in International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (15.03.2012)
Published in International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (15.03.2012)
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Journal Article
Neoadjuvant androgen deprivation for prostate volume reduction: The optimal duration in prostate cancer radiotherapy
Langenhuijsen, Johan F., M.D, van Lin, Emile N., M.D., Ph.D, Hoffmann, Aswin L., M.Sc, Spitters-Post, Ilse, B.Sc, Alfred Witjes, J., M.D., Ph.D, Kaanders, Johannes H., M.D., Ph.D, Mulders, Peter F., M.D., Ph.D
Published in Urologic oncology (2011)
Published in Urologic oncology (2011)
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Journal Article