Chemical medullosclerosis with 40-percent sodium salicylate, combined with splanchnicosympathectomy, with or without contralateral adrenalectomy, in severe essential arterial hypertension. II. Clinical, paraclinical and technical studies. Results for a period of 2 to 20 years (original concepts and therapy)
Mandache, F, Prodescu, V, Constantinescu, S, Kover, G, Giuroiu, V, Luţescu, I, Vasiliu, M, Abramescu, N, Ghergut, A, Oprescu, S, Creţulescu, G, Georgescu, G G, Cristoveanu, A, Zaharia, J, Cantaragiu, S, Stoica, A, Wagner, A, Horpos, C
Published in Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o.r.l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Chirurgie (01.11.1980)
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Published in Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o.r.l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Chirurgie (01.11.1980)
Journal Article