Design, construction, operation and performance of a Hadron Blind Detector for the PHENIX experiment
Anderson, W., Azmoun, B., Cherlin, A., Chi, C.Y., Citron, Z., Connors, M., Dubey, A., Durham, J.M., Fraenkel, Z., Hemmick, T., Kamin, J., Kozlov, A., Lewis, B., Makek, M., Milov, A., Naglis, M., Pantuev, V., Pisani, R., Proissl, M., Ravinovich, I., Rolnick, S., Sakaguchi, T., Sharma, D., Stoll, S., Sun, J., Tserruya, I., Woody, C.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.08.2011)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.08.2011)
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Journal Article
A hadron blind detector for the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
Fraenkel, Z., Kozlov, A., Naglis, M., Ravinovich, I., Shekhtman, L., Tserruya, I., Azmoun, B., Woody, C., Sawada, S., Yokkaichi, S., Milov, A., Gunji, T., Hamagaki, H., Inuzuka, M., Isobe, T., Morino, Y., Oda, S.X., Ozawa, K., Saito, S., Sakaguchi, T., Yamaguchi, Y.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.07.2005)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.07.2005)
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Journal Article
Development of a triple GEM UV-photon detector operated in pure CF4 for the PHENIX experiment
Kozlov, A., Ravinovich, I., Shekhtman, L., Fraenkel, Z., Inuzuka, M., Tserruya, I.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.05.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.05.2004)
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Journal Article
Elliptic flow of charged pions, protons and strange particles emitted in Pb+Au collisions at top SPS energy
Adamová, D., Agakichiev, G., Andronic, A., Antończyk, D., Appelshäuser, H., Belaga, V., Bielčíková, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Busch, O., Cherlin, A., Damjanović, S., Dietel, T., Dietrich, L., Drees, A., Dubitzky, W., Esumi, S.I., Filimonov, K., Fomenko, K., Fraenkel, Z., Garabatos, C., Glässel, P., Hering, G., Holeczek, J., Kalisky, M., Krobath, G., Kushpil, V., Maas, A., Marín, A., Milošević, J., Miśkowiec, D., Panebrattsev, Y., Petchenova, O., Petráček, V., Radomski, S., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Rehak, P., Sako, H., Schmitz, W., Schuchmann, S., Sedykh, S., Shimansky, S., Stachel, J., Šumbera, M., Tilsner, H., Tserruya, I., Tsiledakis, G., Wessels, J.P., Wienold, T., Wurm, J.P., Yurevich, S., Yurevich, V.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.11.2012)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.11.2012)
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Journal Article
Enhanced production of low-mass electron pairs in 200 GeV/nucleon S-Au collisions at the CERN super proton synchrotron
Agakichiev, G, Baur, R, Breskin, A, Chechik, R, Drees, A, Jacob, C, Faschingbauer, U, Fischer, P, Fraenkel, Z, Fuchs, C, Gatti, E, Glässel, P, Günzel, T, de los Heros CP, Hess, F, Irmscher, D, Lenkeit, B, Olsen, LH, Panebrattsev, Y, Pfeiffer, A, Ravinovich, I, I, Rehak, P, Schön, A, Schukraft, J, Sampietro, M, Shimansky, S, Shor, A, Specht, HJ, Steiner, V, V, Tapprogge, S, Tel-Zur, G, Tserruya, I, I, Ullrich, T, Wurm, JP, Yurevich, V, V
Published in Physical review letters (14.08.1995)
Published in Physical review letters (14.08.1995)
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Journal Article
Universal pion freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions
Adamová, D, Agakichiev, G, Appelshäuser, H, Belaga, V, Braun-Munzinger, P, Castillo, A, Cherlin, A, Damjanović, S, Dietel, T, Dietrich, L, Drees, A, Esumi, S I, Filimonov, K, Fomenko, K, Fraenkel, Z, Garabatos, C, Glässel, P, Hering, G, Holeczek, J, Kushpil, V, Lenkeit, B, Ludolphs, W, Maas, A, Marín, A, Milosević, J, Milov, A, Miśkowiec, D, Panebrattsev, Yu, Petchenova, O, Petrácek, V, Pfeiffer, A, Rak, J, Ravinovich, I, Rehak, P, Sako, H, Schmitz, W, Schukraft, J, Sedykh, S, Shimansky, S, Slívová, J, Specht, H J, Stachel, J, Sumbera, M, Tilsner, H, Tserruya, I, Wessels, J P, Wienold, T, Windelband, B, Wurm, J P, Xie, W, Yurevich, S, Yurevich, V
Published in Physical review letters (17.01.2003)
Published in Physical review letters (17.01.2003)
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Journal Article
Low-mass e +e − pair production in 158 A GeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS, its dependence on multiplicity and transverse momentum
Agakichiev, G., Baur, R., Braun-Munzinger, P., Ceretto, F., Drees, A., Esumi, S., Faschingbauer, U., Fraenkel, Z., Fuchs, Ch, Gatti, E., Glässel, P., de los Heros, C.P., Holl, P., Jung, Ch, Lenkeit, B., Messer, M., Panebrattsev, Y., Pfeiffer, A., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Razin, S., Rehak, P., Richter, M., Sampietro, M., Saveljic, N., Schukraft, J., Shimansky, S., Seipp, W., Socol, E., Specht, H.J., Stachel, J., Tel-Zur, G., Tserruya, I., Ullrich, T., Voigt, C., Weber, C., Wessels, J.P., Wienold, T., Wurm, J.P., Yurevich, V.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.03.1998)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.03.1998)
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Journal Article
Construction and expected performance of the hadron blind detector for the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
Milov, A, Anderson, W, Azmoun, B, Chi, C-Y, Drees, A, Dubey, A, Durham, M, Fraenkel, Z, Harder, J, Hemmick, T, Hutter, R, Jacak, B, Kamin, J, Kozlov, A, Naglis, M, O'Connor, P, Pisani, R, Radeka, V, Ravinovich, I, Sakaguchi, T, Sharma, D, Sickles, A, Stoll, S, Tserruya, I, Yu, B, Woody, C
Published in Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics (01.08.2007)
Published in Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics (01.08.2007)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
The CERES/NA45 radial drift Time Projection Chamber
Adamová, D., Agakichiev, G., Antończyk, D., Appelshäuser, H., Belaga, V., Bielčíková, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Campagnolo, R., Cherlin, A., Damjanović, S., Dietel, T., Dietrich, L., Drees, A., Dubitzky, W., Esumi, S.I., Filimonov, K., Fraenkel, Z., Garabatos, C., Glässel, P., Hering, G., Holeczek, J., Kushpil, V., Marín, A., Milošević, J., Milov, A., Miśkowiec, D., Musa, L., Panebrattsev, Y., Pechenova, O., Petráček, V., Pfeiffer, A., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Richter, M., Sako, H., Schäfer, E., Schmitz, W., Schukraft, J., Seipp, W., Sharma, A., Shimansky, S., Stachel, J., Šumbera, M., Tilsner, H., Tserruya, I., Wessels, J.P., Wienold, T., Windelband, B., Wurm, J.P., Xie, W., Yurevich, S., Yurevich, V.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.2008)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.2008)
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Journal Article
Recent results from Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon obtained with the CERES spectrometer
Lenkeit, B., Agakichiev, G., Appelshäuser, H., Baur, R., Braun-Munzinger, P., Ceretto, F., Cherlin, A., Drees, A., Esumi, S., Faschingbauer, U., Fraenkel, Z., Glässel, P., Hering, G., Holl, P., Jung, Ch, Marin, A., Messer, M., Miskowiec, D., Panebrattsev, Y., Pfeiffer, A., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Razin, S., Rehak, P., Richter, M., Saveljic, N., Schmitz, W., Schukraft, J., Seipp, W., Shimanskiy, S., Slivova, J., Socol, E., Specht, H.J., Stachel, J., Tserruya, I., Ullrich, Th, Voigt, C., Voloshin, S., Weber, C., Wessels, J.P., Wienold, T., Wurm, J.P., Yurevich, V.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (1999)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (1999)
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Journal Article
A Hadron Blind Detector for PHENIX
Aidala, C., Azmoun, B., Fraenkel, Z., Hemmick, T., Khachaturov, B., Kozlov, A., Milov, A., Ravinovich, I., Tserruya, I., Stoll, S., Woody, C., Zhou, S.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.04.2003)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.04.2003)
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Journal Article
The $$v^{1/3}_{3}/v^{1/2}_{2}$$ ratio in PbAu collisions at $$\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} = $$ 17.3 GeV: a hint of a hydrodynamic behavior
Adamová, D., Agakishiev, G., Andronic, A., Antończyk, D., Appelshäuser, H., Belaga, V., Bielčíková, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Busch, O., Cherlin, A., Damjanović, S., Dietel, T., Dietrich, L., Drees, A., Dubitzky, W., Esumi, S. I., Filimonov, K., Fomenko, K., Fraenkel, Z., Garabatos, C., Glässel, P., Hering, G., Holeczek, J., Kalisky, M., Krobath, G., Kushpil, V., Maas, A., Marín, A., Milošević, J., Miśkowiec, D., Panebrattsev, Y., Paulínyová, Z., Petchenova, O., Petráček, V., Radomski, S., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Rehak, P., Sako, H., Schmitz, W., Schuchmann, S., Sedykh, S., Shimansky, S., Stachel, J., Šumbera, M., Tilsner, H., Tserruya, I., Tsiledakis, G., Wessels, J. P., Wienold, T., Wurm, J. P., Yurevich, S., Yurevich, V.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (21.10.2024)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (21.10.2024)
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Journal Article
Construction and performance of the PHENIX pad chambers
Adcox, K., Ajitanand, J., Alexander, J., Barrette, J., Belkin, R., Borland, D., Bryan, W.L., du Rietz, R., El Chenawi, K., Cherlin, A., Fellenstein, J., Filimonov, K., Fraenkel, Z., Gan, D., Garpman, S., Gil, Y., Greene, S.V., Gustafsson, H.-Å., Holzmann, W., Issah, M., Jagadish, U., Lacey, R., Lauret, J., Liccardi, W., Mark, S.K., Milan, J., Miller, T.E., Milov, A., Mitchell, J.T., Nilsson, P., Nikkinen, L., Nystrand, J., O'Brien, E., Oskarsson, A., Österman, L., Otterlund, I., Qi, Y., Pasmantirer, B., Pinkenburg, C., Ravinovich, I., Rosati, M., Rose, A., Silvermyr, D., Sivertz, M., Smith, M.C., Starinsky, N., Stenlund, E., Teodorescu, O., Tserruya, I., Tydesjö, H., Xie, W., Young, G.R., Yurevich, V.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.2003)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.2003)
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Journal Article
The v31/3/v21/2 ratio in PbAu collisions at sNN= 17.3 GeV: a hint of a hydrodynamic behavior
Adamová, D., Agakishiev, G., Andronic, A., Antończyk, D., Appelshäuser, H., Belaga, V., Bielčíková, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Busch, O., Cherlin, A., Damjanović, S., Dietel, T., Dietrich, L., Drees, A., Dubitzky, W., Esumi, S. I., Filimonov, K., Fomenko, K., Fraenkel, Z., Garabatos, C., Glässel, P., Hering, G., Holeczek, J., Kalisky, M., Krobath, G., Kushpil, V., Maas, A., Marín, A., Milošević, J., Miśkowiec, D., Panebrattsev, Y., Paulínyová, Z., Petchenova, O., Petráček, V., Radomski, S., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Rehak, P., Sako, H., Schmitz, W., Schuchmann, S., Sedykh, S., Shimansky, S., Stachel, J., Šumbera, M., Tilsner, H., Tserruya, I., Tsiledakis, G., Wessels, J. P., Wienold, T., Wurm, J. P., Yurevich, S., Yurevich, V.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (21.10.2024)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (21.10.2024)
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Journal Article
Event-by-event fluctuations of the mean transverse momentum in 40, 80, and 158 [formula omitted] PbAu collisions
Adamová, D., Agakichiev, G., Appelshäuser, H., Belaga, V., Braun-Munzinger, P., Campagnolo, R., Castillo, A., Cherlin, A., Damjanović, S., Dietel, T., Dietrich, L., Drees, A., Esumi, S., Filimonov, K., Fomenko, K., Fraenkel, Z., Garabatos, C., Glässel, P., Hering, G., Holeczek, J., Kushpil, V., Lenkeit, B., Ludolphs, W., Maas, A., Marı́n, A., Milošević, J., Milov, A., Miśkowiec, D., Musa, L., Panebrattsev, Yu, Petchenova, O., Petráček, V., Pfeiffer, A., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Rehak, P., Richter, M., Sako, H., Schmitz, W., Schukraft, J., Sedykh, S., Seipp, W., Sharma, A., Shimansky, S., Slı́vová, J., Specht, H.J., Stachel, J., Šumbera, M., Tilsner, H., Tserruya, I., Wessels, J.P., Wienold, T., Windelband, B., Wurm, J.P., Xie, W., Yurevich, S., Yurevich, V.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.11.2003)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.11.2003)
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Journal Article
Photoproduction of J/psi and of high mass e+e- in ultra-peripheral Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV
Afanasiev, S., Aidala, C., Ajitanand, N.N., Akiba, Y., Alexander, J., Al-Jamel, A., Aoki, K., Aphecetche, Laurent, Armendariz, R., Aronson, S.H., Averbeck, R., Awes, T.C., Azmoun, B., Babintsev, V., Baldisseri, A., Barish, K.N., Barnes, P.D., Bassalleck, B., Bathe, S., Batsouli, S., Baublis, V., Bauer, F., Bazilevsky, A., Belikov, S., Bennett, R., Berdnikov, Y., Bjorndal, M.T., Boissevain, J.G., Borel, H., Boyle, K., Brooks, M.L., Brown, D.S., Bucher, D., Buesching, H., Bumazhnov, V., Bunce, G., Burward-Hoy, J.M., Butsyk, S., Campbell, S., Chai, J.-S., Chernichenko, S., Chiba, J., Chi, C.Y., Chiu, M., Choi, I.J., Chujo, T., Cianciolo, V., Cleven, C.R., Cobigo, Y., Cole, B.A., Comets, M.P., Conesa del Valle, Z., Constantin, P., Csanad, M., Csorgo, T., Dahms, T., Das, K., David, G., Delagrange, H., Denisov, A., d'Enterria, D., Deshpande, A., Desmond, E.J., Dietzsch, O., Dion, A., Drachenberg, J.L., Drapier, O., Drees, A., Dubey, A.K., Durum, A., Dzhordzhadze, V., Efremenko, Y.V., Egdemir, J., Enokizono, A., En'Yo, H., Espagnon, B., Esumi, S., Fields, D.E., Fleuret, F., Fokin, S.L., Forestier, B., Fraenkel, Z., J.E. Frantz, 2, Franz, A., Frawley, A.D., Fukao, Y., Fung, S.-Y., Gadrat, S., Gastineau, F., Germain, Marie, Glenn, A., Gonin, M., Gosset, J., Goto, Y., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Grau, N., Greene, S.V., Grosse Perdekamp, M., Gunji, T., Gustafsson, H.-A.
Published in Physics letters. B (31.08.2009)
Published in Physics letters. B (31.08.2009)
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Journal Article
The CERES RICH detector system
Baur, R., Breskin, A., Chechik, R., Drees, A., Faschingbauer, U., Fischer, P., Fraenkel, Z., Gläss, J., Glässel, P., de los Heros, C.P., Irmscher, D., Männer, R., Pfeiffer, A., Schön, A., Schukraft, J., Schwick, Ch, Shor, A., Specht, H.J., Steiner, V., Tapprogge, S., Tel-Zur, G., Tserruya, I., Ullrich, Th, Wurm, J.P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.04.1994)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.04.1994)
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The $$v^{1/3}_{3}/v^{1/2}_{2}$$ v 3 1 / 3 / v 2 1 / 2 ratio in PbAu collisions at $$\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} = $$ s NN = 17.3 GeV: a hint of a hydrodynamic behavior
D. Adamová, G. Agakishiev, A. Andronic, D. Antończyk, H. Appelshäuser, V. Belaga, J. Bielčíková, P. Braun-Munzinger, O. Busch, A. Cherlin, S. Damjanović, T. Dietel, L. Dietrich, A. Drees, W. Dubitzky, S. I. Esumi, K. Filimonov, K. Fomenko, Z. Fraenkel, C. Garabatos, P. Glässel, G. Hering, J. Holeczek, M. Kalisky, G. Krobath, V. Kushpil, A. Maas, A. Marín, J. Milošević, D. Miśkowiec, Y. Panebrattsev, Z. Paulínyová, O. Petchenova, V. Petráček, S. Radomski, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, P. Rehak, H. Sako, W. Schmitz, S. Schuchmann, S. Sedykh, S. Shimansky, J. Stachel, M. Šumbera, H. Tilsner, I. Tserruya, G. Tsiledakis, J. P. Wessels, T. Wienold, J. P. Wurm, S. Yurevich, V. Yurevich, CERES/NA45 Collaboration
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.10.2024)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.10.2024)
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Journal Article
Modification of the ρ meson detected by low-mass electron–positron pairs in central Pb Au collisions at 158 A GeV / c
Adamová, D., Agakichiev, G., Antończyk, D., Appelshäuser, H., Belaga, V., Bielcikova, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Busch, O., Cherlin, A., Damjanović, S., Dietel, T., Dietrich, L., Drees, A., Dubitzky, W., Esumi, S.I., Filimonov, K., Fomenko, K., Fraenkel, Z., Garabatos, C., Glässel, P., Holeczek, J., Kushpil, V., Maas, A., Marín, A., Milošević, J., Milov, A., Miśkowiec, D., Panebrattsev, Yu, Petchenova, O., Petráček, V., Pfeiffer, A., Rak, J., Ravinovich, I., Rehak, P., Sako, H., Schmitz, W., Sedykh, S., Shimansky, S., Stachel, J., Šumbera, M., Tilsner, H., Tserruya, I., Wessels, J.P., Wienold, T., Wurm, J.P., Xie, W., Yurevich, S., Yurevich, V.
Published in Physics letters. B (11.09.2008)
Published in Physics letters. B (11.09.2008)
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Journal Article
Development of a triple GEM UV-photon detector operated in pure CF 4 for the PHENIX experiment
Kozlov, A., Ravinovich, I., Shekhtman, L., Fraenkel, Z., Inuzuka, M., Tserruya, I.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.05.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.05.2004)
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