Atmospheric plasma spraying of functionally graded steel/tungsten layers for the first wall of future fusion reactors
Heuer, S., Matějíček, J., Vilémová, M., Koller, M., Illkova, K., Veverka, J., Weber, Th, Pintsuk, G., Coenen, J.W., Linsmeier, Ch
Published in Surface & coatings technology (25.05.2019)
Published in Surface & coatings technology (25.05.2019)
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Journal Article
Cassini Observes the Active South Pole of Enceladus
Porco, C. C, Helfenstein, P, Thomas, P. C, Ingersoll, A. P, Wisdom, J, West, R, Neukum, G, Denk, T, Wagner, R, Roatsch, T, Kieffer, S, Turtle, E, McEwen, A, Johnson, T. V, Rathbun, J, Veverka, J, Wilson, D, Perry, J, Spitale, J, Brahic, A, Burns, J. A, DelGenio, A. D, Dones, L, Murray, C. D, Squyres, S
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (10.03.2006)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (10.03.2006)
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Journal Article
The nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Shape and geology from two flybys
Thomas, P., A’Hearn, M., Belton, M.J.S., Brownlee, D., Carcich, B., Hermalyn, B., Klaasen, K., Sackett, S., Schultz, P.H., Veverka, J., Bhaskaran, S., Bodewits, D., Chesley, S., Clark, B., Farnham, T., Groussin, O., Harris, A., Kissel, J., Li, J.-Y., Meech, K., Melosh, J., Quick, A., Richardson, J., Sunshine, J., Wellnitz, D.
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.02.2013)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.02.2013)
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Journal Article
The inner small satellites of Saturn: A variety of worlds
Thomas, P.C., Burns, J.A., Hedman, M., Helfenstein, P., Morrison, S., Tiscareno, M.S., Veverka, J.
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.09.2013)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.09.2013)
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Journal Article
The shape, topography, and geology of Tempel 1 from Deep Impact observations
Thomas, Peter C., Veverka, J., Belton, Michael J.S., Hidy, Alan, A'Hearn, Michael F., Farnham, T.L., Groussin, Olivier, Li, Jian-Yang, McFadden, Lucy A., Sunshine, Jessica, Wellnitz, Dennis, Lisse, Carey, Schultz, Peter, Meech, Karen J., Delamere, W. Alan
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.03.2007)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.03.2007)
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Journal Article
Return to Comet Tempel 1: Overview of Stardust-NExT results
Veverka, J., Klaasen, K., A’Hearn, M., Belton, M., Brownlee, D., Chesley, S., Clark, B., Economou, T., Farquhar, R., Green, S.F., Groussin, O., Harris, A., Kissel, J., Li, J.-Y., Meech, K., Melosh, J., Richardson, J., Schultz, P., Silen, J., Sunshine, J., Thomas, P., Bhaskaran, S., Bodewits, D., Carcich, B., Cheuvront, A., Farnham, T., Sackett, S., Wellnitz, D., Wolf, A.
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.02.2013)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.02.2013)
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Journal Article
Shapes of the saturnian icy satellites and their significance
Thomas, P.C., Burns, J.A., Helfenstein, P., Squyres, S., Veverka, J., Porco, C., Turtle, E.P., McEwen, A., Denk, T., Giese, B., Roatsch, T., Johnson, T.V., Jacobson, R.A.
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.10.2007)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.10.2007)
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Journal Article
The internal structure of Jupiter family cometary nuclei from Deep Impact observations: The “talps” or “layered pile” model
Belton, Michael J.S., Thomas, Peter, Veverka, J., Schultz, Peter, A'Hearn, Michael F., Feaga, Lori, Farnham, Tony, Groussin, Olivier, Li, Jian-Yang, Lisse, Casey, McFadden, Lucy, Sunshine, Jessica, Meech, Karen J., Delamere, W. Alan, Kissel, Jochen
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.03.2007)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.03.2007)
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Journal Article
The nature of ponded deposits on Eros
Robinson, M. S, Thomas, P. C, Veverka, J, Murchie, S, Carcich, B
Published in Nature (London) (27.09.2001)
Published in Nature (London) (27.09.2001)
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Journal Article
Hyperion's sponge-like appearance
Somenzi, L, Thomas, P. C, McEwen, A, Porco, C, Burns, J. A, Johnson, T. V, Turtle, E. P, Tortora, P, Giese, B, Helfenstein, P, Denk, T, Asmar, S. W, Nicolaisen, L, Armstrong, J. W, Richardson, J, Iess, L, Veverka, J, Rappaport, N
Published in Nature (05.07.2007)
Published in Nature (05.07.2007)
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Journal Article
NEAR Infrared Spectrometer Photometry of Asteroid 433 Eros
Clark, Beth E., Helfenstein, P., Bell, J.F., Peterson, C., Veverka, J., Izenberg, N.I., Domingue, D., Wellnitz, D., McFadden, Lucy
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.01.2002)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.01.2002)
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Journal Article
Cassini Imaging Science: Initial Results on Saturn's Atmosphere
Porco, C. C, Baker, E, Barbara, J, Beurle, K, Brahic, A, Burns, J. A, Charnoz, S, Cooper, N, Dawson, D. D, Del Genio, A. D, Denk, T, Dones, L, Dyudina, U, Evans, M. W, Giese, B, Grazier, K, Helfenstein, P, Ingersoll, A. P, Jacobson, R. A, Johnson, T. V, McEwen, A, Murray, C. D, Neukum, G, Owen, W. M, Perry, J, Roatsch, T, Spitale, J, Squyres, S, Thomas, P, Tiscareno, M, Turtle, E, Vasavada, A. R, Veverka, J, Wagner, R, West, R
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (25.02.2005)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (25.02.2005)
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Journal Article
NEAR's Flyby of 253 Mathilde: Images of a C Asteroid
Veverka, J., Thomas, P., Harch, A., Clark, B., Bell, J. F., Carcich, B., Joseph, J., Chapman, C., Merline, W., Robinson, M., Malin, M., McFadden, L. A., Murchie, S., Hawkins, S. E., Farquhar, R., Izenberg, N., Cheng, A.
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (19.12.1997)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (19.12.1997)
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Journal Article
NEAR at Eros: Imaging and Spectral Results
Veverka, J., Robinson, M., Thomas, P., Murchie, S., Bell, J. F., Izenberg, N., Chapman, C., Harch, A., Bell, M., Carcich, B., Cheng, A., Clark, B., Domingue, D., Dunham, D., Farquhar, R., Gaffey, M. J., Hawkins, E., Joseph, J., Kirk, R., Li, H., Lucey, P., Malin, M., Martin, P., McFadden, L., Merline, W. J., Miller, J. K., Owen, W. M., Peterson, C., Prockter, L., Warren, J., Wellnitz, D., Williams, B. G., Yeomans, D. K.
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (22.09.2000)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (22.09.2000)
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Journal Article
Radio Science Results during the NEAR-Shoemaker Spacecraft Rendezvous with Eros
Yeomans, D. K., Antreasian, P. G., J.-P. Barriot, Chesley, S. R., Dunham, D. W., Farquhar, R. W., Giorgini, J. D., Helfrich, C. E., Konopliv, A. S., McAdams, J. V., Miller, J. K., Owen, W. M., Scheeres, D. J., Thomas, P. C., Veverka, J., Williams, B. G.
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (22.09.2000)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (22.09.2000)
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Journal Article
Early Views of the Martian Surface from the Mars Orbiter Camera of Mars Global Surveyor
Malin, M. C., Carr, M. H., Danielson, G. E., Davies, M. E., Hartmann, W. K., Ingersoll, A. P., James, P. B., Masursky, H., McEwen, A. S., Soderblom, L. A., Thomas, P., Veverka, J., Caplinger, M. A., Ravine, M. A., Soulanille, T. A., Warren, J. L.
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (13.03.1998)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (13.03.1998)
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Journal Article
File-based data flow in the CMS Filter Farm
Andre, J-M, Andronidis, A, Bawej, T, Behrens, U, Branson, J, Chaze, O, Cittolin, S, Darlea, G-L, Deldicque, C, Dobson, M, Dupont, A, Erhan, S, Gigi, D, Glege, F, Gomez-Ceballos, G, Hegeman, J, Holzner, A, Jimenez-Estupiñán, R, Masetti, L, Meijers, F, Meschi, E, Mommsen, R K, Morovic, S, Nunez-Barranco-Fernandez, C, O'Dell, V, Orsini, L, Paus, C, Petrucci, A, Pieri, M, Racz, A, Roberts, P, Sakulin, H, Schwick, C, Stieger, B, Sumorok, K, Veverka, J, Zaza, S, Zejdl, P
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (23.12.2015)
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (23.12.2015)
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Journal Article
Energy balance of the Deep Impact experiment
Groussin, O., A’Hearn, M., Belton, M.J.S., Farnham, T., Feaga, L., Kissel, J., Lisse, C.M., Melosh, J., Schultz, P., Sunshine, J., Veverka, J.
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.02.2010)
Published in Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962) (01.02.2010)
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Journal Article