Enteroaggregative E. coli Subclinical Infection and co-Infections and Impaired Child Growth in the MAL-ED Cohort Study
Lima, Aldo A.M, Soares, Alberto M, Filho, José Q.S, Havt, Alexandre, Lima, Ila F.N, Lima, Noélia L, Abreu, Cláudia B, Junior, Francisco S, Mota, Rosa M.S, Pan, William K.-.Y, Troeger, Christopher, Medeiros, Pedro H.Q.S, Vera, Herlice N, Prata, Mara M.G, McCormick, Ben, McGrath, Monica, Rogawski, Elizabeth, Houpt, Eric, Platts-Mills, James, Gratz, Jean, Samie, Amidou, Bessong, Pascal, Babji, Sudhir, Kang, Gangadeep, Shahida, Qureshi, Shakoor, Sadia, Bhutta, Zulfiqar, Haque, Rashidul, Ahmed, Tahmeed, Mduma, Estomih, Svensen, Erling, Kosek, Margaret, Penataro_Yori, Pablo, Bodhidatta, Ladaporn, Jasmin, Shrestha, Mason, Carl, Lang, Dennis, Gottlieb, Michael, Guerrant, Richard L
Published in Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition (12.09.2017)
Published in Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition (12.09.2017)
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