Showing 1 - 20 results of 162 for search '"Schmitz, D. W."', query time: 2.40s Refine Results  

The Pandora multi-algorithm approach to automated pattern recognition of cosmic-ray muon and neutrino events in the MicroBooNE detector

by Acciarri, R., Adams, C., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Auger, M., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Barr, G., Bay, F., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Caratelli, D., Castillo Fernandez, R., Church, E., Cianci, D., Cohen, E., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Del Tutto, M., Devitt, A., Eberly, B., Ereditato, A., Escudero Sanchez, L., Esquivel, J., Fadeeva, A. A., Fleming, B. T., Foreman, W., Gollapinni, S., Graf, N., Greenlee, H., Grosso, R., Guenette, R., Hackenburg, A., Hamilton, P., Hen, O., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Hourlier, A., Huang, E.-C., James, C., Jan de Vries, J., Johnson, R. A., Joshi, J., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kobilarcik, T., Kreslo, I., Lister, A., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Lundberg, B., Marchionni, A., Mariani, C., Marshall, J., Martinez Caicedo, D. A., Miceli, T., Moon, J., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Paolone, V., Papavassiliou, V., Pate, S. F., Pavlovic, Z., Porzio, D., Qian, X., Raaf, J. L., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Rudolf von Rohr, C., Schmitz, D. W., Seligman, W., Snider, E. L., Söldner-Rembold, S., Spentzouris, P., St. John, J., Strauss, T., Szelc, A. M., Tagg, N., Terao, K., Tufanli, S., Usher, T., Van de Water, R. G., Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Wongjirad, T., Woodruff, K., Yang, T., Yates, L., Zeller, G. P., Zennamo, J., Zhang, C.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (2018)

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Novel approach for evaluating detector-related uncertainties in a LArTPC using MicroBooNE data

by An, R., Arellano, L., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Barr, G., Basque, V., Benevides Rodrigues, O., Bhanderi, A., Bhat, A., Bishai, M., Blake, A., Book, J. Y., Camilleri, L., Caro Terrazas, I., Cerati, G., Chen, Y., Convery, M., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Detje, P., Devitt, A., Diurba, R., Dorrill, R., Dytman, S., Evans, J. J., Fleming, B. T., Furmanski, A. P., Garcia-Gamez, D., Goodwin, O., Green, P., Hagaman, L., Hen, O., Hilgenberg, C., Itay, R., Ji, X., Jo, J. H., Johnson, R. A., Jwa, Y.-J., Kalra, D., Kamp, N., Kaneshige, N., Karagiorgi, G., Kobilarcik, T., Kreslo, I., Lepetic, I., Li, K., Li, Y., Marsden, D., Marshall, J., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, McConkey, N., Meddage, V., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mills, J., Mistry, K., Mohayai, T., Moor, A. F., Mousseau, J., Murphy, M., Nebot-Guinot, M., Nowak, J., Nunes, M., Palamara, O., Paolone, V., Papavassiliou, V., Paudel, A., Pavlovic, Z., Ponce-Pinto, I. D., Prince, S., Qian, X., Raaf, J. L., Radeka, V., Rafique, A., Rodriguez Rondon, J., Schukraft, A., Seligman, W., Shaevitz, M. H., Sharankova, R., Shi, J., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Spentzouris, P., Sutton, K., Szelc, A. M., Tang, W., Thorpe, C., Tsai, Y.-T., Uchida, M. A., Usher, T., Viren, B., Wei, H., Wright, N., Yang, T., Yu, H. W., Zeller, G. P., Zennamo, J., Zhang, C.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (17.05.2022)

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Calorimetric classification of track-like signatures in liquid argon TPCs using MicroBooNE data

by Abratenko, P., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Barr, G., Basque, V., Benevides Rodrigues, O., Bhanderi, A., Bhat, A., Bishai, M., Blake, A., Camilleri, L., Cerati, G., Chen, Y., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Del Tutto, M., Dennis, S. R., Devitt, A., Diurba, R., Dorrill, R., Dytman, S., Evans, J. J., Fleming, B. T., Foppiani, N., Furmanski, A. P., Garcia-Gamez, D., Goodwin, O., Green, P., Hagaman, L., Hen, O., Hourlier, A., Ji, X., Jiang, L., Jwa, Y.-J., Kamp, N., Kaneshige, N., Karagiorgi, G., Kobilarcik, T., Kreslo, I., LaZur, R., Li, K., Li, Y., Littlejohn, B. R., Louis, W. C., Luo, X., Mariani, C., Martinez Caicedo, D. A., Mason, K., Mastbaum, A., Meddage, V., Mettler, T., Mills, J., Mogan, A., Mohayai, T., Moon, J., Mora Lepin, L., Murphy, M., Neely, R. K., Nunes, M., Palamara, O., Paolone, V., Papadopoulou, A., Papavassiliou, V., Pavlovic, Z., Ponce-Pinto, I. D., Raaf, J. L., Radeka, V., Rafique, A., Reggiani-Guzzo, M., Ren, L., Rice, L. C. J., Rochester, L., Rogers, H. E., Ross-Lonergan, M., Schukraft, A., Seligman, W., Sharankova, R., Soderberg, M., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., Sutton, K., Sword-Fehlberg, S., Tagg, N., Tang, W., Toups, M., Uchida, M. A., Van De Pontseele, W., Weber, M., Wongjirad, T., Wu, W., Yandel, E., Yang, T., Yarbrough, G., Yates, L. E., Zeller, G. P., Zennamo, J.
Published in The journal of high energy physics (21.12.2021)

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Rejecting cosmic background for exclusive charged current quasi elastic neutrino interaction studies with Liquid Argon TPCs; a case study with the MicroBooNE detector

by Alrashed, M., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bass, M., Bay, F., Bhattacharya, K., Bishai, M., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Terrazas, I. Caro, Carr, R., Fernandez, R. Castillo, Cerati, G., Chen, Y., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Devitt, A., Diaz, A., Dytman, S., Sanchez, L. Escudero, Esquivel, J., Evans, J. J, Fadeeva, A. A., Fitzpatrick, R. S., Fleming, B. T., Franco, D., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Gollapinni, S., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Greenlee, H., Hackenburg, A., Hamilton, P., Hourlier, A., Huang, E.-C., Jiang, L., Joshi, J., Jostlein, H., Jwa, Y.-J., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kobilarcik, T., Li, Y., Lockwitz, S., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marcocci, S., Mariani, C., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Meddage, V., Mogan, A., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Nowak, J., Pandey, V., Papadopoulou, A., Papavassiliou, V., Pate, S. F., Pavlovic, Z., Ross-Lonergan, M., von Rohr, C. Rudolf, Russell, B., Scanavini, G., Schmitz, D. W., Schukraft, A., Seligman, W., Shaevitz, M. H., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Söldner-Rembold, S., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Strauss, T., Sword-Fehlberg, S., Szelc, A. M., Tagg, N., Tang, W., Thomson, M., Tufanli, S., Viren, B., Wei, H., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wierman, K., Williams, Z., Zeller, G. P., Zhang, C.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.08.2019)

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