Evaluation of commercial nickel–phosphorus coating for ultracold neutron guides using a pinhole bottling method
Pattie, R.W., Adamek, E.R., Brenner, T., Brandt, A., Broussard, L.J., Callahan, N.B., Clayton, S.M., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S.A., Geltenbort, P., Ito, T.M., Lauer, T., Liu, C.Y., Majewski, J., Makela, M., Masuda, Y., Morris, C.L., Ramsey, J.C., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Schroffenegger, J., Tang, Z., Wei, W., Wang, Z., Watkins, E., Young, A.R., Zeck, B.A.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.11.2017)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.11.2017)
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Journal Article
Measurement of the neutron lifetime using a magneto-gravitational trap and in situ detection
Pattie, Jr, R W, Callahan, N B, Cude-Woods, C, Adamek, E R, Broussard, L J, Clayton, S M, Currie, S A, Dees, E B, Ding, X, Engel, E M, Fellers, D E, Fox, W, Geltenbort, P, Hickerson, K P, Hoffbauer, M A, Holley, A T, Komives, A, Liu, C-Y, MacDonald, S W T, Makela, M, Morris, C L, Ortiz, J D, Ramsey, J, Salvat, D J, Saunders, A, Seestrom, S J, Sharapov, E I, Sjue, S K, Tang, Z, Vanderwerp, J, Vogelaar, B, Walstrom, P L, Wang, Z, Wei, W, Weaver, H L, Wexler, J W, Womack, T L, Young, A R, Zeck, B A
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (11.05.2018)
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (11.05.2018)
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Journal Article
Demonstration of sub-micron UCN position resolution using room-temperature CMOS sensor
Lin, S., Baldwin, J.K., Blatnik, M., Clayton, S.M., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S.A., Filippone, B., Fries, E.M., Geltenbort, P., Holley, A.T., Li, W., Liu, C.-Y., Makela, M., Morris, C.L., Musedinovic, R., O’Shaughnessy, C., Pattie, R.W., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Sharapov, E.I., Singh, M., Sun, X., Tang, Z., Uhrich, W., Wei, W., Wolfe, B., Young, A.R., Wang, Z.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2023)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2023)
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Journal Article
Projection imaging with ultracold neutrons
Kuk, K., Cude-Woods, C., Chavez, C.R., Choi, J.H., Estrada, J., Hoffbauer, M., Holland, S.E., Makela, M., Morris, C.L., Ramberg, E., Adamek, E.R., Bailey, T., Blatnik, M., Broussard, L.J., Brown, M.A.-P., Callahan, N.B., Clayton, S.M., Currie, S., Filippone, B.W., Fries, E.M., Geltenbort, P., Gonzalez, F., Hassan, M.T., Hayen, L., Hickerson, K.P., Holley, A.T., Ito, T.M., Liu, C.-Y., Merkel, P., Musedinovic, R., O’Shaughnessy, C., Pattie, R.W., Plaster, B., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Sharapov, E.I., Sun, X., Tang, Z., Wei, W., Wexler, J.W., Young, A.R., Wang, Zhehui
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.07.2021)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.07.2021)
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Journal Article
A multilayer surface detector for ultracold neutrons
Wang, Zhehui, Hoffbauer, M.A., Morris, C.L., Callahan, N.B., Adamek, E.R., Bacon, J.D., Blatnik, M., Brandt, A.E., Broussard, L.J., Clayton, S.M., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S., Dees, E.B., Ding, X., Gao, J., Gray, F.E., Hickerson, K.P., Holley, A.T., Ito, T.M., Liu, C.-Y., Makela, M., Ramsey, J.C., Pattie, R.W., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Schmidt, D.W., Schulze, R.K., Seestrom, S.J., Sharapov, E.I., Sprow, A., Tang, Z., Wei, W., Wexler, J., Womack, T.L., Young, A.R., Zeck, B.A.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.10.2015)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.10.2015)
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Journal Article
Detection system for neutron β decay correlations in the UCNB and Nab experiments
Broussard, L.J., Zeck, B.A., Adamek, E.R., Baeßler, S., Birge, N., Blatnik, M., Bowman, J.D., Brandt, A.E., Brown, M., Burkhart, J., Callahan, N.B., Clayton, S.M., Crawford, C., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S., Dees, E.B., Ding, X., Fomin, N., Frlez, E., Fry, J., Gray, F.E., Hasan, S., Hickerson, K.P., Hoagland, J., Holley, A.T., Ito, T.M., Klein, A., Li, H., Liu, C.-Y., Makela, M.F., McGaughey, P.L., Mirabal-Martinez, J., Morris, C.L., Ortiz, J.D., Pattie, R.W., Penttilä, S.I., Plaster, B., Počanić, D., Ramsey, J.C., Salas-Bacci, A., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Seestrom, S.J., Sjue, S.K.L., Sprow, A.P., Tang, Z., Vogelaar, R.B., Vorndick, B., Wang, Z., Wei, W., Wexler, J., Wilburn, W.S., Womack, T.L., Young, A.R.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.03.2017)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.03.2017)
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Journal Article
Measurement of spin-flip probabilities for ultracold neutrons interacting with nickel phosphorus coated surfaces
Tang, Z., Adamek, E.R., Brandt, A., Callahan, N.B., Clayton, S.M., Currie, S.A., Ito, T.M., Makela, M., Masuda, Y., Morris, C.L., Pattie, R.W., Ramsey, J.C., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Young, A.R.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.2016)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.2016)
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A D 2 O detector for flux normalization of a pion decay-at-rest neutrino source
Akimov, D., An, P., Awe, C., Barbeau, P.S., Becker, B., Belov, V., Bernardi, I., Blackston, M.A., Bolozdynya, A., Cabrera-Palmer, B., Chernyak, D., Conley, E., Daughhetee, J., Day, E., Detwiler, J., Ding, K., Durand, M.R., Efremenko, Y., Elliott, S.R., Fabris, L., Febbraro, M., Gallo Rosso, A., Galindo-Uribarri, A., Green, M.P., Heath, M.R., Hedges, S., Hoang, D., Hughes, M., Johnson, T., Khromov, A., Konovalov, A., Koros, J., Kozlova, E., Kumpan, A., Li, L., Link, J.M., Liu, J., Mann, K., Markoff, D.M., Mastroberti, J., Mueller, P.E., Newby, J., Parno, D.S., Penttila, S.I., Pershey, D., Rapp, R., Ray, H., Raybern, J., Razuvaeva, O., Reyna, D., Rich, G.C., Ross, J., Rudik, D., Runge, J., Salvat, D.J., Salyapongse, A.M., Scholberg, K., Shakirov, A., Simakov, G., Sinev, G., Snow, W.M., Sosnovstsev, V., Suh, B., Tayloe, R., Tellez-Giron-Flores, K., Tolstukhin, I., Ujah, E., Vanderwerp, J., Varner, R.L., Virtue, C.J., Visser, G., Ward, E.M., Wiseman, C., Wongjirad, T., Yen, Y.-R., Yoo, J., Yu, C.-H., Zettlemoyer, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.08.2021)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.08.2021)
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Journal Article
Development of a 83 mKr source for the calibration of the CENNS-10 liquid argon detector
Akimov, D., An, P., Awe, C., Barbeau, P.S., Becker, B., Belov, V., Bernardi, I., Blackston, M.A., Blokland, L., Bolozdynya, A., Cabrera-Palmer, B., Chen, N., Chernyak, D., Conley, E., Daughhetee, J., del Valle Coello, M., Detwiler, J.A., Durand, M.R., Efremenko, Y., Elliott, S.R., Fabris, L., Febbraro, M., Fox, W., Galindo-Uribarri, A., Gallo Rosso, A., Green, M.P., Hansen, K.S., Heath, M.R., Hedges, S., Hughes, M., Johnson, T., Khromov, A., Konovalov, A., Kozlova, E., Kumpan, A., Li, L., Librande, J.T., Link, J.M., Liu, J., Mann, K., Markoff, D.M., McGoldrick, O., Mueller, P.E., Newby, J., Parno, D.S., Penttila, S., Pershey, D., Radford, D., Rapp, R., Ray, H., Raybern, J., Razuvaeva, O., Reyna, D., Rich, G.C., Rudik, D., Runge, J., Salvat, D.J., Scholberg, K., Shakirov, A., Simakov, G., Sinev, G., Snow, W.M., Sosnovtsev, V., Suh, B., Tayloe, R., Tellez-Giron-Flores, K., Thornton, R.T., Tolstukhin, I., Vanderwerp, J., Varner, R.L., Venkataraman, R., Virtue, C.J., Visser, G., Wiseman, C., Wongjirad, T., Yang, J., Yen, Y.-R., Yoo, J., Yu, C.-H., Zettlemoyer, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.04.2021)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.04.2021)
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Journal Article
A boron-coated ionization chamber for ultra-cold neutron detection
Salvat, D.J., Morris, C.L., Wang, Z., Adamek, E.R., Bacon, J., Hickerson, K.P., Hoagland, J., Holley, A.T., Liu, C.-Y., Makela, M., Ramsey, J., Reid, A., Rios, R., Saunders, A., Sjue, S.K.L., VornDick, B., Young, A.R.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2012)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2012)
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Journal Article
Final results for the neutron β -asymmetry parameter A 0 from the UCNA experiment
Plaster, B., Adamek, E., Allgeier, B., Anaya, J., Back, H.O., Bagdasarova, Y., Berguno, D.B., Blatnik, M., Boissevain, J.G., Bowles, T.J., Broussard, L.J., Brown, M.A.-P., Carr, R., Clark, D.J., Clayton, S., Cude-Woods, C., Currie, S., Dees, E.B., Ding, X., Du, S., Filippone, B.W., García, A., Geltenbort, P., Hasan, S., Hawari, A., Hickerson, K.P., Hill, R., Hino, M., Hoagland, J., Hoedl, S.A., Hogan, G.E., Hona, B., Hong, R., Holley, A.T., Ito, T.M., Kawai, T., Kirch, K., Kitagaki, S., Knecht, A., Lamoreaux, S.K., Liu, C.-Y., Liu, J., Makela, M., Mammei, R.R., Martin, J.W., Meier, N., Melconian, D., Mendenhall, M.P., Moore, S.D., Morris, C.L., Mortensen, R., Nepal, S., Nouri, N., Pattie, R.W., Pérez Galván, A., Phillips II, D.G., Pichlmaier, A., Picker, R., Pitt, M.L., Ramsey, J.C., Rios, R., Russell, R., Sabourov, K., Sallaska, A.L., Salvat, D.J., Saunders, A., Schmid, R., Seestrom, S.J., Servicky, C., Sharapov, E.I., Sjue, S.K.L., Slutsky, S., Smith, D., Sondheim, W.E., Sun, X., Swank, C., Swift, G., Tatar, E., Teasdale, W., Terai, C., Tipton, B., Utsuro, M., Vogelaar, R.B., VornDick, B., Wang, Z., Wehring, B., Wexler, J., Womack, T., Wrede, C., Xu, Y.P., Yan, H., Young, A.R., Yuan, J., Zeck, B.A.
Published in EPJ Web of conferences (2019)
Published in EPJ Web of conferences (2019)
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Journal Article
Automated HPLC optimization--not all systems are the same
Bowman, P B, Marr, J G, Salvat, D J, Thompson, B E
Published in Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (01.11.1993)
Published in Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (01.11.1993)
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