Report from the fifth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative)
Chalmers, J.R., Thomas, K.S., Apfelbacher, C., Williams, H.C., Prinsen, C.A., Spuls, P.I., Simpson, E., Gerbens, L.A.A., Boers, M., Barbarot, S., Stalder, J.F., Abuabara, K., Aoki, V., Ardeleanu, M., Armstrong, J., Bang, B., Berents, T.L., Burton, T., Butler, L., Chubachi, T., Cresswell‐Melville, A., DeLozier, A., Eckert, L., Eichenfield, L., Flohr, C., Futamura, M., Gadkari, A., Gjerde, E.S., Halewijn, K.F., Hawkes, C., Howells, L., Howie, L., Humphreys, R., Ishii, H.A., Kataoka, Y., Katayama, I., Kouwenhoven, W., Langan, S.M., Leshem, Y.A., Merhand, S., Mina‐Osorio, P., Murota, H., Nakahara, T., Nunes, F.P., Nygaard, U., Nygårdas, M., Ohya, Y., Ono, E., Rehbinder, E., Rogers, N.K., Romeijn, G.L.E., Schuttelaar, M.L.A., Sears, A.V., Simpson, M.A., Singh, J.A., Srour, J., Stuart, B., Svensson, Å., Talmo, G., Talmo, H., Teixeira, H.D., Thyssen, J.P., Todd, G., Torchet, F., Volke, A., Kobyletzki, L., Weisshaar, E., Wollenberg, A., Zaniboni, M.
Published in British journal of dermatology (1951) (01.05.2018)
Published in British journal of dermatology (1951) (01.05.2018)
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Journal Article
Defining and measuring ‘eczema control’: an international qualitative study to explore the views of those living with and treating atopic eczema
Howells, L., Thomas, K.S., Sears, A.V., Nasr, I., Wollenberg, A., Schuttelaar, M.L.A., Romeijn, G.L.E., Paller, A.S., Mueller, K., Doytcheva, K., Kataoka, Y., Daguze, J., Barbarot, S., Kobyletzki, L.B., Beckman, L., Ratib, S., Cowdell, F., Santer, M., Chalmers, J.R.
Published in Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (01.06.2019)
Published in Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (01.06.2019)
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