Germline \textitBAP1 mutations predispose to renal cell carcinomas
Popova, T., Hebert, L., Jacquemin, V., Gad, S., Caux-Moncoutier, V., Dubois-d'Enghien, C., Richaudeau, B., Renaudin, X., Sellers, J., Nicolas, A., Sastre-Garau, X., Desjardins, L., Gyapay, G., Raynal, V., Sinilnikova, O. M., Andrieu, N., Manie, E., Pauw, A. De, Gesta, P., Bonadona, V., Maugard, C. M., Penet, C., Avril, M. F., Barillot, E., Cabaret, O., Delattre, O., Richard, S., Caron, O., Benfodda, M., Hu, H. H., Soufir, N., Bressac-de Paillerets, B., Stoppa-Lyonnet, D., Stern, M. H.
Published in American journal of human genetics (2013)
Published in American journal of human genetics (2013)
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