From a humorous post to a detailed quantum-chemical study: isocyanate synthesis revisited
Beletsan, Oleg B, Gordiy, Igor, Lunkov, Sergey S, Kalinin, Mikhail A, Alkhimova, Larisa E, Nosach, Egor A, Ilin, Egor A, Bespalov, Alexandr V, Dallakyan, Olgert L, Chamkin, Aleksandr A, Prolomov, Ilya V, Zaripov, Radion A, Pershin, Andrey A, Protsenko, Bogdan O, Rusalev, Yury V, Oganov, Ruslan A, Kovaleva, Diana K, Mironov, Vladimir A, Dotsenko, Victor V, Genaev, Alexandr M, Sharapa, Dmitry I, Tikhonov, Denis S
Published in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP (08.05.2024)
Published in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP (08.05.2024)
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Evolution of surface and bulk structure of supported palladium nanoparticles by in situ X-ray absorption and infrared spectroscopies: Effect of temperature, CO and CH4 gas
Usoltsev, Oleg A., Skorynina, Alina A., Protsenko, Bogdan O., Martin-Diaconescu, Vlad, Pellegrini, Riccardo, Soldatov, Alexander V., van Bokhoven, Jeroen, Bugaev, Aram L.
Published in Applied surface science (30.03.2023)
Published in Applied surface science (30.03.2023)
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In Situ XAS Diagnostics of Reductive Hydroformylation Reaction in Segmented Flow Under Elevated Pressure and Temperature
Eid, Mahmoud E. A., Gorbunov, Dmitry N., Shapovalov, Viktor V., Nenasheva, Maria V., Protsenko, Bogdan O., Khramov, Evgeny, Bulgakov, Aleksei N., Abrosimov, Sergey V., Chapek, Sergei V., Guda, Alexander A., Soldatov, Alexander V.
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (04.09.2024)
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (04.09.2024)
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