Magnetic nanoparticles as a new approach to improve the efficacy of gene therapy against differentiated human uterine fibroid cells and tumor-initiating stem cells
Shalaby, Shahinaz Mahmood, M.D., M.Sc, Khater, Mostafa K., Pharm.D., M.Sc, Perucho, Aymara Mas, Ph.D, Mohamed, Sara A., M.D., M.Sc, Helwa, Inas, Ph.D, Laknaur, Archana, M.Sc, Lebedyeva, Iryna, Ph.D, Liu, Yutao, Ph.D, Diamond, Michael P., M.D, Al-Hendy, Ayman A., M.D., Ph.D
Published in Fertility and sterility (01.06.2016)
Published in Fertility and sterility (01.06.2016)
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