Measurement of the luminosity in the ZEUS experiment at HERA II
Adamczyk, L., Andruszkow, J., Bold, T., Borzemski, P., Buettner, C., Caldwell, A., Chwastowski, J., Daniluk, W., Drugakov, V., Eskreys, A., Figiel, J., Galas, A., Gil, M., Helbich, M., Januschek, F., Jurkiewicz, P., Kisielewska, D., Klein, U., Kotarba, A., Lohmann, W., Ning, Y., Oliwa, K., Olkiewicz, K., Paganis, S., Pieron, J., Przybycien, M., Ren, Z., Ruchlewicz, W., Schmidke, W., Schneekloth, U., Sciulli, F., Stopa, P., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Suszycki, L., Sutiak, J., Wierba, W., Zawiejski, L.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2014)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2014)
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Journal Article
Performance of fully instrumented detector planes of the forward calorimeter of a Linear Collider detector
Abramowicz, H., Abusleme, A., Afanaciev, K., Aguilar, J., Alvarez, E., Avila, D., Benhammou, Y., Bortko, L., Borysov, O., Bergholz, M., Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I., Castro, E., Chelkov, G., Coca, C., Daniluk, W., Dumitru, L., Elsener, K., Fadeyev, V., Firlej, M., Firu, E., Fiutowski, T., Ghenescu, V., Gostkin, M., Henschel, H., Idzik, M., Ishikawa, A., Kananov, S., Kollowa, S., Kotov, S., Kotula, J., Kozhevnikov, D., Kruchonok, V., Krupa, B., Kulis, Sz, Lange, W., Lesiak, T., Levy, A., Levy, I., Lohmann, W., Lukic, S., Milke, C., Moron, J., Moszczynski, A., Neagu, A.T., Novgorodova, O., Oliwa, K., Orlandea, M., Pandurovic, M., Pawlik, B., Preda, T., Przyborowski, D., Rosenblat, O., Sailer, A., Sato, Y., Schumm, B., Schuwalow, S., Smiljanic, I., Smolyanskiy, P., Swientek, K., Teodorescu, E., Terlecki, P., Wierba, W., Wojton, T., Yamaguchi, S., Yamamoto, H., Zawiejski, L., Zgura, I.S., Zhemchugov, A.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.05.2015)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.05.2015)
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Journal Article
Conducting Polymers and Their Applications to Biosensors: Emphasizing on Foodborne Pathogen Detection
Arshak, K., Velusamy, V., Korostynska, O., Oliwa-Stasiak, K., Adley, C.
Published in IEEE sensors journal (01.12.2009)
Published in IEEE sensors journal (01.12.2009)
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Journal Article
Forward instrumentation for ILC detectors
Abramowicz, H, Abusleme, A, Afanaciev, K, Aguilar, J, Ambalathankandy, P, Bambade, P, Bergholz, M, Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I, Castro, E, Chelkov, G, Coca, C, Daniluk, W, Dragone, A, Dumitru, L, Elsener, K, Emeliantchik, I, Fiutowski, T, Gostkin, M, Grah, C, Grzelak, G, Haller, G, Henschel, H, Ignatenko, A, Idzik, M, Ito, K, Jovin, T, Kielar, E, Kotula, J, Krumstein, Z, Kulis, S, Lange, W, Lohmann, W, Levy, A, Moszczynski, A, Nauenberg, U, Novgorodova, O, Ohlerich, M, Orlandea, M, Oleinik, G, Oliwa, K, Olshevski, A, Pandurovic, M, Pawlik, B, Przyborowski, D, Sato, Y, Sadeh, I, Sailer, A, Schmidt, R, Schumm, B, Schuwalow, S, Smiljanic, I, Swientek, K, Takubo, Y, Teodorescu, E, Wierba, W, Yamamoto, H, Zawiejski, L, Zhang, J
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.12.2010)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.12.2010)
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Journal Article
Luminometer for the future International Linear Collider -Simulation and Beam Test Results
Aguilar, J.A., Pawlik, B., S.Kulis, Idzik, M., Chrzaszcz, M., Daniluk, W., Kielar, E., Kotula, J., Moszczynski, A., Oliwa, K., Wierba, W., Zawiejski, L., Afanaciev, K., Henschel, H., Ignatenko, A., Kollowa, S., Lohmann, W., Novgorodova, O., Schuwalow, S., Levy, I.
Published in Physics procedia (2012)
Published in Physics procedia (2012)
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Journal Article
Design of a real time biorecognition system to detect foodborne pathogens-DNA biosensor
Velusamy, V., Arshak, K., Korostynska, O., Oliwa, K., Adley, C.
Published in 2009 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (01.02.2009)
Published in 2009 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (01.02.2009)
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Conference Proceeding
ECFA Detector R&D Panel, Review Report
The FCAL Collaboration, Abramowicz, H, Abusleme, A, Afanaciev, K, Aguilar, J, Alvarez, E, Bambade, P, Bortko, L, Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I, Castro, E, Chelkov, G, Coca, C, Daniluk, W, Dragone, A, Dumitru, L, Elsener, K, Emeliantchik, I, Firu, E, Fischer, J, Fiutowski, T, Ghenescu, V, Gostkin, M, Grzelak, G, Haller, G, Henschel, H, Ignatenko, A, Idzik, M, Ito, K, Kananov, S, Kielar, E, Kollowa, S, Kotula, J, Krumstein, Z, Krupa, B, Kulis, S, Lange, W, Levy, A, Levy, I, Linssen, L, Lohmann, W, Lukic, S, Moron, J, Moszczynski, A, Nauenberg, U, Neagu, A, Novgorodova, O, Nuiry, F. -X, Ohlerich, M, Orlandea, M, Oleinik, G, Oliwa, K, Olshevski, A, Pandurovic, M, Pawlik, B, Preda, T, Przyborowski, D, Sato, Y, Sadeh, I, Sailer, A, Schumm, B, Schuwalow, S, Schwartz, R, Smiljanic, I, Swientek, K, Takubo, Y, Teodorescu, E, Wierba, W, Yamamoto, H, Zawiejski, L, Zgura, T. -S, Zhang, J
Year of Publication 18.11.2014
Year of Publication 18.11.2014
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Journal Article
Performance of fully instrumented detector planes of the forward calorimeter of a Linear Collider detector
The FCAL Collaboration, Abramowicz, H, Abusleme, A, Afanaciev, K, Aguilar, J, Alvarez, E, Avila, D, Benhammou, Y, Bortko, L, Borysov, O, Bergholz, M, Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I, Castro, E, Chelkov, G, Coca, C, Daniluk, W, Dumitru, L, Elsener, K, Fadeyev, V, Firlej, M, Firu, E, Fiutowski, T, Ghenescu, V, Gostkin, M, Henschel, H, Idzik, M, Ishikawa, A, Kananov, S, Kollowa, S, Kotov, S, Kotula, J, Kozhevnikov, D, Kruchonok, V, Krupa, B, Kulis, Sz, Lange, W, Lesiak, T, Levy, A, Levy, I, Lohmann, W, Lukic, S, Milke, C, Moron, J, Moszczynski, A, Neagu, A. T, Novgorodova, O, Oliwa, K, Orlandea, M, Pandurovic, M, Pawlik, B, Preda, T, Przyborowski, D, Rosenblat, O, Sailer, A, Sato, Y, Schumm, B, Schuwalow, S, Smiljanic, I, Smolyanskiy, P, Swientek, K, Teodorescu, E, Terlecki, P, Wierba, W, Wojton, T, Yamaguchi, S, Yamamoto, H, Zawiejski, L, Zgura, I. S, Zhemchugov, A
Year of Publication 17.11.2014
Year of Publication 17.11.2014
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Journal Article
Design of specific DNA primers to detect the Bacillus cereus group species
Adley, C., Arshak, K., Molnar, C., Oliwa, K., Velusamy, V.
Published in 2009 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (01.02.2009)
Published in 2009 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (01.02.2009)
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Conference Proceeding
Luminometer for the future International Linear Collider - simulation and beam test results
Aguilar, J. A, Kulis, S, Wierba, W, Zawiejski, L, Kielar, E, Chrzaszcz, M, Novgorodova, O, Henschel, H, Lohmann, W, Schuwalow, S, Afanaciev, K, Ignatenko, A, Kollowa, S, Levy, I, Idzik, M, Kotula, J, Moszczynski, A, Oliwa, K, Pawlik, B, Daniluk, W
Year of Publication 22.11.2011
Year of Publication 22.11.2011
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Journal Article
Measurement of the Luminosity in the ZEUS Experiment at HERA II
Adamczyk, L, Andruszkow, J, Bold, T, Borzemski, P, Buettner, C, Caldwell, A, Chwastowski, J, Daniluk, W, Drugakov, V, Eskreys, A, Figiel, J, Galas, A, Gil, M, Helbich, M, Januschek, F, Jurkiewicz, P, Kisielewska, D, Klein, U, Kotarba, A, Lohmann, W, Ning, Y, Oliwa, K, Olkiewicz, K, Paganis, S, Pieron, J, Przybycien, M, Ren, Z, Ruchlewicz, W, Schmidke, W, Schneekloth, U, Sciulli, F, Stopa, P, Sztuk-Dambietz, J, Suszycki, L, Sutiak, J, Wierba, W, Zawiejski, L
Published in (13.06.2013)
Published in (13.06.2013)
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Journal Article
Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider
Swientek, K, Lupberger, M, Renz, U, Calderone, A, Cussans, D. G, Heath, H. F, Mandry, S, Page, R. F, Velthuis, J. J, Coppolani, X, Aspell, P, Garcia, E. Garcia, Giudice, P. -A, Grefe, Ch, Grichine, V, Hauschild, M, Ivantchenko, V, Linssen, L, Ribon, A, Anduze, M, Beyer, E, Boudry, V, Cauchois, A, Clerc, C, Frotin, M, Gastaldi, F, Jeans, D, de Freitas, P. Mora, Rougé, A, de Masi, G. Claus. R, Valin, I, Bonis, J, Callier, S, Cornebise, P, Dulucq, F, Wicek, F, Bonnard, J, Fehr, F, Da Silva, W, David, J, Dhellot, M, Ghislain, P, Kapusta, F, Fernandez, M, Bachynska, O, Gadow, K, Koetz, U, Lange, W, Lohmann, W, Ohlerich, M, Roloff, P, Rosemann, Ch, Schuwalov, S, Sefkow, F, Kalliopuska, J, van Remortel, N, Cvach, J, Janata, M, Polak, I, Sicho, P, Zalesak, J, Bergauer, T, Kiesenhofer, W, Valentan, M, Cotta-Ramusino, A, Ratti, L, Yang, Y, Bryngemark, L, Gross, P, Ljunggren, M, Mjörnmark, U, Richert, T, Andricek, L, Ninkovich, J, Koffmane, Ch, Green, B, Green, M. G, Misiejuk, A, Wu, T, Bilevych, Y, Timmermans, J, Kananov, S, Levy, I, Schwartz, R, Stern, A, Kielar, E, Kotula, J, Moszczynski, A, Pawlik, B, Kelly, M, Eigen, G, Brezina, Ch, Furletova, J, Köckner, F, Wienemann, P, Zimmermann, R, Zimmermann, S, Bartsch, V, Warren, M, Pohl, M
Year of Publication 23.01.2012
Year of Publication 23.01.2012
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Journal Article
Performance of fully instrumented detector planes of the forward calorimeter of a Linear Collider detector
The FCAL Collaboration, Abramowicz, H, Abusleme, A, Afanaciev, K, Aguilar, J, Alvarez, E, Avila, D, Benhammou, Y, Bortko, L, Borysov, O, Bergholz, M, Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I, Castro, E, Chelkov, G, Coca, C, Daniluk, W, Dumitru, L, Elsener, K, Fadeyev, V, Firlej, M, Firu, E, Fiutowski, T, Ghenescu, V, Gostkin, M, Henschel, H, Idzik, M, Ishikawa, A, Kananov, S, Kollowa, S, Kotov, S, Kotula, J, Kozhevnikov, D, Kruchonok, V, Krupa, B, Kulis, Sz, Lange, W, Lesiak, T, Levy, A, Levy, I, Lohmann, W, Lukic, S, Milke, C, Moron, J, Moszczynski, A, Neagu, A T, Novgorodova, O, Oliwa, K, Orlandea, M, Pandurovic, M, Pawlik, B, Preda, T, Przyborowski, D, Rosenblat, O, Sailer, A, Sato, Y, Schumm, B, Schuwalow, S, Smiljanic, I, Smolyanskiy, P, Swientek, K, Teodorescu, E, Terlecki, P, Wierba, W, Wojton, T, Yamaguchi, S, Yamamoto, H, Zawiejski, L, Zgura, I S, Zhemchugov, A
Published in (01.06.2015)
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Published in (01.06.2015)
Luminometer for the future International Linear Collider - simulation and beam test results
Aguilar, J A, Kulis, S, Wierba, W, Zawiejski, L, Kielar, E, Chrzaszcz, M, Novgorodova, O, Henschel, H, Lohmann, W, Schuwalow, S, Afanaciev, K, Ignatenko, A, Kollowa, S, Levy, I, Idzik, M, Kotula, J, Moszczynski, A, Oliwa, K, Pawlik, B, Daniluk, W
Published in (22.11.2011)
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Published in (22.11.2011)
ECFA Detector R&D Panel, Review Report
The FCAL Collaboration, Abramowicz, H, Abusleme, A, Afanaciev, K, Aguilar, J, Alvarez, E, Bambade, P, Bortko, L, Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I, Castro, E, Chelkov, G, Coca, C, Daniluk, W, Dragone, A, Dumitru, L, Elsener, K, Emeliantchik, I, Firu, E, Fischer, J, Fiutowski, T, Ghenescu, V, Gostkin, M, Grzelak, G, Haller, G, Henschel, H, Ignatenko, A, Idzik, M, Ito, K, Kananov, S, Kielar, E, Kollowa, S, Kotula, J, Krumstein, Z, Krupa, B, Kulis, S, Lange, W, Levy, A, Levy, I, Linssen, L, Lohmann, W, Lukic, S, Moron, J, Moszczynski, A, Nauenberg, U, Neagu, A, Novgorodova, O, Nuiry, F -X, Ohlerich, M, Orlandea, M, Oleinik, G, Oliwa, K, Olshevski, A, Pandurovic, M, Pawlik, B, Preda, T, Przyborowski, D, Sato, Y, Sadeh, I, Sailer, A, Schumm, B, Schuwalow, S, Schwartz, R, Smiljanic, I, Swientek, K, Takubo, Y, Teodorescu, E, Wierba, W, Yamamoto, H, Zawiejski, L, T -S Zgura, Zhang, J
Published in (19.11.2014)
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Published in (19.11.2014)
Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider
Swientek, K, Lupberger, M, Renz, U, Calderone, A, Mandry, S, Page, R F, Velthuis, J J, Coppolani, X, Aspell, P, menti, F, H Franca Santos, Grefe, Ch, Grichine, V, Hauschild, M, Ivantchenko, V, Linssen, L, Ribon, A, Anduze, M, Beyer, E, Boudry, V, Cauchois, A, Clerc, C, Frotin, M, Gastaldi, F, Jeans, D, Mora de Freitas, P, Rougé, A, J -C Vanel, Valin, I, Bonis, J, Callier, S, Cornebise, P, Dulucq, F, Wicek, F, Bonnard, J, Fehr, F, Da Silva, W, David, J, Dhellot, M, Ghislain, P, Kapusta, F, Pham, T Hung, J -Y Hostachy, Fernandez, M, Bachynska, O, Gadow, K, Koetz, U, Lange, W, Lohmann, W, Ohlerich, M, Roloff, P, Rosemann, Ch, Schuwalov, S, Sefkow, F, Kalliopuska, J, Cvach, J, Janata, M, Polak, I, Sicho, P, Zalesak, J, Bergauer, T, Kiesenhofer, W, Valentan, M, Cotta-Ramusino, A, Ratti, L, Yang, Y, Bryngemark, L, Gross, P, Ljunggren, M, Mjörnmark, U, Richert, T, Andricek, L, Ninkovich, J, Koffmane, Ch, H -G Moser, Green, B, Misiejuk, A, Bilevych, Y, Timmermans, J, Kananov, S, Levy, I, Schwartz, R, Stern, A, Hommels, L B A, R Shaw D R Ward, Kielar, E, Kotula, J, Moszczynski, A, Pawlik, B, Kelly, M, Eigen, G, Brezina, Ch, Furletova, J, Köckner, F, Wienemann, P, Zimmermann, R, Zimmermann, S, Bartsch, V, Warren, M, Pohl, M
Published in (23.01.2012)
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Published in (23.01.2012)
Label-free detection of Bacillus cereus DNA hybridization using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for food quality monitoring application
Velusamy, V., Arshak, K., Yang, C., Lei Yu, Korostynska, O., Oliwa-Stasiak, K., Adley, C.
Published in 2010 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) (01.02.2010)
Published in 2010 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) (01.02.2010)
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Conference Proceeding