Meta-analysis of data from human ex vivo placental perfusion studies on genotoxic and immunotoxic agents within the integrated European project NewGeneris
Mose, T, Mathiesen, L, Karttunen, V, Nielsen, J.K.S, Sieppi, E, Kummu, M, Mørck, T.A, Myöhänen, K, Partanen, H, Vähäkangas, K, Knudsen, L.E, Myllynen, P
Published in Placenta (Eastbourne) (01.05.2012)
Published in Placenta (Eastbourne) (01.05.2012)
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Toxicokinetics of the Food-toxin IQ in Human Placental Perfusion is not Affected by ABCG2 or Xenobiotic Metabolism
Immonen, E, Kummu, M, Petsalo, A, Pihlaja, T, Mathiesen, L, Nielsen, J.K.S, Knudsen, L.E, Vähäkangas, K, Myllynen, P
Published in Placenta (Eastbourne) (01.07.2010)
Published in Placenta (Eastbourne) (01.07.2010)
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Journal Article
A pilot study on the feasibility of European harmonized human biomonitoring: Strategies towards a common approach, challenges and opportunities
Casteleyn, L., Dumez, B., Becker, K., Kolossa-Gehring, M., Den Hond, E., Schoeters, G., Castaño, A., Koch, H.M., Angerer, J., Esteban, M., Exley, K., Sepai, O., Bloemen, L., Horvat, M., Knudsen, L.E., Joas, A., Joas, R., Biot, P., Koppen, G., Dewolf, M-C., Katsonouri, A., Hadjipanayis, A., Cerná, M., Krsková, A., Schwedler, G., Fiddicke, U., Nielsen, J.K.S., Jensen, J.F., Rudnai, P., Közepésy, S., Mulcahy, M., Mannion, R., Gutleb, A.C., Fischer, M.E., Ligocka, D., Jakubowski, M., Reis, M.F., Namorado, S., Lupsa, I-R., Gurzau, A.E., Halzlova, K., Jajcaj, M., Mazej, D., Tratnik Snoj, J., Posada, M., López, E., Berglund, M., Larsson, K., Lehmann, A., Crettaz, P., Aerts, D.
Published in Environmental research (01.08.2015)
Published in Environmental research (01.08.2015)
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Journal Article
Interpreting biomarker data from the COPHES/DEMOCOPHES twin projects: Using external exposure data to understand biomarker differences among countries
Smolders, R., Den Hond, E., Koppen, G., Govarts, E., Willems, H., Casteleyn, L., Kolossa-Gehring, M., Fiddicke, U., Castaño, A., Koch, H.M., Angerer, J., Esteban, M., Sepai, O., Exley, K., Bloemen, L., Horvat, M., Knudsen, L.E., Joas, A., Joas, R., Biot, P., Aerts, D., Katsonouri, A., Hadjipanayis, A., Cerna, M., Krskova, A., Schwedler, G., Seiwert, M., Nielsen, J.K.S., Rudnai, P., Közepesy, S., Evans, D.S., Ryan, M.P., Gutleb, A.C., Fischer, M.E., Ligocka, D., Jakubowski, M., Reis, M.F., Namorado, S., Lupsa, I.-R., Gurzau, A.E., Halzlova, K., Fabianova, E., Mazej, D., Tratnik Snoj, J., Gomez, S., González, S., Berglund, M., Larsson, K., Lehmann, A., Crettaz, P., Schoeters, G.
Published in Environmental research (01.08.2015)
Published in Environmental research (01.08.2015)
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Journal Article
Gender differences in cadmium and cotinine levels in prepubertal children
Fucic, A., Plavec, D, Casteleyn, L., Aerts, D., Biot, P., Katsonouri, A., Cerna, M., Knudsen, L.E., Castano, A., Rudnai, P., Gutleb, A., Ligocka, D., Lupsa, I-R., Berglund, M., Horvat, M., Halzlova, K., Schoeters, G., Koppen, G., Hadjipanayis, A., Krskova, A., Középesy, S., Arendt, M., Fischer, M.E., Janasik, B., Gurzau, A.E., Gurzau, E.S., Grandér, M., Larsson, K., Jajcaj, M., Kolossa-Gehring, M., Sepai, O., Exley, K., Bartolome, M., Cutanda, F., Mazej, D., Nielsen, J.K.S., Snoj-Tratnik, J., Schwedler, G., Fiddicke, U., Seiwert, M., Govarts, E., Den Hond, E., Koch, H.M., Lopez, A., Joas, A., Joas, R.
Published in Environmental research (01.08.2015)
Published in Environmental research (01.08.2015)
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