MADMAX Cryogenic Stability: Preliminary Design of the Macumba Demo-Coil for Physics
Lorin, C., Abdel Maksoud, W., Berriaud, C., Calvelli, V., Dilasser, G., Lottin, J.-P., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T., Stacchi, F.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.08.2024)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.08.2024)
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Journal Article
Study of a CICC Copper Jacket Junction for MADMAX
Berriaud, C., Werle, V., Stacchi, F., Abdel Maksoud, Walid, Calvelli, V., Juster, F.-P., Lorin, C., Lottin, J.-P., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.08.2024)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.08.2024)
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Journal Article
Thermohydraulic Quench Back in a Copper CICC Coil Cooled by He II
Abdel Maksoud, W., Durañona, U., Allard, J., Baudouy, B., Berriaud, C., Calvelli, V., Denarie, L., Dilasser, G., Donga, T., Drouen, Y., Godon, P., Godon, R., Guihard, Q., Jurie, S., Juster, F.-P., Lorin, C., Lottin, J.-P., Millot, J.-F., Molinié, F., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T., Correia-Machado, R., Scola, L., Segrestan, L., Solenne, N., Stacchi, F.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.10.2023)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.10.2023)
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Journal Article
Design of a magnet to study quench propagation in a Cable-In-Conduit-Conductor filled with stagnant superfluid helium
Durañona, U., Abdel Maksoud, W., Baudouy, B., Berriaud, C., Calvelli, V., Dilasser, G., Lorin, C., Lottin, J.-P., Pontarollo, T., Stacchi, F.
Published in Cryogenics (Guildford) (01.07.2022)
Published in Cryogenics (Guildford) (01.07.2022)
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Journal Article
Temperature Distribution During the Cooling Down of the R3B Magnet Cold Mass
Pes, C, Fazilleau, P, Gastineau, B, Graffin, P, Lottin, J P, Mayri, C
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2010)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2010)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
The Final Design of the R3B-GLAD Cold Mass Assembly and Manufacturing Status
Sun, Z, Graffin, P, Disset, G, Cazaux, S, Dael, A, Daniel-Thomas, P, Gastineau, B, Lottin, J P, Massinger, M, Mayri, C, Nunio, F, Pes, C, Scola, L, Wang, J
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2010)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2010)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Design Status of the R3B-GLAD Magnet: Large Acceptance Superconducting Dipole With Active Shielding, Graded Coils, Large Forces and Indirect Cooling by Thermosiphon
Gastineau, B., Donati, A., Ducret, J.-E., Eppelle, D., Fazilleau, P., Graffin, P., Hervieu, B., Loiseau, D., Lottin, J.-P., Mayri, C., Meuris, C., Pes, C., Queinec, Y., Zhihong Sun
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2008)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2008)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Magnetic Tests of the CMS Superconducting Magnet
Kircher, F., Bredy, P., Fazilleau, P., Juster, F.-P., Levesy, B., Lottin, J.-P., Rousse, J.-Y., Campi, D., Cure, B., Gaddi, A., Herve, A., Maire, G., Perinic, G., Fabbricatore, P., Greco, M.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2008)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.06.2008)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Final design of the CMS solenoid cold mass
Kircher, F., Bredy, P., Calvo, A., Cure, B., Campi, D., Desirelli, A., Fabbricatore, P., Farinon, S., Herve, A., Horvath, I., Klioukhine, V., Levesy, B., Losasso, M., Lottin, J.P., Musenich, R., Pabot, Y., Payn, A., Pes, C., Priano, C., Rondeaux, F., Sgobba, S.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.03.2000)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01.03.2000)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Performance of a large scale prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter
Gingrich, D.M., Kitching, P., Olsen, B., Pinfold, J.L., Boos, E., Zhautykov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Jezequel, S., Maire, M., Rival, F., Thion, J., VanDenPlas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Berset, J.C., Marin, C.P., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Richter, W., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Collot, J., de Saintignon, P., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Laborie, G., Mahout, G., Merchez, E., Pouxe, J., Hervas, L., Chekhtman, A., Cousinou, M.C., Dargent, P., Dinkespiller, B., Etienne, F., Fassnacht, P., Fouchez, D., Martin, L., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Camin, D.V., Costa, G., Cozzi, L., Fedyakin, N., Ferrari, A., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sala, P., Azuelos, G., Beaudoin, G., Depommier, P., León-Florián, E., Leroy, C., Roy, P., Seman, M., Augé, E., Chase, R., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Hrisoho, A., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Pétroff, P., Schaffer, A., Serin, L., Tisserand, V., Vichou, I., Canton, B., Genat, J.F., Imbault, D., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwemling, P., Eek, L.O., Lund-Jensen, B., Söderqvist, J., Lefebvre, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.10.1995)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.10.1995)
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Journal Article
Performance of a liquid argon accordion hadronic calorimeter prototype
Gingrich, D.M., Greeniaus, G., Kitching, P., Olsen, B., Pinfold, J.L., Rodning, N.L., Schaoutnikov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Jezequel, S., Leflour, T., Maire, M., Rival, F., Stipčevic, M., Thion, J., VanDenPlas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Garrido, Ll, Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Chevalley, J.L., Gianotti, F., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Vuillemin, V., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Teiger, J., Collot, J., de Saintignon, P., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Laborie, G., Merchez, E., Pouxe, J., Hervas, L., Chekhtman, A., Cousinou, M.C., Dinkespiler, B., Fassnacht, P., Fouchez, D., Martin, L., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Battistoni, G., Camin, D.V., Cavalli, D., Cozzi, L., Cravero, A., Fedyakin, N., Ferrari, A., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sala, P., Beaudoin, G., Depommier, P., Leroy, C., Roy, J., Augé, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de La Taille, C., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Hirosoho, A., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Pétroff, P., Schaffer, A., Seguin, N., Serin, L., Vichou, I., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwemling, P., Eek, L.O., Lund-Jensen, B., Soderqvist, J., Lefebvre, M., Robertson, S., White, J.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.02.1995)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.02.1995)
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Journal Article
Performance of a liquid argon preshower detector integrated with an Accordion calorimeter
Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Colas, J., Leflour, T., Maire, M., Vialle, J.P., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Bulgakov, N., Chevalley, J.L., Fabjan, C.W., Fournier, D., Gildemeister, O., Jenni, P., Nessi, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pepe, M., Richter, W., Soderqvist, J., Vuillemin, V., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Lottin, J.P., Mansoulie, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Teiger, J., Zaccone, H., Battistoni, G., Camin, D.V., Cavalli, D., Costa, G., Cravero, A., Ferrari, A., Gianotti, F., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Pessina, G., Sciamanna, M., Augé, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de La Taille, C., Fayard, L., Hrisoho, A., Jean, Ph, Le Meur, G., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Pétroff, P., Repellin, J.P., Schaffer, A., Seguin, N., Unal, G., Fuglesang, C., Lefebvre, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (20.06.1993)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (20.06.1993)
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Journal Article
Thermo-hydraulic Quench Back in a Copper CICC Coil cooled by He II
Maksoud, W. Abdel, Duranona, U., Allard, J., Baudouy, B., Berriaud, C., Calvelli, V., Denarie, L., Dilasser, G., Donga, T., Drouen, Y., Godon, P., Godon, R., Guihard, Q., Jurie, S., Juster, F.-P., Lorin, C., Lottin, J.-P., Millot, J.-F., Molinie, F., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T., CorreiaMachado, R., Scola, L., Segrestan, L., Solenne, N., Stacchi, F.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (24.08.2023)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (24.08.2023)
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Journal Article
The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC
Neukermans, L, Caudron, J, Makariev, M, Shen, X Y, Härkönen, J, Bard, J P, Chipaux, R, Locci, E, Chamont, D, Pukhaeva, N, Regnault, N, Blaes, R, Claus, G, Hoffer, M, Michel, J, Hove, P Van, Bonnevaux, A, Boudoul, G, Fay, J, Trocme, B, Fahrer, M, Markou, A, Zachariadou, A, Papadimitropoulos, C, Giordano, V, Giunta, M, Tuve, C, D'Alessandro, R, Genta, C, Pucci, C, Berti, L, Biasotto, M, Bacchetta, N, Bisello, D, Grelli, A, Rovelli, C, Romero, A, Ruspa, M, Ryu, M S, Knegjens, R, Turnau, J, Czyrkowski, H, Varela, J, Varner, G, Finger, M, Makarenkov, G, Azhgirey, I, Chikilev, O, Krychkine, V, Tyurin, N, Prilutskaya, Z, Vila, I, Barbero, M, Cornet, H, Lecoq, P, Mannelli, M, Meridiani, P, Perez, E, Sbrissa, E, Feichtinger, D, Horisberger, R, Faber, G, Petrov, G, Stoenchev, S, Hsiung, Y B, Gülmez, E, Camanzi, B, Murray, P, Clark, D E, Seez, C, Via, C Da, Reid, I, Wallny, R, Würthwein, F, Campagnari, C, Witherell, M, Vogel, H, Drell, B R, Elias, J E, Kossiakov, S, Lei, C M, Noeding, C, Tkaczyk, S, Wu, Y, Barannikova, O, Briggs, R, Kellogg, R G, Kunori, S, Lockner, E, Booke, M, Barberis, E, Swain, J, Bujak, A, Fahling, M, Hatakeyama, K, Nguyen, C N, Arenton, M W, Hirosky, R, Bellinger, J N, Lanaro, A
Published in Journal of instrumentation (2008)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (2008)
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Journal Article
Development, integration and test of the MACQU demo-coil towards MADMAX quench analysis
Lorin, C., Maksoud, W.Abdel, Allard, J., Berriaud, C., Calvelli, V., Denarie, L., Dilasser, G., Donga, T., Drouen, Y., Duranona, U., Godon, P., Godon, R., Guihard, Q., Jurie, S., Lottin, J.-P., Millot, J.-F., Molinie, F., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T., Correia-Machado, R., Scola, L., Segrestan, L., Solenne, N., Stacchi, F., Majorovits, B., Kreikemeyer-Lorenzo, D., Caldwell, A., Schaffran, J., Hobl, A., Gehring, M., Amend, J., Steinmann, J., Wu, H., Zoeller, H.
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (05.05.2023)
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (05.05.2023)
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Journal Article
Performance of a liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter with a cylindrical accordion geometry
Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Colas, J., Leflour, T., Maire, M., Vialle, J.P., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Bulgakov, N., Chevalley, J.L., Fabjan, C.W., Fournier, D., Gildemeister, O., Jenni, P., Nessi, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pepe, M., Richter, W., Soderqvist, J., Vuillemin, V., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Lottin, J.P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.R., Teiger, J., Zaccone, H., Battistoni, G., Camin, D.V., Cavalli, D., Costa, G., Cravero, A., Ferrari, A., Gianotti, F., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sciamanna, M., Augé, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de la Taille, C., Fayard, L., Hrisoho, A., Jean, Ph, Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Le Meur, G., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Petroff, P., Repellin, J.P., Schaffer, A., Seguin, N., Unal, G., Fuglesang, C., Lefebvre, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.1993)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.1993)
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Journal Article
Design, construction and test of the large superconducting solenoid ALEPH
Baze, J.M., Desportes, H., Duthil, R., Garin, J.M., Pabot, Y., Heitzmann, J., Jacquemet, M., Jacquemin, J.P., Kircher, F., Languillat, J.C., LeBars, J., Le Coroller, A., Lesmond, C., Lottin, J.C., Lottin, J.P., Mathis, C., Meuris, C., Sellier, J.C., Walter, C.
Published in IEEE transactions on magnetics (01.03.1988)
Published in IEEE transactions on magnetics (01.03.1988)
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Journal Article
Performance of an endcap prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter
Gingrich, D.M., Kitching, P., Olsen, B., Pinfold, J.L., Boos, E., Zhautykov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Jezequel, S., Maire, M., Rival, F., Thion, J., Van Den Plas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Berset, J.C., Marin, C.P., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Richter, W., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Collot, J., de Saintignon, P., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Laborie, G., Mahout, G., Merchez, E., Pouxe, J., Hervas, L., Scheel, C.V., Chekhtman, A., Dargent, P., Dinkespiller, B., Etienne, F., Fassnacht, P., Fouchez, D., Martin, L., Martin, O., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Battistoni, G., Cavalli, D., Costa, G., Cozzi, L., Cravero, A., Fedyakin, N., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sala, P., Azuelos, G., Depommier, P., León-Florián, E., Leroy, C., Roy, P., Auge, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de La Taille, C., Fournier, D., Hrisoho, A., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Seguin-Moreau, N., Serin, L., Tisserand, V., Vichou, I., Canton, B., David, J., Genat, J.F., Imbault, D., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Eek, L.O., Söderqvist, J., Robertson, S., White, J.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.1997)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.1997)
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Journal Article
Test beam results of a stereo preshower integrated in the liquid argon accordion calorimeter
Augé, E., Barreiro, F., Battistoni, G., Bazan, A., Baze, J.M., Beaudoin, G., Berset, J.C., Boniface, J., Boos, E., Camin, D.V., Canton, B., Cavalli, D., Chase, R., Chevalley, J.L., Colas, J., Collot, J., Costa, G., Cozzi, L., Davis, R.A., Delagnes, E., Del Peso, J., Depommier, P., Dinkespiller, B., Etienne, F., Eynard, G., Fassnacht, P., Fayard, L., Fedyakin, N., Fernandez, E., Ferrari, A., Fouchez, D., Fournier, D., Garcia, J., Garrido, Ll, Genat, J.F., Gianotti, F., Gildemeister, O., Gonzales, J., Gordon, H.A., Gosset, L., Hostachy, J.Y., Hrisoho, A., Imbault, D., Jacquier, Y., Jézéquel, S., Keeler, R., Labarga, L., Lavocat, P., Le Dortz, O., Lefebvre, M., Leroy, C., Linossier, O., Lund-Jensen, B., Ma, H., Mahout, G., Makowiecki, D., Mandelli, L., Mansoulié, B., Martin, L., Meyer, J.P., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Nessi, M., Nicoleau, S., Noppe, J.M., Olivetto, C., Olsen, B., Padilla, C., Pinfold, J.L., Poggioli, L., Puzo, P., Radeka, V., Rahm, D.C., Renardy, J.F., Rescia, S., Resconi, S., Richer, J.P., Robertson, S., Romero, P., Schaffer, A., Scheel, C., Schwemling, P., Schwindling, J., Seguin-Moreau, N., Serin, L., Söderqvist, J., Taguet, J.P., Teiger, J., Thion, J., Tisserand, V., Tisserant, S., VanDenPlas, D., Veillet, J.J., Vuillemin, V., Walter, C., White, J., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (1998)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (1998)
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Journal Article
Cryogenic Operation on the R3B-Glad Large Acceptance Superconducting Dipole Spectrometer at CEA Saclay
Vallcorba, R., Mayri, C., Gastineau, B., Maksoud, W. Abdel, Donati, A., Genini, L., Gibier, D., Godon, P., Lottin, J.P., Mailleret, C., Queinec, Y.
Published in Physics procedia (2015)
Published in Physics procedia (2015)
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Journal Article