The DELPHI time projection chamber
Brand, C., Cairanti, S., Charpentier, P., Delikaris, D., Delpierre, P., Foeth, H., Heck, B.W., Hilke, H.J., Sancho, A., Wildman, J., Aubret, C., Billoir, P., Boutonnet, C., Courty, P., Crozon, M., Diaczek, A., Mas, J., Mathis, L., Saget, G., Tilquin, A., Turlot, J.P., Vergezac, P., Antilogus, P., Augustin, J.E., Gaillard, M., Gros, M.H., Hrisoho, A., Jean-Marie, B., Lepeltier, V., Noppe, J.M., Richard, F., Truong, K., Bolognese, T., Borgeaud, P., Debeer, M., Goujon, G., Gros, M., Jarry, P., Mur, M., Raoul, J.C., Ruhlmann, V., Sacquin, Y., Siegrist, P., Smadja, G., Turluer, M., Vilanova, D., Darbo, G., Bärring, O., Jarlskog, G., Käck, S., Lorstadt, B., Mjörnmark, U.
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (10.11.1989)
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (10.11.1989)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
The DELPHI time projection chamber
Brand, C., Cairanti, G., Charpentier, P., Clara, M.P., Delikaris, D., Foeth, H., Heck, B.W., Hilke, H.J., Sulkowski, K., Aubert, C., Billoir, P., Boutonnet, C., Courty, P., Crozon, M., Delpierre, P., Diaczek, A., Mas, J., Saget, G., Tilquin, A., Turlot, J.P., Vergezac, P., Antilogus, P., Augustin, J.E., Gaillard, M., Gros, M.H., Hrisoho, A., Jean-Marie, B., Lepeltier, V., Noppe, J.M., Richard, F., Truong, K., Bolognese, T., Borgeaud, P., DeBeer, M., Jarry, P., Mur, M., Raoul, J.C., Ruhlmann, V., Sacquin, Y., Siegrist, P., Smadja, G., Turluer, M., Vilanova, D., Darbo, G., Vernocchi, F., Barring, O., Jarlskog, G., Kack, S., Lorstadt, B., Mjornmark, U.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (01.02.1989)
Published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (01.02.1989)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding