Immunoglobulin free light chains are biomarkers of poor prognosis in basal-like breast cancer and are potential targets in tumor-associated inflammation
Groot Kormelink, Tom, Powe, Desmond G, Kuijpers, Sylvia A, Abudukelimu, Abulikemu, Fens, Marcel H A M, Pieters, Ebel H E, Kassing van der Ven, Willemiek W, Habashy, Hany O, Ellis, Ian O, Blokhuis, Bart R, Thio, Marco, Hennink, Wim E, Storm, Gert, Redegeld, Frank A, Schiffelers, Raymond M
Published in Oncotarget (30.05.2014)
Published in Oncotarget (30.05.2014)
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