Collins and Sivers transverse-spin asymmetries in inclusive muoproduction of ρ0 mesons
Alexeev, M.G., Alice, C., Amoroso, A., Andrieux, V., Augsten, K., Azevedo, C.D.R., Beck, R., Bedfer, Y., Bodlak, M., Bradamante, F., Bressan, A., Burtsev, V.E., Chatterjee, C., Chiosso, M., Chung, S.-U., Correia, P.M.M., Crespo, M.L., Dasgupta, S.S., Dasgupta, S., Del Carro, F., Doshita, N., Dreisbach, Ch, Dünnweber, W., Dusaev, R.R., Efremov, A., Elia, C., Eremeev, D., Faccioli, P., Faessler, M., Fischer, H., Florian, W., Friedrich, J.M., Gerassimov, S., Gorzellik, M., Gridin, A., Grüner, M., Guskov, A., Hoffmann, M., Hsieh, C.-Y., Huber, S., Ishimoto, S., Ivanov, A., Iwata, T., Jandek, M., Kabuß, E., Kaspar, F., Klein, F., Koivuniemi, J.H., Kolosov, V.N., Konorov, I., Konstantinov, V.F., Korzenev, A.M., Kotzinian, A.M., Kouznetsov, O.M., Koval, A., Kral, Z., Kurjata, R.P., Kveton, A., Lavickova, K., Lian, Y.-S., Lichtenstadt, J., Lin, P.-J., Lyubovitskij, V.E., Maggiora, A., Marzec, J., Matoušek, J., Matsuda, T., Menezes Pires, C., Meyer, W., Molina, R., Nagaytsev, A., Naim, C., Nový, J., Ostrick, M., Parsamyan, B., Pešek, M., Peshekhonov, D.V., Quaresma, M., Reicherz, G., Riedl, C., Ryabchikov, D.I., Samoylenko, V.D., Sarkar, S., Savin, I.A., Sbrizzai, G., Schmieden, H., Sharko, K., Sinha, L., Slunecka, M., Sozzi, F., Spülbeck, D., Srnka, A., Sulc, M., Tessaro, S., Tosello, F., Townsend, A., Valinoti, B., Veit, B.M., Zaremba, K., Zemko, M.
Published in Physics letters. B (10.08.2023)
Published in Physics letters. B (10.08.2023)
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Journal Article
Probing transversity by measuring Λ polarisation in SIDIS
Alexeev, G.D., Anosov, V., Augsten, K., Azevedo, C.D.R., Badełek, B., Balestra, F., Chung, S.-U., Correia, P.M.M., D'Ago, D., Dalla Torre, S., Dasgupta, S.S., Denisenko, I., Donskov, S.V., Elia, C., Eversheim, P.D., Faccioli, P., Ferrero, A., Finger, M., Flöthner, K.J., Franco, C., Friedrich, J.M., Gautheron, F., Giarra, J., Gorzellik, M., Grasso, A., Gridin, A., Grube, B., Guskov, A., von Harrach, D., Heitz, R., d'Hose, N., Hsieh, C.-Y., Huber, S., Iwata, T., Kerbizi, A., Ketzer, B., Khaustov, G.V., Khokhlov, Yu.A., Klein, F., Koivuniemi, J.H., Kondo Horikawa, K., Konstantinov, V.F., Koval, A., Kral, Z., Krinner, F., Kulinich, Y., Kurek, K., Kurjata, R.P., Lichtenstadt, J., Lin, P.-J., Magnon, A., Makins, N., Mallot, G.K., Maltsev, A., Marianski, B., Meyer, M., Meyer, W., Mikhailov, Yu.V., Mikhasenko, M., Miyachi, Y., Moretti, A., Nagaytsev, A., Naim, C., Negrini, T.S., Nový, J., Nunes, A.S., Panzieri, D., Pekeler, H., Peng, J.-C., Pešková, M., Pierre, N., Platchkov, S., Pochodzalla, J., Polyakov, V.A., Quaresma, M., Reicherz, G., Rudnicki, T., Ryabchikov, D.I., Rychter, A., Rymbekova, A., Samoylenko, V.D., Savin, I.A., Selyunin, A., Sinha, L., Sozzi, F., Srnka, A., Steffen, D., Subrt, O., Suzuki, H., Tessaro, S., Thiel, A., Tomsa, J., Tskhay, V., Uhl, S., Vauth, A., Vidon, A., Zaremba, K., Zavada, P., Zavertyaev, M., Zemko, M.
Published in Physics letters. B (2022)
Published in Physics letters. B (2022)
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Journal Article
Double J/ψ production in pion-nucleon scattering at COMPASS
Alexeev, M.G., Amoroso, A., Andrieux, V., Anosov, V., Badełek, B., Bernhard, J., Bradamante, F., Chang, W.-C., Chatterjee, C., Chung, S.-U., Cicuttin, A., Correia, P.M.M., Crespo, M.L., Dalla Torre, S., Dasgupta, S.S., Dasgupta, S., Denisenko, I., Donskov, S.V., Doshita, N., Dünnweber, W., Efremov, A., Eversheim, P.D., Faccioli, P., Faessler, M., Finger, M., Finger, M., Fischer, H., Flöthner, K.J., Franco, C., Gautheron, F., Gavrichtchouk, O.P., Giarra, J., Giordano, D., Grasso, A., Gridin, A., Grube, B., Guskov, A., von Harrach, D., Horikawa, N., Ivanov, A., Jandek, M., Jary, V., Joosten, R., Kabuß, E., Kaspar, F., Kerbizi, A., Khaustov, G.V., Koivuniemi, J.H., Korzenev, A.M., Koshkarev, S., Kotzinian, A.M., Kouznetsov, O.M., Krinner, F., Kunne, F., Kurjata, R.P., Kveton, A., Lian, Y.-S., Lichtenstadt, J., Longo, R., Lyubovitskij, V.E., Makins, N., Makke, N., Mallot, G.K., Mamon, S.A., Martin, A., Meyer, M., Moretti, A., Naim, C., Neyret, D., Nowak, W.-D., Olshevsky, A.G., Paul, S., Pekeler, H., Peng, J.-C., Pešek, M., Peshekhonov, D.V., Pešková, M., Platchkov, S., Polyakov, V.A., Quintans, C., Rudnicki, T., Ryabchikov, D.I., Samoylenko, V.D., Sandacz, A., Savin, I.A., Schmieden, H., Selyunin, A., Sinha, L., Srnka, A., Stolarski, M., Subrt, O., Suzuki, H., Tessarotto, F., Tomsa, J., Tskhay, V., Valinoti, B., Virius, M., Wallner, S., Zaremba, K., Zemlyanichkina, E.
Published in Physics letters. B (10.03.2023)
Published in Physics letters. B (10.03.2023)
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Journal Article
Topological background discrimination in the PandaX-III neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
Galan, J, Chen, X, Du, H, Fu, C, Giboni, K, Giuliani, F, Han, K, Jiang, B, Ji, X, Lin, H, Lin, Y, Liu, J, Ni, K, Ren, X, Wang, S, Wu, S, Xie, C, Yang, Y, Zhang, T, Zhao, L, Aune, S, Bedfer, Y, Berthoumieux, E, Calvet, D, d’Hose, N, Ferrer-Ribas, E, Kunne, F, Manier, B, Neyret, D, Papaevangelou, T, Chen, L, Hu, S, Li, P, Li, X, Zhang, H, Zhao, M, Zhou, J, Mao, Y, Qiao, H, Yuan, Y, Wang, M, Chen, Y, Khan, A N, Tang, J, Wang, W, Chen, H, Feng, C, Liu, S, Wang, X, Zhu, D, Castel, J F, Cebrián, S, Dafni, T, Irastorza, I G, Luzón, G, Mirallas, H, Sun, X, Tan, A, Haxton, W, Mei, Y, Kobdaj, C, Yan, Y
Published in Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics (01.04.2020)
Published in Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics (01.04.2020)
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Journal Article
Design and construction of the fast photon detection system for COMPASS RICH-1
Abbon, P., Alexeev, M., Angerer, H., Birsa, R., Bordalo, P., Bradamante, F., Bressan, A., Chiosso, M., Ciliberti, P., Colantoni, M., Dafni, T., Dalla Torre, S., Delagnes, E., Denisov, O., Deschamps, H., Diaz, V., Dibiase, N., Duic, V., Eyrich, W., Ferrero, A., Finger, M., Finger Jr, M., Fischer, H., Gerassimov, S., Giorgi, M., Gobbo, B., Hagemann, R., von Harrach, D., Heinsius, F.H., Joosten, R., Ketzer, B., Kolosov, V.N., Königsmann, K., Konorov, I., Kramer, D., Kunne, F., Lehmann, A., Levorato, S., Maggiora, A., Magnon, A., Mann, A., Martin, A., Menon, G., Mutter, A., Nähle, O., Nerling, F., Neyret, D., Panzieri, D., Paul, S., Pesaro, G., Pizzolotto, C., Polak, J., Rebourgeard, P., Robinet, F., Rocco, E., Schiavon, P., Schill, C., Schoenmeier, P., Schröder, W., Silva, L., Slunecka, M., Sozzi, F., Steiger, L., Sulc, M., Svec, M., Takekawa, S., Tessarotto, F., Teufel, A., Wollny, H.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2010)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2010)
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Journal Article
Discharge studies in micromegas detectors in a 150 GeV/c pion beam
Procureur, S, Aune, S, Ball, J, Bedfer, Y, Boyer, M, Colas, H, Giganon, A, Konczykowski, P, Kunne, F, Lahonde-Hamdoun, C, Makke, N, Marchand, C, Meunier, O, Morreale, A, Moreno, B, Moutarde, H, Neyret, D, Platchkov, S, Sabatie, F
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.2011)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.2011)
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Journal Article
Long term experience and performance of COMPASS RICH-1
Tessarotto, F, Abbon, P, Alexeev, M, Birsa, R, Bordalo, P, Bradamante, F, Bressan, A, Büchele, M, Chiosso, M, Ciliberti, P, Dafni, T, Torre, S Dalla, Dasgupta, S, Delagnes, E, Denisov, O, Duic, V, Ferrero, A, Finger, M, M Finger Jr, M Finger Jr, Fischer, H, Franco, C, Gerassimov, S, Gobbo, B, Gregori, M, Herrmann, F, Ketzer, B, Königsmann, K, Konorov, I, Kunne, F, Levorato, S, Maggiora, A, Makke, N, Martin, A, Menon, G, Neyret, D, Novakova, K, Panzieri, D, Paul, S, Pereira, F A, Polak, J, Rocco, E, Santos, C A, Sbrizzai, G, Schiavon, P, Schopferer, S, Slunecka, M, Sozzi, F, Steiger, L, Sulc, M, Takekawa, S
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.09.2014)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.09.2014)
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Journal Article
Performance of large pixelised Micromegas detectors in the COMPASS environment
Thibaud, F, Abbon, P, Andrieux, V, Anfreville, M, Bedfer, Y, Burtin, E, Capozza, L, Coquelet, C, Curiel, Q, d'Hose, N, Desforge, D, Dupraz, K, Durand, R, Ferrero, A, Giganon, A, Jourde, D, Kunne, F, Magnon, A, Makke, N, Marchand, C, Neyret, D, Paul, B, Platchkov, S, Usseglio, M, Vandenbroucke, M
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.02.2014)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.02.2014)
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Journal Article
Discharge studies in Micromegas detectors in low energy hadron beams
Charles, G., Anfreville, M., Aune, S., Ball, J., Bedfer, Y., Boyer, M., Konczykowski, P., Kunne, F., Lahonde-Hamdoun, C., Cai, L., Mandjavidze, I., Marchand, C., Meunier, O., Moreno, B., Moutarde, H., Neyret, D., Obertelli, A., Procureur, S., Sabatié, F., Vandenbroucke, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.08.2011)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.08.2011)
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Journal Article
New pixelized Micromegas detector with low discharge rate for the COMPASS experiment
Neyret, D, Abbon, P, Anfreville, M, Bedfer, Y, Burtin, E, Coquelet, C, d'Hose, N, Desforge, D, Giganon, A, Jourde, D, Kunne, F, Magnon, A, Makke, N, Marchand, C
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.03.2012)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.03.2012)
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Journal Article
New pixelized Micromegas detector for the COMPASS experiment
Neyret, D, Anfreville, M, Bedfer, Y, Burtin, E, d'Hose, N, Giganon, A, Ketzer, B, Konorov, I, Kunne, F, Magnon, A, Marchand, C, Paul, B, Platchkov, S, Vandenbroucke, M
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.12.2009)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.12.2009)
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Journal Article
Micromegas as a large microstrip detector for the COMPASS experiment
Thers, D, Abbon, Ph, Ball, J, Bedfer, Y, Bernet, C, Carasco, C, Delagnes, E, Durand, D, Faivre, J.-C, Fonvieille, H, Giganon, A, Kunne, F, Goff, J.-M.Le, Lehar, F, Magnon, A, Neyret, D, Pasquetto, E, Pereira, H, Platchkov, S, Poisson, E, Rebourgeard, Ph
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.2001)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.2001)
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Journal Article
SFE16, a low noise front-end integrated circuit dedicated to the read-out of large Micromegas detectors
Delagnes, E., Abbon, P., Bedfer, Y., Faivre, J.C., Kunne, F., Magnon, A., Platchkov, S., Rebourgerad, P., Thers, D.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.08.2000)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.08.2000)
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Journal Article
First Measurement of Transverse-Spin-Dependent Azimuthal Asymmetries in the Drell-Yan Process
Aghasyan, M, Akhunzyanov, R, Alexeev, G D, Alexeev, M G, Amoroso, A, Andrieux, V, Anfimov, N V, Anosov, V, Antoshkin, A, Augsten, K, Augustyniak, W, Austregesilo, A, Azevedo, C D R, Badełek, B, Balestra, F, Ball, M, Barth, J, Beck, R, Bedfer, Y, Bernhard, J, Bicker, K, Bielert, E R, Birsa, R, Bodlak, M, Bordalo, P, Bradamante, F, Bressan, A, Büchele, M, Chang, W-C, Chatterjee, C, Chiosso, M, Choi, I, Chung, S-U, Cicuttin, A, Crespo, M L, Dalla Torre, S, Dasgupta, S S, Dasgupta, S, Denisov, O Yu, Dhara, L, Donskov, S V, Doshita, N, Dreisbach, Ch, Dünnweber, W, Dziewiecki, M, Efremov, A, Eversheim, P D, Faessler, M, Ferrero, A, Finger, M, Fischer, H, Franco, C, du Fresne von Hohenesche, N, Friedrich, J M, Frolov, V, Fuchey, E, Gautheron, F, Gavrichtchouk, O P, Gerassimov, S, Giarra, J, Giordano, F, Gnesi, I, Gorzellik, M, Grasso, A, Grosse Perdekamp, M, Grube, B, Grussenmeyer, T, Guskov, A, Hahne, D, Hamar, G, von Harrach, D, Heinsius, F H, Heitz, R, Herrmann, F, Horikawa, N, d'Hose, N, Hsieh, C-Y, Huber, S, Ishimoto, S, Ivanov, A, Ivanshin, Yu, Iwata, T, Jary, V, Joosten, R, Jörg, P, Kabuß, E, Kerbizi, A, Ketzer, B, Khaustov, G V, Khokhlov, Yu A, Kisselev, Yu, Klein, F, Koivuniemi, J H, Kolosov, V N, Kondo, K, Königsmann, K, Konorov, I, Konstantinov, V F, Kotzinian, A M
Published in Physical review letters (12.09.2017)
Published in Physical review letters (12.09.2017)
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Journal Article
New prospects on particle detection with a Parallel Ionization Multiplier (PIM)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.2004)
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Journal Article
The gaseous microstrip detector micromegas for the COMPASS experiment at CERN
Kunn, F., Abbon, P., Ball, J., Bedfer, Y., Bernet, C., Delagnes, E., Giganon, A., Le Goff, J.-M., Magnon, A., Neyret, D., Pereira, H., Platchkov, S., Rebourgeard, P., Tarte, G., Thers, D.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (30.06.2003)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (30.06.2003)
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Journal Article
New prospects on particle detection with a Parallel Ionization Multiplier (PIM)
Thers, D., Bedfer, Y., Beucher, J., Coulon, P., Kunne, F., Leguay, M., Lepeltier, V., Leray, P., Lupone, S., Luquin, L., Métivier, V., Morteau, E., Neyret, D., Samarati, J., Servagent, N.
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2004)
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2004)
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Conference Proceeding
Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons
Akhunzyanov, R., Alexeev, M.G., Andrieux, V., Austregesilo, A., Badełek, B., Balestra, F., Barth, J., Baum, G., Beck, R., Berlin, A., Bicker, K., Bielert, E.R., Bieling, J., Birsa, R., Bisplinghoff, J., Bodlak, M., Bordalo, P., Büchele, M., Capozza, L., Chiosso, M., Chung, S.U., Cicuttin, A., Crespo, M.L., Curiel, Q., Dalla Torre, S., Dasgupta, S., Donskov, S.V., Doshita, N., Elia, C., Eversheim, P.D., Faessler, M., Ferrero, A., Finger, M., Gerassimov, S., Geyer, R., Gnesi, I., Goertz, S., Grabmüller, S., Grasso, A., Hashimoto, R., Ivanov, A., Jahn, R., Jörg, P., Ketzer, B., Khaustov, G.V., Khokhlov, Yu.A., Kisselev, Yu, Klimaszewski, K., Koivuniemi, J.H., Königsmann, K., Konstantinov, V.F., Kotzinian, A.M., Kouznetsov, O., Kroumchtein, Z.V., Kuchinski, N., Kurek, K., Levorato, S., Maggiora, A., Makke, N., Matousek, J., Michigami, T., Neubert, S., Neyret, D., Novy, J., Olshevsky, A.G., Orlov, I., Ostrick, M., Peshekhonov, D.V., Platchkov, S., Quintans, C., Regali, C., Reicherz, G., Rocco, E., Rossiyskaya, N.S., Ryabchikov, D.I., Sandacz, A., Sarkar, S., Schiavon, P., Schmidt, K., Schmieden, H., Schopferer, S., Slunecka, M., Sosio, S., Stolarski, M., Sulej, R., Szameitat, T., Sznajder, P., ter Wolbeek, J., Tessaro, S., Thibaud, F., Uman, I., Virius, M., Weisrock, T., Wilfert, M., Windmolders, R., Zaremba, K., Zavertyaev, M., Zemlyanichkina, E., Ziembicki, M., Zink, A.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.05.2015)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.05.2015)
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Journal Article
Development of a fast gaseous detector: ‘Micromegas’
Barouch, G, Bay, A, Bouchigny, S, Charpak, G, Derré, J, Didierjean, F, Faivre, J.-C, Giomataris, Y, Kochowski, C, Kunne, F, Le Goff, J.-M, Lehar, F, Lemoigne, Y, Loucatos, S, Lugol, J.-C, Magnon, A, Mayer, B, Perroud, J.-P, Platchkov, S, Puill, G, Rebourgeard, Ph, Terrien, Y, Thers, D, Zaccone, H
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.02.1999)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.02.1999)
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