A measurement of p̄p and pp elastic scattering at ISR energies
Breakstone, A., Campanini, R., Crawley, H.B., Dallavalle, G.M., Deninno, M.M., Doroba, K., Drijard, D., Fabbri, F., Firestone, A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Geist, W., Giacomelli, G., Gokieli, R., Gorbics, M., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Kluge, E.E., Lamsa, J.W., Lohse, T., Meyer, W.T., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Panter, M., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rensch, B., Rimondi, F., Sosnowski, R., Szczekowski, M., Ullaland, O., Wegener, D., Wunsch, M.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.12.1984)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.12.1984)
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Observation of jet structure in high pT events at the ISR and the importance of parton transverse momentum
Della Negra, M., Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Fontaine, G., Freshse, H., Frenkiel, P., Ghesquière, C., Gokieli, R., Hanke, P., Hofmann, W., Innocenti, P.G., Isenbeck, W., Kluge, E.E., Korbel, V., Linglin, D., Minten, A., Norton, A., Putzer, A., Sajot, G., Sosnowski, R., Stein, S., Stiewe, J., Wahl, H.D., Wegener, D.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.08.1977)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.08.1977)
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Journal Article
Charmed baryon production at the CERN intersecting storage rings
Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Geist, W., Innocenti, P.G., Korbel, V., Minten, A., Norton, A., Stein, S., Ullaland, O., Wahl, H.D., Burlaud, P., Fontaine, G., Frenkiel, P., Ghesquière, C., Sajot, G., Hanke, P., Hofmann, W., Panter, M., Rauschnabel, K., Spengler, J., Wegener, D., Frehse, H., Kluge, E.E., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Putzer, A., Della Negra, M., Linglin, D., Gokieli, R., Sosnowski, R., Szeptycka, M.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1979)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1979)
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The LEP control system
Innocenti, P.G.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.08.1990)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.08.1990)
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Journal Article
Multiplicity dependence of transverse momentum spectra at ISR energies
Breakstone, A., Campanini, R., Crawley, H.B., Dallavalle, G.M., Deninno, M.M., Doroba, K., Drijard, D., Fabbri, F., Firestone, A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Geist, W., Giacomelli, G., Gokieli, R., Gorbics, M., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Kluge, E.E., Lamsa, J.W., Lohse, T., Meyer, W.T., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Panter, M., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rimondi, F., Sosnowski, R., Szczekowski, M., Ullaland, O., Wegener, D.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1983)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1983)
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Density, charge and transverse momentum correlations of particles in non-diffractive proton-proton collissions at √ s = 52.5 GeV
Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Gokieli, R., Innocenti, P.G., Korbel, V., Minten, A., Norton, A., Sosnowski, R., Stein, S., Ullaland, O., Wahl, H.D., Burlaud, P., Della Negra, M., Fontaine, G., Frenkiel, P., Ghesquiere, C., Linglin, D., Sajot, G., Frehse, H., Kluge, E.E., Putzer, A., Stiewe, J., Hanke, P., Hofmann, W., Isenbeck, W., Spengler, J., Wegener, D.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (20.08.1979)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (20.08.1979)
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Momentum distributions of nuclear fragments in αα collisions at √ s = 125 GeV
Bell, W., Braune, K., Claesson, G., Drijard, D., Faessler, M.A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Frey, R.W., Garpman, S., Geist, W., Gruhn, C., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Ketel, T.J., Kluge, E.E., Lund, I., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Otterlund, I., Panter, M., Povh, B., Putzer, A., Stenlund, E., Symons, T.J.M., Szwed, R., Ullaland, O.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (1985)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (1985)
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A measurement of the inclusive cross section of charged pions at very high transverse momenta
Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Geist, W., Heck, B., Heiden, M., Innocenti, P.G., Lamsa, J.W., Meyer, W.T., Mornacchi, G., Norton, A., Ullaland, O., Wahl, H.D., Hofmann, W., Panter, M., Rauschnabel, K., Spengler, J., Wegener, D., Hanke, P., Herr, W., Kluge, E.E., Nakada, T., Putzer, A., Doroba, K., Gokieli, R., Sosnowski, R.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.01.1982)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.01.1982)
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Multiplicity distributions in αα and αp collisions at the CERN ISR
Bell, W., Braune, K., Claesson, G., Drijard, D., Faessler, M.A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Frey, R.W., Garpman, S., Geist, W., Gruhn, C., Gugelot, P.C., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Ketel, T.J., Kluge, E.E., Lund, I., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Otterlund, I., Panter, M., Povh, B., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rensch, M., Stenlund, E., Symons, T.J.M., Szwed, R., Ullaland, O., Walcher, Th, Wunsch, M.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.09.1983)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.09.1983)
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Journal Article
Quantum number effects in events with a charged particle of large transverse momentum: (II). Charge correlations in jets
Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Geist, W., Innocenti, P.G., Korbel, V., Minten, A., Norton, A., Stein, S., Ullaland, O., Wahl, H.D., Burlaud, P., Fontaine, G., Frenkiel, P., Ghesquière, C., Sajot, G., Hanke, P., Hofmann, W., Isenbeck, W., Panter, M., Rauschnabel, K., Spengler, J., Wegener, D., Frehse, H., Kluge, E.E., Heiden, M., Putzer, A., Della Negra, M., Linglin, D., Gokieli, R., Sosnowski, R.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (21.04.1980)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (21.04.1980)
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Journal Article
Observation of charmed D meson production in pp collisions
Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Geist, W., Gokieli, R., Innocenti, P.G., Korbel, V., Minten, A., Norton, A., Sosnowski, R., Stein, S., Ullaland, O., Wahl, H.D., Burlaud, P., Della Negra, M., Fontaine, G., Frenkiel, P., Ghesquiere, C., Linglin, D., Sajot, G., Frehse, H., Kluge, E.E., Heiden, M., Putzer, A., Stiewe, J., Hanke, P., Hofmann, W., Panter, M., Rauschnabel, K., Spengler, J., Wegener, D.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1979)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1979)
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Measurement of αα and αp elastic scattering at the CERN ISR
Bell, W., Braune, K., Claesson, G., Drijard, D., Faessler, M.A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Frey, R.W., Garpman, S., Geist, W., Gugelot, P.C., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Innocenti, P.G., Ketel, T.J., Kluge, E.E., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Otterlund, I., Povh, B., Putzer, A., Stenlund, E., Symons, T.J.M., Szwed, R., Ullaland, O., Walcher, Th
Published in Physics letters. B (04.11.1982)
Published in Physics letters. B (04.11.1982)
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Journal Article
Fluctuations in the hadronic temperature in pp, pα and αα collisions at ISR energies
Braune, K., Breakstone, A., Campanini, R., Claesson, G.O., Crawley, H.B., Dallavalle, G.M., Doroba, K., Drijard, D., Fabbri, F., Faessler, M., Firestone, A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Garpman, S.I.A., Geist, W., Giacomelli, G., Gokieli, R., Gorbics, M., Gruhn, Ch, Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Hofmann, W., Innocenti, P.G., Ketel, T.J., Kluge, E.E., Lämsä, J.W., Lohse, T., Meyer, W.T., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Otterlund, I., Panter, M., Povh, B., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rensch, B., Rimondi, F., Sosnowski, R., Spengler, J., Stenlund, E., Symons, T.J.M., Szczekowski, M., Szwed, R., Ullaland, O., Wegener, D., Wunsch, M.
Published in Physics letters. B (14.04.1983)
Published in Physics letters. B (14.04.1983)
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Production of charged pions at high transverse momentum in pp collisions at √ s=45 and 62 GeV
Breakstone, A., Buchanan, C.D., Campanini, R., Crawley, H.B., Dallavalle, G.M., Deninno, M.M., Doroba, K., Drijard, D., Fabbri, F., Firestone, A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Geist, W., Giacomelli, G., Gokieli, R., Gorbics, M., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Kluge, E.E., Lamsa, J.W., Lohse, T., Meyer, W.T., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Panter, M., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rimondi, F., Sosnowski, R., Spahn, J., Szczekowski, M., Ullaland, O., Wegener, D.
Published in Physics letters. B (16.02.1984)
Published in Physics letters. B (16.02.1984)
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Transverse momentum distributions of hadrons produced in αα and αp collisions at the CERN intersecting storage rings
Bell, W., Braune, K., Claesson, G., Drijard, D., Faessler, M.A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Frey, R.W., Garpman, S., Geist, W., Gugelot, P.C., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Innocenti, P.G., Ketel, T.J., Kluge, E.E., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Otterlund, I., Panter, M., Povh, P., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Stenlund, E., Symons, T.J.M., Szwed, R., Ullaland, O., Walcher, Th
Published in Physics letters. B (13.05.1982)
Published in Physics letters. B (13.05.1982)
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Comparison of inclusive distributions in pp and [formula omitted]p interactions at √ s=53 GeV
Breakstone, A., Campanini, R., Crawley, H.B., Dallavalle, G.M., Deninno, M.M., Doroba, K., Drijard, D., Fabbri, F., Firestone, A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Geist, W., Giacomelli, G., Gokieli, R., Gorbics, M., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Kluge, E.E., Lamsa, J.W., Lohse, T., Meyer, W.T., Mornacchi, G., Nakada, T., Panter, M., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rimondi, F., Sosnowski, R., Szczekowski, M., Ullaland, O., Wegener, D.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.12.1983)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.12.1983)
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Quantum number effects in events with a charged particle of large transverse momentum: (I). Leading particles in single and diquark jets
Drijard, D., Fischer, H.G., Geist, W., Gokieli, R., Innocenti, P.G., Korbel, V., Minten, A., Norton, A., Sosnowski, R., Stein, S., Ullaland, O., Wahl, H.D., Burland, P., Della Negra, M., Fontaine, G., Frenkiel, P., Ghesquiere, C., Linglin, D., Sajot, G., Frehse, H., Kluge, E.E., Putzer, A., Stiewe, J., Hanke, P., Hoffmann, W., Isenbeck, W., Spengler, J., Wegener, D.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (03.09.1979)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (03.09.1979)
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High [formula omitted] production in p-p collisions at the ISR; strangeness suppression and gluon effects
Breakstone, A., Buchanan, C.D., Campanini, R., Crawley, H.B., Dallavalle, G.M., Deninno, M.M., Doroba, K., Drijard, D., Fabbri, F., Firestone, A., Fischer, H.G., Frehse, H., Geist, W., Giacomelli, G., Gokieli, R., Gorbics, M., Hanke, P., Heiden, M., Herr, W., Innocenti, P.G., Kluge, E.E., Lamsa, J.W., Lohse, T., Meyer, W.T., Mornachhi, G., Nakada, T., Panter, M., Putzer, A., Rauschnabel, K., Rimondi, F., Sosnowski, R., Spahn, J., Szczekowski, M., Ullaland, O., Wegener, D.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.02.1984)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.02.1984)
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