Sclerosing Mesenteritis in a Child With Celiac Disease
Sampert, Catherine, Lowichik, Amy, Rollins, Michael, Inman, C.J., Bohnsack, John, Pohl, John F.
Published in Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition (01.12.2011)
Published in Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition (01.12.2011)
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Journal Article
Delays to Care in Pediatric Lupus Patients: Data From the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Legacy Registry
Rubinstein, Tamar B., Mowrey, Wenzhu B., Ilowite, Norman T., Wahezi, Dawn M., Abramson, L., Anderson, E., Battle, N., Becker, M., Benham, H., Birmingham, J., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Carlton, D., Caruso, B., Chang, J., Charpentier, P., Clark, K., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., Ferguson, P., Fox, M., Francis, K., Gervasini, M., Goldsmith, D., Gorton, G., Gottlieb, B., Graham, T., Griffin, T., Grosbein, H., Guppy, S., Haftel, H., Helfrich, D., Higgins, G., Hillard, A., Hollister, J.R., Hsu, J., Hudgins, A., Hung, C., Huttenlocher, A., Imlay, A., Imundo, L., Inman, C.J., Jaqith, J., Jerath, R., Kahn, P., Kapedani, A., Kingsbury, D., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kunkel, A., Lapidus, S., Layburn, S., Lehman, T., Lindsley, C., Macgregor‐Hannah, M., Malloy, M., McCurdy, D., Mims, K., Morus, D., Muscal, E., Natter, M., O'Neil, K., Orlando, M., Palmquist, J., Ponder, L., Prahalad, S., Puplava, D., Quinn, S., Quintero, A., Rabinovich, C., Reed, A., Ringold, S., Riordan, M., Roberson, S., Robinson, A., Rossette, J., Rothman, D., Russo, D., Ruth, N., Sestak, A., Shaham, B., Simmons, M., Singer, N., Stapp, H., Syed, R., Thomas, E., Torok, K., Trejo, D., Tress, J., Vehe, R., Scheven, E., Walters, L., Weiss, J., Weiss, P., Welnick, N., White, A., Wootton, J., Yalcindag, A., Zapp, C., Zemel, L.
Published in Arthritis care & research (2010) (01.03.2018)
Published in Arthritis care & research (2010) (01.03.2018)
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Baseline Description of the Juvenile Localized Scleroderma Subgroup From the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Legacy Registry
Wu, Eveline Y., Li, Suzanne C., Torok, Kathryn S., Virkud, Yamini V., Fuhlbrigge, Robert C., Rabinovich, C. Egla, Abramson, L., Anderson, E., Battle, N., Benham, H., Beukelman, T., Birmingham, J., Blier, P., Brown, A., Brunner, H., Cabrera, A., Canter, D., Carlton, D., Caruso, B., Ceracchio, L., Chalom, E., Chang, J., Charpentier, P., Clark, K., Dean, J., Dedeoglu, F., Feldman, B., Ferguson, P., Fox, M., Francis, K., Gorton, G., Gottlieb, B., Graham, T., Griffin, T., Grosbein, H., Guppy, S., Haftel, H., Helfrich, D., Hillard, A., Hsu, J., Hung, C., Imlay, A., Imundo, L., Inman, C.J., Jerath, R., Jung, L., Kahn, P., Kapedani, A., Kingsbury, D., Klein, K., Klein‐Gitelman, M., Kunkel, A., Lehman, T., Lindsley, C., Malloy, M., Mawhorter, C., McCurdy, D., Mims, K., Moorthy, N., Morus, D., Muscal, E., Natter, M., Olson, J., O’Neil, K., Onel, K., Orlando, M., Palmquist, J., Phillips, M., Ponder, L., Prahalad, S., Punaro, M., Puplava, D., Quinn, S., Rabinovich, C., Reed, A., Reed, C., Riordan, M., Robinson, A., Rothman, D., Russo, D., Ruth, N., Schikler, K., Shaham, B., Sherman, Y., Simmons, M., Singer, N., Spalding, S., Stapp, H., Thomas, E., Torok, K., Upton, W., Vehe, R., Walters, L., Welnick, N., White, A., Woo, J., Wootton, J., Zapp, C., Zemel, L., Zhu, A.
Published in ACR open rheumatology (01.04.2019)
Published in ACR open rheumatology (01.04.2019)
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