Genetic Susceptibility, Dietary Antioxidants, and Long-Term Incidence of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Two Populations
Wang, Jie Jin, MMed, PhD, Buitendijk, Gabriëlle H.S., MD, MSc, Rochtchina, Elena, BSc, MAppStat, Lee, Kristine E., MS, Klein, Barbara E.K., MD, MPH, van Duijn, Cornelia M., PhD, Flood, Victoria M., MPH, PhD, Meuer, Stacy M., BS, Attia, John, MD, PhD, Myers, Chelsea, MStat, Holliday, Elizabeth G., PhD, Tan, Ava G., MAIT, MPH, Smith, Wayne T., MBBS, PhD, Iyengar, Sudha K., PhD, de Jong, Paulus T.V.M., MD, PhD, Hofman, Albert, MD, PhD, Vingerling, Johannes R., MD, PhD, Mitchell, Paul, MD, PhD, Klein, Ronald, MD, MPH, Klaver, Caroline C.W., MD, PhD
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.03.2014)
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.03.2014)
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Seasonal Variation in Spontaneous Cervical Artery Dissection: Comparing between UK and Australian Sites
Thomas, Lucy C., PhD, MMedSc, Hall, Lesley Ann, MBBS, FRACP, Attia, John R., PhD, Holliday, Elizabeth G., PhD, Markus, Hugh S., PhD, Levi, Christopher R., MBBS, FRACP
Published in Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases (01.01.2017)
Published in Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases (01.01.2017)
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Prediction of Age-related Macular Degeneration in the General Population
Buitendijk, Gabriëlle H.S., MD, MSc, Rochtchina, Elena, MApplStat, Myers, Chelsea, MStat, van Duijn, Cornelia M., PhD, Lee, Kristine E., MS, Klein, Barbara E.K., MD, MPH, Meuer, Stacy M., BS, de Jong, Paulus T.V.M., MD, PhD, Holliday, Elizabeth G., PhD, Tan, Ava G., MAIT, MPH, Uitterlinden, André G., PhD, Sivakumaran, Theru S., PhD, Attia, John, MD, PhD, Hofman, Albert, MD, PhD, Mitchell, Paul, MD, PhD, Vingerling, Johannes R., PhD, Iyengar, Sudha K., PhD, Janssens, A. Cecile J.W., PhD, Wang, Jie Jin, MMed, PhD, Klein, Ronald, MD, MPH, Klaver, Caroline C.W., MD, PhD
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.12.2013)
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.12.2013)
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Genetic Association of Refractive Error and Axial Length with 15q14 but Not 15q25 in the Blue Mountains Eye Study Cohort
Schache, Maria, BSc(Hons), PhD, Richardson, Andrea J., BSc(Hons), Mitchell, Paul, MD, PhD, Wang, Jie Jin, MMed, PhD, Rochtchina, Elena, BSc, MApplStat, Viswanathan, Ananth C., MD, PhD, Wong, Tien Y., MD, PhD, Saw, Seang Mei, MBBS, PhD, Topouzis, Fotis, MD, PhD, Xie, Jing, MD, PhD, Sim, Xueling, BSc, PhD, Holliday, Elizabeth G., MBiostatistics, PhD, Attia, John, MD, PhD, Scott, Rodney J., BSc, PhD, Baird, Paul N., BSc, PhD
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.02.2013)
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.02.2013)
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