Meibomian gland carcinoma
Betten, Hilke H, Wenzel, Jörg, Bieber, Thomas, Schmid-wendtner, Monika-H
Published in EJD. European journal of dermatology (01.05.2006)
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Published in EJD. European journal of dermatology (01.05.2006)
Journal Article
The DELPHI time projection chamber
Brand, C., Cairanti, G., Charpentier, P., Clara, M.P., Delikaris, D., Foeth, H., Heck, B.W., Hilke, H.J., Sulkowski, K., Aubert, C., Billoir, P., Boutonnet, C., Courty, P., Crozon, M., Delpierre, P., Diaczek, A., Mas, J., Saget, G., Tilquin, A., Turlot, J.P., Vergezac, P., Antilogus, P., Augustin, J.E., Gaillard, M., Gros, M.H., Hrisoho, A., Jean-Marie, B., Lepeltier, V., Noppe, J.M., Richard, F., Truong, K., Bolognese, T., Borgeaud, P., DeBeer, M., Jarry, P., Mur, M., Raoul, J.C., Ruhlmann, V., Sacquin, Y., Siegrist, P., Smadja, G., Turluer, M., Vilanova, D., Darbo, G., Vernocchi, F., Barring, O., Jarlskog, G., Kack, S., Lorstadt, B., Mjornmark, U.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (01.02.1989)
Published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (01.02.1989)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Dihydroergotamine: pharmacokinetics and usefulness in spinal anaesthesia
Hilke, H, Kanto, J, Mäntylä, R, Kleimola, T, Syvälahti, E
Published in Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (01.01.1978)
Published in Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (01.01.1978)
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Journal Article
The DELPHI time projection chamber
Brand, C., Cairanti, S., Charpentier, P., Delikaris, D., Delpierre, P., Foeth, H., Heck, B.W., Hilke, H.J., Sancho, A., Wildman, J., Aubret, C., Billoir, P., Boutonnet, C., Courty, P., Crozon, M., Diaczek, A., Mas, J., Mathis, L., Saget, G., Tilquin, A., Turlot, J.P., Vergezac, P., Antilogus, P., Augustin, J.E., Gaillard, M., Gros, M.H., Hrisoho, A., Jean-Marie, B., Lepeltier, V., Noppe, J.M., Richard, F., Truong, K., Bolognese, T., Borgeaud, P., Debeer, M., Goujon, G., Gros, M., Jarry, P., Mur, M., Raoul, J.C., Ruhlmann, V., Sacquin, Y., Siegrist, P., Smadja, G., Turluer, M., Vilanova, D., Darbo, G., Bärring, O., Jarlskog, G., Käck, S., Lorstadt, B., Mjörnmark, U.
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (10.11.1989)
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (10.11.1989)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Performance of the AFS-Vertex Detector at the CERN ISR
Cockerill, D, Fabjan, C W, Frandsen, P, Hallgren, A, Heck, B, Hilke, H J, Hogue, R, Jeffreys, P, Jensen, H B, Killian, T, Kreisler, M, Lindsay, J, Ludlam, T, Lissauer, D, Molzon, W, Nielsen, B S, Oren, Y, Quéru, P, Rosselet, L, Rosso, E, Rudge, A, Sciré, M, Wang, D W, Wang, Ch J, Willis, W J, Botner, O, Bøggild, H, Dahl-Jensen, E, Dahl-Jensen, I, Dam, Ph, Damgaard, G, Hansen, K H, Hooper, J, Møller, R, Nielsen, S Ø, Schistad, B, Akesson, T, Almehed, S, Dardel, G von, Henning, S, Jarlskog, G, Lörstad, B, Melin, A, Mjörnmark, U, Nilsson, A, Albrow, M G, McCubbin, N A, Evans, W M
Published in Physica scripta (01.04.1981)
Published in Physica scripta (01.04.1981)
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Journal Article
Intramuscular absorption of dihydroergotamine in man
Hilke, H, Kanto, J, Kleimola, T, Mäntylä, R
Published in International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy (01.06.1978)
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Published in International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy (01.06.1978)
Journal Article
Bose-Einstein correlations between kaons
Åkesson, T., Albrow, M.G., Alhemed, S., Batley, R., Benary, O., Bøggild, H., Botner, O., Breuker, H., Brody, H., Burkert, V., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Cacil, P., Chung, S.U., Cleland, W.E., Cockerill, D., Dagan, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dahl-Jensen, I., Dam, P., Damgaard, G., Eidelman, S., Evans, W.M., Fabjan, C.W., Frandsen, P., Frankel, S., Frati, W., Gibson, M., Goerlach, U., Gordon, H., Hansen, K.H., Heck, B., Hedberg, V., Hiddleston, J., Hilke, H.J., Hooper, J., Jarlskog, G., Jeffreys, P., Kalinovsky, A., Kesseler, G., Killian, T., Kroeger, R., Kulka, K., Van Der Lans, J., Lindsay, J., Lissauer, D., Lörstad, B., Ludlam, T., Markou, A., McCubbin, N.A., Mjörnmark, U., Møller, R., Molzon, W., Nielsen, B.S., Nilsson, A., Olsen, L.H., Oren, Y., Rosselet, L., Rosso, E., Rudge, A., Schindler, R., Sullivan, M., Thompson, J.A., Thorstenson, G., Vella, E., Williamson, J., Willis, W.J., Winik, M., Witzeling, W., Woody, C., Zajc, W.A.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1985)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1985)
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Journal Article
Influence of somatostatin on carbohydrate absorption in human small intestine
Pott, G, Wagner, H, Zierden, E, Hilke, K H, Jansen, H, Hengst, K, Gerlach, U
Published in Klinische Wochenschrift (01.02.1979)
Published in Klinische Wochenschrift (01.02.1979)
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Journal Article
Multiplicity distributions in p-α and α-α collisions in the CERN ISR
Åkesson, T., Albrow, M.G., Almehed, S., Benary, O., Boggild, H., Botner, O., Brody, H., Burkert, V., Di Ciaccio, A., Cockerill, D., Dagan, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dahl-Jensen, I., Dam, P., Damgaard, G., Evans, W.M., Fabjan, C.W., Frandsen, P., Frankel, S., Frati, W., Gibson, M.D., Gordon, H., Hallgren, A., Hansen, K.H., Heck, B., Hiddleston, J.W., Hilke, H.J., Hofmann, H., Hooper, J.E., Jarlskog, G., Jeffreys, P., Kesseler, G., Killian, T., Lans, J.v.d., Lissauer, D., Lohse, E., Lörstad, B., Ludlam, T., Madansky, L., McCubbin, N.A., Melin, A., Mjornmark, U., Møller, R., Molzon, W., Nielsen, B.S., Nilsson, A., Olsen, L.H., Oren, Y., Rosselet, L., Rosso, E., Rudge, A., Schindler, R.H., Schistad, B., Willis, W.J., Winik, M., Witzeling, W., Wood, M., Woody, C.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1982)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1982)
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Journal Article
Quantitative Interpretation of Myocardial Fiber Structure in the Left and Right Ventricle of an Equine Heart Using Diffusion Tensor Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Straatman, Hilke C. H., van der Schoor, Imke, Froeling, Martijn, Van Steenkiste, Glenn, Holtackers, Robert J., Delhaas, Tammo
Published in Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (2021)
Published in Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (2021)
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Book Chapter
Results on space measurement accuracy from tests of a half-scale DELPHI TPC prototype
Brand, C., Cirio, R., Foeth, A., Heck, B., Hilke, H.J., Billoir, P., Brunet, J.M., Courty, P., Delikaris, D., Delpierre, P., Diaczek, A., Kent, J., Rousseau, J.Y., Turlot, J.P., Augustin, J.E., Bouquet, B., Hrisoho, A., Noppe, J.M., Richard, F., Truong, K., Borgeaud, P., Charpentier, Ph, Mur, M., Raoul, J.C., Sacquin, Y., Siegrist, P., Smadja, G., Vilanova, D.
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (01.12.1986)
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (01.12.1986)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Charged particle production and correlations at high transverse momentum at the CERN intersecting storage rings
Åkesson, T., Albrow, M.G., Almehed, S., Benary, O., Bøggild, H., Botner, O., Brody, H., Burkert, V., Cockerill, D., Dagan, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dahl-Jensen, I., Dam, P., Damgaard, G., von Dardel, G., Evans, W.M., Fabjan, C.W., Frandsen, P., Frankel, S., Frati, W., Gibson, M.D., Gordon, H., Hallgren, A., Hansen, K.H., Heck, B., Henning, S., Hiddleston, J.W., Hilke, H.J., Hooper, J.E., Jarlskog, G., Jeffreys, P., Jensen, T., Kesseler, G., Killian, T., van der Lans, J., Lindsay, J., Lissauer, D., Lohse, E., Lörstad, B., Ludlam, T., McCubbin, N.A., Melin, A., Mjörnmark, U., Molzon, W., Møller, R., Nielsen, B.S., Nielsen, S.Ø., Nilsson, A., Olsen, L.H., Oren, Y., Rosselet, L., Rosso, E., Rudge, A., Schindler, R.H., Schistad, B., Willis, W.J., Winik, M., Witzeling, W., Woody, C.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.01.1984)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.01.1984)
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Journal Article
A study of charged particles associated with high- pT photons and pions
Åkesson, T., Albrow, M.G., Almehed, S., Anassontzis, E., Batley, R., Benary, O., Bøggild, H., Botner, O., Brody, H., Burkert, V., Di Ciaccio, A., Cockerill, D., Dagan, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dahl-Jensen, I., Damgaard, G., Evans, W.M., Fabjan, C.W., Ferbel, T., Frandsen, P., Frankel, S., Frati, W., Gordon, H., Hallgren, A., Hansen, K.H., Heck, B., Hilke, H.J., Hooper, J.E., Jarlskog, G., Jeffreys, P., Jensen, T., Kesseler, G., Killian, T., Kourkoumelis, C., Lans, J.v.d., Lissauer, D., Lörstad, B., Ludlam, T., McCubbin, N.A., Mannelli, I., Markou, T., Melin, A., Mjörnmark, U., Møller, R., Molzon, W., Nappi, A., Nielsen, B.S., Nilsson, A., Olsen, L.H., Oren, Y., Palmer, R.B., Rahm, D.C., Rehak, P., Resvanis, L.K., Rosselet, L., Rosso, E., Rudge, A., Schindler, R.H., Schistad, B., Stumer, I., Willis, W.J., Winik, M., Witzeling, W., Woody, C.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1982)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1982)
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Journal Article