Electronics for the camera of the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) for ground based gamma-ray astronomy
Anderhub, H, Backes, M, Biland, A, Boller, A, Braun, I, Bretz, T, Commichau, V, Djambazov, L, Dorner, D, Farnier, C, Gendotti, A, Grimm, O, Gunten, H P von, Hildebrand, D, Horisberger, U, Huber, B, Kim, K -S, Köhne, J -H, Krähenbühl, T, Krumm, B, Lee, M, Lenain, J -P, Lorenz, E, Lustermann, W, Lyard, E, Mannheim, K, Meharga, M, Neise, D, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Overkemping, A -K, Pauss, F, Renker, D, Rhode, W, Ribordy, M, Rohlfs, R, Röser, U, Stucki, J -P, Thaele, J, Tibolla, O, Viertel, G, Vogler, P, Walter, R, Warda, K, Weitzel, Q
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.01.2012)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.01.2012)
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Journal Article
Experience with the L3 vertex drift chamber at LEP
Anderhub, H., Beissel, F., Betev, B., Biland, A., Böhm, A., Bourilkov, D., Camps, C., Commichau, V., Djambazov, L., Göttlicher, P., Hangarter, K., Hofer, H., Holzner, A., Horisberger, U., Kopp, A., Leiste, R., Lohmann, W., Lustermann, W., Mnich, J., Paus, C., Pohl, M., Rahal, G., Röser, U., Sassowsky, M., Schäfer, C., Schmidt-Kärst, A.S., Schmitz, P., Spickermann, T., Straessner, A., Suter, H., Szczesny, H., Viertel, G., Vogt, H., Von Gunten, H.P., Waldmeier, S., Weber, M., Wienemann, P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2003)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2003)
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Journal Article
Performance of a cerium fluoride crystal matrix measured in high-energy particle beams
Auffray, E., Beckers, T., Bourotte, J., Chipaux, R., Commichau, V., Dafinei, I., Depasse, P., Djambazov, L., Dydak, U., El Mamouni, H., Fay, J., Felcini, M., Goyot, M., Haguenauer, M., Hangarter, K., Hillemanns, H., Hofer, H., Ille, B., Jacobs, B., Kirn, T., Kryn, D., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Martin, J.P., Mattioli, M., Maurelli, G., Melnikov, I., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pacciani, L., Pirro, S., Raghavan, R., Ren, D., Reynaud, M., Röser, U., Sahuc, P., Schmitz, D., Schneegans, M., Schwenke, J., Soric, I., Viertel, G., Von Gunten, H.P., Walder, J.P., Waldmeier-Wicki, S.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.1996)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.08.1996)
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Journal Article
The Prototype Synchrotron Radiation Detector (PSRD)
Anderhub, H, Baetzner, D, Baumgartner, S, Biland, A, Camps, C, Capell, M, Commichau, V, Djambazov, L, Fanchiang, Y.-J, Fluegge, G, Grimm, O, Hangarter, K, Hofer, H, Kan, R, Kenney, G, Koutsenko, V, Kraeber, M, Kuipers, J, Lebedev, A, Lee, S.-C, Ren, D, Ren, Z.L, Roeser, U, Ting, Samuel C.C, Tiwari, A, Viertel, G.M, von Gunten, H.P, Waldmeier Wicki, S, Wang, T.-S, Zimmermann, B
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.2002)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.2002)
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Intercalibration of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at start-up
Alemany-Fernandez, R, Anagnostou, G, Atramentov, O, Baccaro, S, Bartoloni, A, Baty, C, Bandurin, D, Bernet, C, Berthon, U, Biino, C, Blaha, J, Bloch, P, Brett, A M, Busson, P, Camanzi, B, Camporesi, T, Chang, P, Chen, E A, Chen, W T, Chen, Z, Chipaux, R, Choudhury, R K, Combaret, C, Conetti, S, Davatz, G, Dejardin, M, Negra, R Della, Depasse, P, Marco, E Di, Dissertori, G, Dobrzynski, L, Dutta, D, Elliott-Peisert, A, Evangelou, I, Faure, J L, Funk, W, Gershtein, Y, Ghodgaonkar, M D, Givernaud, A, Godinovic, N, Gong, D, Gras, P, Greenhalgh, R J S, Riveros, L Guevara, Heath, H F, Heltsley, B, Hill, J A, Hirosky, R, Hsiung, Y, Imlay, R, Ingram, Q, Jovanovic, D, Kaadze, K, Kailas, S, Kloukinas, K, Krpic, D, Kubota, Y, Lethuillier, M, Longo, E, Luckey, P D, Mahlke-Krueger, H, Malberti, M, Marinelli, N, Mur, M, Nedelec, P, Newman, H B, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Paganoni, M, Panev, B, Papadakis, A, Parracho, P, Pauss, F, Puzovic, J, Rahatlou, S, Renker, D, Reymond, J M, Ribeiro, P, Roeser, U, Romanteau, T, Rondeaux, F, Ronquest, M, Rovelli, C, Sala, L, Salerno, R, Siamitros, C, Sillou, D, Sirois, Y, Shiu, J G, Shukla, P, Fatis, T Tabarelli de, Takahashi, M, Tobias, A, Tyurin, N, Ueno, K, Uzunian, A, Vlassov, E, Weng, J, Zhang, J, Zhang, L Y, Zhu, K
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.10.2008)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.10.2008)
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Journal Article
The forward muon detector of L3
Adam, A., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alarcon, J., Alexandrov, V., Alviggi, M.G., Anderhub, H., Ariza, M., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Banicz, K., Barcala, J., Becker, U., Berdugo, J., Berges, P., Betev, B.L., Biland, A., Borissov, V., Bosseler, K., Buskens, J., Carlino, G., Cavallo, N., Cerjak, I., Chen, H.S., Chendvankar, S.R., Chvatchkine, V., Decreuse, G., Duraffourg, P., Erné, F.C., Esser, H., Ezekiev, S., Faber, G., Freudenreich, K., Fritschi, M., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L.J., Herold, W.D., Hervé, A., Hofer, H., Hofer, H., Hofer, M., Hofer, T., Homma, J., Horisberger, U., Innocente, V., Ioudine, I., Jaspers, M., Kaestli, W., Kaspar, H., König, A.C., Koutsenko, V., Lanzano, S., Lapoint, C., Lecomte, P., Lista, L., Lübelsmeyer, K., Ma, J.M., Molinero, A., Montero, A., Moore, R., Navarrete, J., Orlinov, I., Ostojic, D., Paolucci, P., Parascandolo, P., Passeggio, G., Patricelli, S., Peach, D., Puras, C., Rietmeyer, A., Riles, K., Risco, J., Roeser, U., Romero, L., van Rossum, W., Schultze, K., Schuylenburg, H., Seiler, P.G., Smith, B., Soulimov, V., Syben, O., Tonutti, M., Udovcic, A., Veillet, L., Vergain, M., Viertel, G., von Gunten, H.P., Vorobyov, An.A., Vrankovic, V., de Waard, A., Waldmeier-Wicki, S., Wallraff, W., Wang, J.C., Weverling, I., Willmott, C., Wittgenstein, F., Wu, R.J., Yang, K.S., Zhou, L., Zhou, Y., Zuang, H.L.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.1996)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.1996)
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Journal Article
Time resolution of a photomultiplier readout system for space application
Commichau, S.C., Camps, C., Capell, M., Commichau, V., Flügge, G., Hangarter, K., Lebedev, A., Röser, U., von Gunten, H., Mnich, J., Viertel, G.M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.05.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.05.2004)
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Journal Article
The Laser Beacon: A survey system for the torsion-free alignment and monitoring of the L3 Muon Spectrometer octants
Fabbretti, R., Fabre, M., Von Gunten, H.P., Haefliger, J., Li, L., Razis, P., Schafheitle, B., Seiler, P.G., Wemmers, G.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.08.1989)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.08.1989)
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Journal Article
A fast analog mean-timer
Sandberg, V.D., Bayliss, L., Dugan, M., Frank, J.S., Gordon, T., Hart, G., Hoffman, C.M., Hogan, G.E., Matis, H.S., Sanders, G.H., Von Gunten, H.P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.01.1985)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.01.1985)
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Journal Article
Test beam results of a cerium fluoride crystal matrix
Auffray, E., Bourotte, J., Beckers, T., Chipaux, M., Commichau, V., Dafinei, I., Depasse, P., Djambazov, L., Dydak, U., El Mamouni, H., Fay, J., Felcini, M., Goyot, M., Haguenauer, M., Hillemans, H., Hofer, H., Ille, B., Kirn, T., Kryn, D., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Martin, J.P., Maurelli, G., Mattioli, M., Melnikov, I., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pacciani, L., Pirro, S., Raghavan, R., Ren, D., Reynaud, M., Röser, U., Sahuc, P., Schmitz, D., Schneegans, M., Schwenke, J., Soric, I., Viertel, G., von Gunten, H.P., Walder, J.P., Waldmeier-Wicki, S.
Published in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements (1995)
Published in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements (1995)
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Conference Proceeding