Vitamin B complex deficiency after Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nunes, Rita, Santos-Sousa, Hugo, Vieira, Sofia, Nogueiro, Jorge, Bouça-Machado, Raquel, Pereira, André, Carneiro, Silvestre, Costa-Pinho, André, Lima-da-Costa, Eduardo, Preto, John, group, C. R. I.-O.
Published in Obesity surgery (01.03.2022)
Published in Obesity surgery (01.03.2022)
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Suppression of pulmonary innate host defence in smokers
Herr, C, Beisswenger, C, Hess, C, Kandler, K, Suttorp, N, Welte, T, Schroeder, J-M, Vogelmeier, C, Group, R Bals for the CAPNETZ Study
Published in Thorax (01.02.2009)
Published in Thorax (01.02.2009)
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Monitoring HIV viral load in resource limited settings: still a matter of debate?
Arnedo, Mireia, Alonso, Elena, Eisenberg, Nell, Ibáñez, Laura, Ferreyra, Cecilia, Jaén, Angels, Flevaud, Laurence, Khamadi, Samuel, Roddy, Paul, Gatell, Jose Maria, Dalmau, David
Published in PloS one (06.12.2012)
Published in PloS one (06.12.2012)
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Journal Article
Performance of the wavelength-shifting fiber upgrade for the Mu2e cosmic-ray veto detector
Coveyou, D., Dukes, E.C., Group, R.C., Oksuzian, Y., Roberts, S., Solt, M.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.05.2023)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.05.2023)
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Journal Article
Characterization of Silicon-Photomultipliers for a Cosmic Muon Veto detector
Jangra, M., Majumder, G., Saraf, M., Satyanarayana, B., Shinde, R.R., Upadhya, S.S., Datar, V.M., Glenzinski, D.A., Bross, A., Pla-Dalmau, A., Zutshi, V.V., Group, R.C., Dukes, E.C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.11.2021)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.11.2021)
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Performance of wavelength-shifting fibers for the Mu2e cosmic ray veto detector
Dukes, E.C., Farris, P.J., Group, R.C., Lam, T., Oksuzian, Y., Shooltz, D.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (20.12.2018)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (20.12.2018)
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Acquisition of plasmid-mediated cephalosporinase producing Enterobacteriaceae after a travel to the tropics
Lorme, Florian, Maataoui, Naouale, Rondinaud, Emilie, Esposito-Farèse, Marina, Clermont, Olivier, Ruppe, Etienne, Arlet, Guillaume, Genel, Nathalie, Matheron, Sophie, Andremont, Antoine, Armand-Lefevre, Laurence
Published in PloS one (18.12.2018)
Published in PloS one (18.12.2018)
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Performance of the NOνA Data Acquisition and Trigger Systems for the full 14 kT Far Detector
Norman, A., Davies, G.S., Ding, P.F., Dukes, E.C., Duyan, H., Frank, M.J., Group, R.C., Habig, A., Henderson, W., Niner, E., Mina, R., Moren, A., Mualem, L., Oksuzian, Y., Rebel, B., Shanahan, P., Sheshukov, A., Tamsett, M., Tomsen, K., Vinton, L., Wang, Z., Zamorano, B., Zirnstien, J.
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (23.12.2015)
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (23.12.2015)
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Endovascular Therapy for Ruptured Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysms: Results from Nationwide, Retrospective, Multi-Center Registries in Japan (JR-NET3)
NAKAMURA, Hajime, FUJINAKA, Toshiyuki, NISHIDA, Takeo, KISHIMA, Haruhiko, SAKAI, Nobuyuki, group, JR-NET3 study
Published in Neurologia medico-chirurgica (01.01.2019)
Published in Neurologia medico-chirurgica (01.01.2019)
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Ulcerated tophaceous gout
Ryan, Michael P, Monjazeb, Seena, Goodwin, Brandon P, Group, Ashley R
Published in Dermatology online journal (15.03.2019)
Published in Dermatology online journal (15.03.2019)
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Recommendations for the empirical treatment of complicated urinary tract infections using surveillance data on antimicrobial resistance in the Netherlands
Koningstein, Maike, van der Bij, Akke K, de Kraker, Marlieke E A, Monen, Jos C, Muilwijk, Jan, de Greeff, Sabine C, Geerlings, Suzanne E, Leverstein-van Hall, Maurine A, van Hall, Maurine A Leverstein
Published in PloS one (28.01.2014)
Published in PloS one (28.01.2014)
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First Measurement of Electron Neutrino Appearance in NOvA
Adamson, P, Ader, C, Andrews, M, Anfimov, N, Anghel, I, Arms, K, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Aurisano, A, Ayres, D S, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Bambah, B A, Bays, K, Bernstein, R, Betancourt, M, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Biery, K, Blackburn, T, Bocean, V, Bogert, D, Bolshakova, A, Bowden, M, Bower, C, Broemmelsiek, D, Bromberg, C, Brunetti, G, Bu, X, Butkevich, A, Capista, D, Catano-Mur, E, Chase, T R, Childress, S, Choudhary, B C, Chowdhury, B, Coan, T E, Coelho, J A B, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Corwin, L, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Cunningham, A, Davies, G S, Davies, J P, Del Tutto, M, Derwent, P F, Deepthi, K N, Demuth, D, Desai, S, Deuerling, G, Devan, A, Dey, J, Dharmapalan, R, Ding, P, Dixon, S, Djurcic, Z, Dukes, E C, Duyang, H, Ehrlich, R, Feldman, G J, Felt, N, Fenyves, E J, Flumerfelt, E, Foulkes, S, Frank, M J, Freeman, W, Gabrielyan, M, Gallagher, H R, Gebhard, M, Ghosh, T, Gilbert, W, Giri, A, Goadhouse, S, Gomes, R A, Goodenough, L, Goodman, M C, Grichine, V, Grossman, N, Group, R, Grudzinski, J, Guarino, V, Guo, B, Habig, A, Handler, T, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hatzikoutelis, A, Heller, K, Howcroft, C, Huang, J, Huang, X, Hylen, J, Ishitsuka, M, Jediny, F, Jensen, C, Jensen, D, Johnson, C, Jostlein, H, Kafka, G K
Published in Physical review letters (15.04.2016)
Published in Physical review letters (15.04.2016)
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Performance of Wavelength-Shifting Fibers for the Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto Detector
Dukes, E C, Farris, P J, Group, R C, Lam, T, Shooltz, D, Oksuzian, Y
Published in (12.11.2018)
Published in (12.11.2018)
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Journal Article
Improved determination of the sample composition of dimuon events produced in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV
Aaltonen, T, AlvarezGonzalez, B, Amerio, S, Amidei, D, Anastassov, A, Annovi, A, Antos, J, Apollinari, G, Apresyan, A, Arisawa, T, Artikov, A, Asaadi, J, Ashmanskas, W, Auerbach, B, Aurisano, A, Azfar, F, Badgett, W, Barbaro-Galtieri, A, Barnes, V E, Barnett, BA, Barria, P, Bartos, P, Bauce, M, Bedeschi, F, Beecher, D, Behari, S, Bellettini, G, Bellinger, J, Benjamin, D, Beretvas, A, Bhatti, A, Binkley, M, Bisello, D, Bizjak, I, Bland, K R, Blumenfeld, B, Bocci, A, Bodek, A, Bortoletto, D, Boudreau, J, Boveia, A, Brau, B, Brigliadori, L, Brisuda, A, Bromberg, C, Brucken, E, Bucciantonio, M, Budagov, J, Budd, H S, Budd, S, et. al
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.08.2011)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.08.2011)
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Evidence for a particle produced in association with weak bosons and decaying to a bottom-antibottom quark pair in higgs boson searches at the tevatron
Aaltonen, T, Abazov, V M, Abbott, B, Acharya, B S, Adams, M, Adams, T, Alexeev, G D, Alkhazov, G, Alton, A, Alvarez González, B, Alverson, G, Amerio, S, Amidei, D, Anastassov, A, Annovi, A, Antos, J, Apollinari, G, Appel, J A, Arisawa, T, Artikov, A, Asaadi, J, Ashmanskas, W, Askew, A, Atkins, S, Auerbach, B, Augsten, K, Aurisano, A, Avila, C, Azfar, F, Badaud, F, Badgett, W, Bae, T, Bagby, L, Baldin, B, Bandurin, D V, Banerjee, S, Barbaro-Galtieri, A, Barberis, E, Baringer, P, Barnes, V E, Barnett, B A, Barria, P, Bartlett, J F, Bartos, P, Bassler, U, Bauce, M, Bazterra, V, Bean, A, Bedeschi, F, Begalli, M, Behari, S, Bellantoni, L, Bellettini, G, Bellinger, J, Benjamin, D, Beretvas, A, Beri, S B, Bernardi, G, Bernhard, R, Bertram, I, Besançon, M, Beuselinck, R, Bhat, P C, Bhatia, S, Bhatnagar, V, Bhatti, A, Binkley, M, Bisello, D, Bizjak, I, Bland, K R, Blazey, G, Blessing, S, Bloom, K, Blumenfeld, B, Bocci, A, Bodek, A, Boehnlein, A, Boline, D, Boos, E E, Borissov, G, Bortoletto, D, Bose, T, Boudreau, J, Boveia, A, Brandt, A, Brandt, O, Brigliadori, L, Brock, R, Bromberg, C, Bross, A, Brown, D, Brown, J, Brucken, E, Budagov, J, Bu, X B, Budd, H S, Buehler, M, Buescher, V, Bunichev, V, Burdin, S
Published in Physical review letters (17.08.2012)
Published in Physical review letters (17.08.2012)
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Measurements of the angular distributions in the decays B→K()μ(+)μ(-) at CDF
Aaltonen, T, Alvarez González, B, Amerio, S, Amidei, D, Anastassov, A, Annovi, A, Antos, J, Apollinari, G, Appel, J A, Apresyan, A, Arisawa, T, Artikov, A, Asaadi, J, Ashmanskas, W, Auerbach, B, Aurisano, A, Azfar, F, Badgett, W, Barbaro-Galtieri, A, Barnes, V E, Barnett, B A, Barria, P, Bartos, P, Bauce, M, Bauer, G, Bedeschi, F, Beecher, D, Behari, S, Bellettini, G, Bellinger, J, Benjamin, D, Beretvas, A, Bhatti, A, Binkley, M, Bisello, D, Bizjak, I, Bland, K R, Blocker, C, Blumenfeld, B, Bocci, A, Bodek, A, Bortoletto, D, Boudreau, J, Boveia, A, Brau, B, Brigliadori, L, Brisuda, A, Bromberg, C, Brucken, E, Bucciantonio, M, Budagov, J, Budd, H S, Budd, S, Burkett, K, Busetto, G, Bussey, P, Buzatu, A, Cabrera, S, Calancha, C, Camarda, S, Campanelli, M, Campbell, M, Canelli, F, Canepa, A, Carls, B, Carlsmith, D, Carosi, R, Carrillo, S, Carron, S, Casal, B, Casarsa, M, Castro, A, Catastini, P, Cauz, D, Cavaliere, V, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Cerri, A, Cerrito, L, Chen, Y C, Chertok, M, Chiarelli, G, Chlachidze, G, Chlebana, F, Cho, K, Chokheli, D, Chou, J P, Chung, W H, Chung, Y S, Ciobanu, C I, Ciocci, M A, Clark, A, Clark, D, Compostella, G, Convery, M E, Conway, J, Corbo, M, Cordelli, M, Cox, C A, Cox, D J, Crescioli, F
Published in Physical review letters (24.02.2012)
Published in Physical review letters (24.02.2012)
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Journal Article
Search for Active-Sterile Antineutrino Mixing Using Neutral-Current Interactions with the NOvA Experiment
Acero, M A, Adamson, P, Aliaga, L, Anfimov, N, Antoshkin, A, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Asquith, L, Aurisano, A, Back, A, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Balashov, N, Baldi, P, Bambah, B A, Bashar, S, Bays, K, Bernstein, R, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Blair, J, Booth, A C, Bowles, R, Bromberg, C, Buchanan, N, Butkevich, A, Calvez, S, Carroll, T J, Catano-Mur, E, Choudhary, B C, Christensen, A, Coan, T E, Colo, M, Cremonesi, L, Davies, G S, Derwent, P F, Ding, P, Djurcic, Z, Dolce, M, Doyle, D, Dueñas Tonguino, D, Dukes, E C, Duyang, H, Edayath, S, Ehrlich, R, Elkins, M, Ewart, E, Feldman, G J, Filip, P, Franc, J, Frank, M J, Gallagher, H R, Gandrajula, R, Gao, F, Giri, A, Gomes, R A, Goodman, M C, Grichine, V, Groh, M, Group, R, Guo, B, Habig, A, Hakl, F, Hall, A, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hausner, H, Heller, K, Hewes, J, Himmel, A, Holin, A, Huang, J, Jargowsky, B, Jarosz, J, Jediny, F, Johnson, C, Judah, M, Kakorin, I, Kalra, D, Kalitkina, A, Kaplan, D M, Keloth, R, Klimov, O, Koerner, L W, Kolupaeva, L, Kotelnikov, S, Kralik, R, Kullenberg, Ch, Kubu, M, Kumar, A, Kuruppu, C D, Kus, V, Lackey, T, Lasorak, P, Lang, K, Lesmeister, J, Lin, S, Lister, A, Liu, J, Lokajicek, M
Published in Physical review letters (12.11.2021)
Published in Physical review letters (12.11.2021)
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