Design of a multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer for barium-tagging
Murray, K., Dilling, J., Gornea, R., Ito, Y., Koffas, T., Kwiatkowski, A. A., Lan, Y., Reiter, M. P., Varentsov, V., Brunner, T.
Published in Hyperfine interactions (01.12.2019)
Published in Hyperfine interactions (01.12.2019)
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Journal Article
The EXO-200 detector, part I: detector design and construction
Auger, M, Auty, D J, Barbeau, P S, Bartoszek, L, Baussan, E, Beauchamp, E, Benitez-Medina, C, Breidenbach, M, Chauhan, D, Cleveland, B, Conley, R, Cook, J, Cook, S, Coppens, A, Craddock, W, Daniels, T, Davis, C G, Davis, J, deVoe, R, Dobi, A, Dolinski, M J, Dunford, M, Fairbank, W, Farine, J, Fierlinger, P, Franco, D, Giroux, G, Gornea, R, Graham, K, Gratta, G, Hagemann, C, Hall, C, Hall, K, Hargrove, C, Herrin, S, Hodgson, J, Hughes, M, Karelin, A, Kaufman, L J, Kirk, J, Kuchenkov, A, Kumar, K S, Leonard, D S, Leonard, F, LePort, F, Mackay, D, MacLellan, R, Marino, M, Merkle, K, Mong, B, Díez, M Montero, Müller, A R, Neilson, R, Odian, A, O'Sullivan, K, Ouellet, C, Piepke, A, Pocar, A, Prescott, C Y, Pushkin, K, Rivas, A, Rollin, E, Rowson, P C, Sabourov, A, Sinclair, D, Skarpaas, K, Slutsky, S, Stekhanov, V, Strickland, V, Swift, M, Tosi, D, Twelker, K, Vuilleumier, J -L, Vuilleumier, J -M, Walton, T, Weber, M, Wichoski, U, Wodin, J, Wright, J D, Yang, L, Yen, Y -R
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.05.2012)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.05.2012)
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Discrimination of nuclear recoils from alpha particles with superheated liquids
Aubin, F, Auger, M, Genest, M-H, Giroux, G, Gornea, R, Faust, R, Leroy, C, Lessard, L, Martin, J-P, Morlat, T, Piro, M-C, Starinski, N, Zacek, V, Beltran, B, Krauss, C B, Behnke, E, Levine, I, Shepherd, T, Nadeau, P, Wichoski, U, Pospisil, S, Stekl, I, Sodomka, J, Clark, K, Dai, X, Davour, A, Levy, C, Noble, A J, Storey, C
Published in New journal of physics (16.10.2008)
Published in New journal of physics (16.10.2008)
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New insights into particle detection with superheated liquids
Archambault, S, Aubin, F, Auger, M, Beleshi, M, Behnke, E, Behnke, J, Beltran, B, Clark, K, Dai, X, Das, M, Davour, A, Debris, F, Farine, J, Genest, M-H, Giroux, G, Gornea, R, Faust, R, Hinnefeld, H, Kamaha, A, Krauss, C, Lafrenière, M, Laurin, M, Lawson, I, Leroy, C, Lévy, C, Lessard, L, Levine, I, Martin, J-P, Kumaratunga, S, MacDonald, R, Nadeau, P, Noble, A, Piro, M-C, Pospisil, S, Starinski, N, Stekl, I, Vander Werf, N, Wichoski, U, Zacek, V
Published in New journal of physics (07.04.2011)
Published in New journal of physics (07.04.2011)
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Characterization of large area APDs for the EXO-200 detector
Neilson, R., LePort, F., Pocar, A., Kumar, K.S., Odian, A., Prescott, C.Y., Tenev, V., Ackerman, N., Akimov, D., Auger, M., Benitez-Medina, C., Breidenbach, M., Burenkov, A., Conley, R., Cook, S., deVoe, R., Dolinski, M.J., Fairbank Jr, W., Farine, J., Fierlinger, P., Flatt, B., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Green, M., Hall, C., Hall, K., Hallman, D., Hargrove, C., Herrin, S., Hodgson, J., Kaufman, L.J., Kovalenko, A., Leonard, D.S., Mackay, D., Mong, B., Montero Diez, M., Niner, E., O’Sullivan, K., Piepke, A., Rowson, P.C., Sinclair, D., Skarpaas, K., Slutsky, S., Stekhanov, V., Strickland, V., Twelker, K., Vuilleumier, J.-L., Wamba, K., Wichoski, U., Wodin, J., Yang, L., Yen, Y.-R.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.09.2009)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.09.2009)
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Improved spin-dependent limits from the PICASSO dark matter search experiment
Barnabé-Heider, M., Di Marco, M., Doane, P., Genest, M.-H., Gornea, R., Guénette, R., Leroy, C., Lessard, L., Martin, J.-P., Wichoski, U., Zacek, V., Clark, K., Krauss, C., Noble, A., Behnke, E., Feighery, W., Levine, I., Muthusi, C., Kanagalingam, S., Noulty, R.
Published in Physics letters. B (29.09.2005)
Published in Physics letters. B (29.09.2005)
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Journal Article
Development of a camera casing suited for cryogenic and vacuum applications
Delaquis, S C, Gornea, R, Janos, S, Lüthi, M, Rohr, Ch Rudolf von, Schenk, M, Vuilleumier, J -L
Published in Journal of instrumentation (06.12.2013)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (06.12.2013)
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Journal Article
Response of superheated droplet detectors of the PICASSO dark matter search experiment
Barnabé-Heider, M., Di Marco, M., Doane, P., Genest, M.-H., Gornea, R., Guénette, R., Leroy, C., Lessard, L., Martin, J.-P., Wichoski, U., Zacek, V., Clark, K., Krauss, C.B., Noble, A.J., Behnke, E., Feighery, W., Levine, I., Muthusi, C., Kanagalingam, S., Noulty, R.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.12.2005)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.12.2005)
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Journal Article
A light readout system for gas TPCs
Giroux, G, Auger, M, Franco, D, Weber, M, Delaquis, S, Gornea, R, Lutz, P, Vuilleumier, J -L, Vuilleumier, J -M
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.01.2014)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.01.2014)
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Journal Article
Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with the Upgraded EXO-200 Detector
Albert, J B, Anton, G, Badhrees, I, Barbeau, P S, Bayerlein, R, Beck, D, Belov, V, Breidenbach, M, Brunner, T, Cao, G F, Cen, W R, Chambers, C, Cleveland, B, Coon, M, Craycraft, A, Cree, W, Daniels, T, Danilov, M, Daugherty, S J, Daughhetee, J, Davis, J, Delaquis, S, Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A, DeVoe, R, Didberidze, T, Dilling, J, Dolgolenko, A, Dolinski, M J, Fairbank, W, Farine, J, Feyzbakhsh, S, Fierlinger, P, Fudenberg, D, Gornea, R, Graham, K, Gratta, G, Hall, C, Hansen, E V, Hoessl, J, Hufschmidt, P, Hughes, M, Jamil, A, Jewell, M J, Johnson, A, Johnston, S, Karelin, A, Kaufman, L J, Koffas, T, Kravitz, S, Krücken, R, Kuchenkov, A, Kumar, K S, Lan, Y, Leonard, D S, Li, G S, Li, S, Licciardi, C, Lin, Y H, MacLellan, R, Michel, T, Mong, B, Moore, D, Murray, K, Nelson, R, Njoya, O, Odian, A, Ostrovskiy, I, Piepke, A, Pocar, A, Retière, F, Rowson, P C, Russell, J J, Schmidt, S, Schubert, A, Sinclair, D, Stekhanov, V, Tarka, M, Tolba, T, Tsang, R, Vogel, P, Vuilleumier, J-L, Wagenpfeil, M, Waite, A, Walton, T, Weber, M, Wen, L J, Wichoski, U, Wrede, G, Yang, L, Yen, Y-R, Zeldovich, O Ya, Zettlemoyer, J, Ziegler, T
Published in Physical review letters (16.02.2018)
Published in Physical review letters (16.02.2018)
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Suitability of superheated droplet detectors for dark matter search
Boukhira, N., Boussaroque, I., Gornea, R., Di Marco, M., Lessard, L., Pagé, V., Vinet, J., Zacek, V.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.11.2000)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.11.2000)
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Journal Article
First Results from the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search with Argon at SNOLAB
Amaudruz, P-A, Baldwin, M, Batygov, M, Beltran, B, Bina, C E, Bishop, D, Bonatt, J, Boorman, G, Boulay, M G, Broerman, B, Bromwich, T, Bueno, J F, Burghardt, P M, Butcher, A, Cai, B, Chan, S, Chen, M, Chouinard, R, Cleveland, B T, Cranshaw, D, Dering, K, DiGioseffo, J, Dittmeier, S, Duncan, F A, Dunford, M, Erlandson, A, Fatemighomi, N, Florian, S, Flower, A, Ford, R J, Gagnon, R, Giampa, P, Golovko, V V, Gorel, P, Gornea, R, Grace, E, Graham, K, Gulyev, E, Hakobyan, R, Hall, A, Hallin, A L, Hamstra, M, Harvey, P J, Hearns, C, Jillings, C J, Kamaev, O, Kemp, A, Kuźniak, M, Langrock, S, La Zia, F, Lehnert, B, Lidgard, J J, Lim, C, Lindner, T, Linn, Y, Liu, S, Majewski, P, Mathew, R, McDonald, A B, McElroy, T, McGinn, T, McLaughlin, J B, Mead, S, Mehdiyev, R, Mielnichuk, C, Monroe, J, Muir, A, Nadeau, P, Nantais, C, Ng, C, Noble, A J, O'Dwyer, E, Ohlmann, C, Olchanski, K, Olsen, K S, Ouellet, C, Pasuthip, P, Peeters, S J M, Pollmann, T R, Rand, E T, Rau, W, Rethmeier, C, Retière, F, Seeburn, N, Shaw, B, Singhrao, K, Skensved, P, Smith, B, Smith, N J T, Sonley, T, Soukup, J, Stainforth, R, Stone, C, Strickland, V, Sur, B, Tang, J, Taylor, J, Veloce, L, Vázquez-Jáuregui, E, Walding, J
Published in Physical review letters (17.08.2018)
Published in Physical review letters (17.08.2018)
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Design and construction of the DEAP-3600 dark matter detector
Amaudruz, P.-A., Baldwin, M., Batygov, M., Beltran, B., Bina, C.E., Bonatt, J., Boorman, G., Boulay, M.G., Broerman, B., Bromwich, T., Bueno, J.F., Burghardt, P.M., Butcher, A., Cai, B., Chan, S., Chouinard, R., Churchwell, S., Cleveland, B.T., Cranshaw, D., Dering, K., DiGioseffo, J., Dittmeier, S., Duncan, F.A., Dunford, M., Erlandson, A., Fatemighomi, N., Flower, A., Ford, R.J., Gagnon, R., Giampa, P., Golovko, V.V., Gorel, P., Graham, K., Grant, D.R., Gulyev, E., Hall, A., Hallin, A.L., Hamstra, M., Harvey, P.J., Hearns, C., Jillings, C.J., Kamaev, O., Kemp, A., Kuźniak, M., Langrock, S., La Zia, F., Lehnert, B., Li, O., Liimatainen, P., Lim, C., Lindner, T., Linn, Y., Liu, S., Majewski, P., Mathew, R., McDonald, A.B., McElroy, T., McFarlane, K., McGinn, T., McLaughlin, J.B., Mead, S., Mehdiyev, R., Mielnichuk, C., Monroe, J., Muir, A., Nadeau, P., Nantais, C., Ng, C., Noble, A.J., O’Dwyer, E., Ohlmann, C., Olchanski, K., Olsen, K.S., Ouellet, C., Pasuthip, P., Peeters, S.J.M., Pollmann, T.R., Rand, E.T., Rau, W., Rethmeier, C., Retière, F., Seeburn, N., Shaw, B., Skensved, P., Smith, B., Smith, N.J.T., Sonley, T., Stainforth, R., Stone, C., Strickland, V., Sur, B., Tang, J., Taylor, J., Veloce, L., Vázquez-Jáuregui, E., Walding, J., Ward, M., White, R., Woolsey, E., Zielinski, J.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.03.2019)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.03.2019)
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Direct dark matter search using large-mass superheated droplet detectors in the PICASSO experiment
Azuelos, G, Barnabé-Heider, M, Behnke, E, Clark, K, Di Marco, M, Doane, P, Feighery, W, Genest, M-H, Gornea, R, Guenette, R, Kanagalingam, S, Krauss, C, Leroy, C, Lessard, L, Levine, I, Martin, J P, Noble, A J, Noulty, R, Shore, S N, Wichoski, U, Zacek, V
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01.09.2006)
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01.09.2006)
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Journal Article
Characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 MPPCs for nEXO
Gallina, G., Giampa, P., Retière, F., Zhang, G., Ward, M., Margetak, P., Tsang, T., Doria, L., Al Kharusi, S., Alfaris, M., Arnquist, I.J., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P.S., Beck, D., Belov, V., Bhatta, T., Blatchford, J., Brodsky, J.P., Brown, E., Brunner, T., Cao, L., Cen, W.R., Chambers, C., Chiu, M., Craycraft, A., Dalmasson, J., Daniels, T., Darroch, L., Daugherty, S.J., De St. Croix, A., Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A., DeVoe, R., Dilling, J., Dolinski, M.J., Dragone, A., Fairbank, D., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fontaine, R., Gautam, P., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Hansen, E.V., Heffner, M., House, A., Ito, Y., Jamil, A., Jewell, M.J., Karelin, A., Koffas, T., Krücken, R., Kuchenkov, A., Kumar, K.S., Lan, Y., Larson, A., Leonard, D.S., Li, S., Licciardi, C., Lin, Y.H., MacLellan, R., McElroy, T., Mong, B., Murray, K., Nakarmi, P., Nolet, F., Odgers, K., Odian, A., Oriunno, M., Orrell, J.L., Ortega, G.S., Ostrovskiy, I., Overman, C.T., Piepke, A., Pocar, A., Pratte, J.-F., Radeka, V., Rescia, S., Richman, M., Robinson, A., Roy, N., Sangiorgio, S., Skarpaas, K., Soma, A.K., Stekhanov, V., Stiegler, T., Sun, X.L., Tarka, M., Tolba, T., Visser, G., Vuilleumier, J.-L., Wang, Q., Watkins, J., Weber, M., Wu, S.X., Wu, X., Yang, L., Yen, Y.-R., Zhao, J., Zhou, Y.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.10.2019)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.10.2019)
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Journal Article
Simulation of special bubble detectors for PICASSO
Azuelos, G, Barnabé-Heider, M, Behnke, E, Clark, K, Di Marco, M, Doane, P, Feighery, W, Genest, M-H, Gornea, R, Guénette, R, Kanagalingam, S, Krauss, C, Leroy, C, Lessard, L, Levine, I, Martin, J P, Noble, A J, Noulty, R, Shore, S N, Wichoski, U, Zacek, V
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01.09.2006)
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01.09.2006)
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Journal Article
‘Searching for a needle in a haystack;’ A Ba-tagging approach for an upgraded nEXO experiment
Rasiwala, H., Murray, K., Lan, Y., Chambers, C., Cvitan, M., Brunner, T., Collister, R., Daniels, T., Elmansali, R., Fairbank, W., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Koffas, T., Kwiatkowski, A.A., Leach, K.G., Lennarz, A., Malbrunot, C., Ray, D., Shaikh, R., Yang, L.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01.08.2023)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01.08.2023)
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Journal Article
Imaging individual barium atoms in solid xenon for barium tagging in nEXO
Walton, T, Craycraft, A, Yahne, D R, Iverson, A, Fairbank, W, Alamre, A, Albert, J B, Anton, G, Barbeau, P S, Beck, D, Belov, V, Bhatta, T, Brodsky, J P, Brown, E, Burenkov, A, Cao, L, Charlebois, S A, Cleveland, B, Coon, M, Dalmasson, J, Daniels, T, Daugherty, S J, Daughhetee, J, Delaquis, S, Mesrobian-Kabakian, A Der, DeVoe, R, Ding, Y Y, Dolinski, M J, Farine, J, Fudenberg, D, Giacomini, G, Gratta, G, Heffner, M, Hoppe, E W, Hößl, J, House, A, Hughes, M, Jamil, A, Jewell, M J, Jiang, X S, Kaufman, L J, Kodroff, D, Koffas, T, Krücken, R, Kuchenkov, A, Kumar, K S, Lan, Y, Larson, A, Leonard, D S, Li, G, Li, S, Li, Z, Licciardi, C, Lv, P, MacLellan, R, Murray, K, Nusair, O, Odgers, K, Oriunno, M, Overman, C T, Parent, S, Piepke, A, Qiu, D, Radeka, V, Rao, T, Rescia, S, Retière, F, Robinson, A, Rossignol, T, Rowson, P C, Roy, N, Saldanha, R, Sangiorgio, S, Schneider, J, Skarpaas, K, Soma, A K, St-Hilaire, G, Stekhanov, V, Stiegler, T, Sun, X L, Tarka, M, Tolba, T, Totev, T I, Tsang, R, Tsang, T, Visser, G, Wagenpfeil, M, Wang, Q, Wei, W, Wen, L J, Wichoski, U, Wrede, G, Wu, S X, Wu, W H, Xia, Q, Yang, L, Yen, Y-R, Zeldovich, O, Zhao, J, Zhou, Y
Published in Nature (London) (01.05.2019)
Published in Nature (London) (01.05.2019)
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In-situ characterization of the Hamamatsu R5912-HQE photomultiplier tubes used in the DEAP-3600 experiment
Amaudruz, P.-A., Batygov, M., Beltran, B., Bina, C.E., Bishop, D., Bonatt, J., Boorman, G., Boulay, M.G., Broerman, B., Bromwich, T., Bueno, J.F., Butcher, A., Cai, B., Chan, S., Chen, M., Chouinard, R., Churchwell, S., Cleveland, B.T., Cranshaw, D., Dering, K., Dittmeier, S., Duncan, F.A., Dunford, M., Erlandson, A., Fatemighomi, N., Ford, R.J., Gagnon, R., Giampa, P., Golovko, V.V., Gorel, P., Gornea, R., Grace, E., Graham, K., Grant, D.R., Gulyev, E., Hall, A., Hallin, A.L., Hamstra, M., Harvey, P.J., Hearns, C., Jillings, C.J., Kamaev, O., Kemp, A., Kuźniak, M., Langrock, S., La Zia, F., Lehnert, B., Li, O., Lidgard, J.J., Liimatainen, P., Lim, C., Lindner, T., Linn, Y., Liu, S., Mathew, R., McDonald, A.B., McElroy, T., McFarlane, K., McLaughlin, J., Mead, S., Mehdiyev, R., Mielnichuk, C., Monroe, J., Muir, A., Nadeau, P., Nantais, C., Ng, C., Noble, A.J., O’Dwyer, E., Ohlmann, C., Olchanski, K., Olsen, K.S., Ouellet, C., Pasuthip, P., Peeters, S.J.M., Pollmann, T.R., Rand, E.T., Rethmeier, C., Retière, F., Seeburn, N., Shaw, B., Singhrao, K., Skensved, P., Smith, B., Smith, N.J.T., Sonley, T., Stainforth, R., Stone, C., Strickland, V., Sur, B., Tang, J., Taylor, J., Veloce, L., Vázquez-Jáuregui, E., Walding, J., Ward, M., Westerdale, S., White, R., Woolsey, E., Zielinski, J.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.04.2019)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.04.2019)
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