Review article: the role of the microcirculation in liver cirrhosis
Davies, T., Wythe, S., O'Beirne, J., Martin, D., Gilbert‐Kawai, E.
Published in Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (01.11.2017)
Published in Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (01.11.2017)
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Journal Article
The Smell of Hypoxia: using an electronic nose at altitude and proof of concept of its role in the prediction and diagnosis of acute mountain sickness
Lacey, Jonathan R. N., Kidel, Carlos, Kaaij, Jildou M., Brinkman, Paul, Gilbert‐Kawai, Edward T., Grocott, Michael P. W., Mythen, Michael G., Martin, Daniel S., Abraham, S, Adams, T, Anseeuw, W, Astin, R, Basnyat, B, Burdall, O, Carroll, J, Cobb, A, Coppel, J, Couppis, O, Court, J, Cumptsey, A, Davies, T, Dhillon, S, Diamond, N, Dougall, C, Geliot, T, Gilbert‐Kawai, E, Gilbert‐Kawai, G, Gnaiger, E, Grocott, M, Haldane, C, Hennis, P, Horscroft, J, Howard, D, Jack, S, Jarvis, B, Jenner, W, Jones, G, Kaaij, J, Kenth, J, Kotwica, A, Kumar, R, Lacey, J, Laner, V, Levett, D, Martin, D, Meale, P, Mitchell, K, Mahomed, Z, Moonie, J, Murray, A, Mythen, M, Mythen, P, O'Brien, K, Ruggles‐Brice, I, Salmon, K, heperdigian, A, Smedley, T, Symons, B, Tomlinson, C, Vercueil, A, Wandrag, L, Ward, S, Wight, A, Wilkinson, C, Wythe, S, Feelisch, M, Gilbert‐Kawai, E, Grocott, M, Hanson, M, Levett, D, Martin, D, Mitchell, K, Montgomery, H, Moon, R, Murray, A, Mythen, M, Peters, M
Published in Physiological reports (01.09.2018)
Published in Physiological reports (01.09.2018)
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Journal Article