P164 Using artificial intelligence to interrogate multi-national imaging datasets to determine the mechanism of COVID-19 pneumothorax
Selby, IA, Driggs, D, Majcher, V, Roberts, M, Escudero Sanchez, L, Rudd, JHF, Sala, E, Bibiane-Schönlieb, C, Marciniak, SJ, Babar, J
Published in Thorax (11.11.2022)
Published in Thorax (11.11.2022)
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Journal Article
P-262 Descriptive study of bile duct tumors in a province
Madrigal, L. Fernández, Samblás, V. García, Escudero, L. Sanchez, Tarazona, V. Aviñó
Published in Annals of oncology (01.06.2023)
Published in Annals of oncology (01.06.2023)
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Journal Article
P-33 Results of initial DPYD screening for cancer patients receiving fluoropyrimidines
Bolaños Naranjo, M., Sanchez Escudero, L., Rodríguez Garcés, M., Aviñó Tarazona, V.
Published in Annals of oncology (01.07.2021)
Published in Annals of oncology (01.07.2021)
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Journal Article
P-106 Descriptive study of long-term survivors with advanced pancreatic cancer
Aviñó Tarazona, V., Amor Urbano, M., Sanchez Escudero, L., Bolaños Naranjo, M.
Published in Annals of oncology (01.07.2021)
Published in Annals of oncology (01.07.2021)
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Journal Article
Neutrino event selection in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber using Wire-Cell 3D imaging, clustering, and charge-light matching
Abratenko, P., An, R., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Balasubramanian, S., Barnes, C., Barr, G., Basque, V., Benevides Rodrigues, O., Bishai, M., Caro Terrazas, I., Castillo Fernandez, R., Chen, Y., Church, E., Cianci, D., Conrad, J.M., Convery, M., Crespo-Anadón, J.I., Del Tutto, M., Diurba, R., Domine, L., Dorrill, R., Duffy, K., Eberly, B., Ereditato, A., Evans, J.J., Fitzpatrick, R.S., Furmanski, A.P., Garcia-Gamez, D., Gollapinni, S., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Greenlee, H., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hall, E., Hamilton, P., Hourlier, A., Huang, E.C., Itay, R., Ji, X., Jo, J.H., Jwa, Y.-J., Ketchum, W., LaZur, R., Lepetic, I., Li, Y., Lorca, D., Louis, W.C., Luo, X., Marcocci, S., Marsden, D., Martin-Albo, J., Mason, K., Mastbaum, A., McConkey, N., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mills, J., Mistry, K., Moon, J., Moor, A.F., Mousseau, J., Naples, D., Navrer-Agasson, A., Neely, R.K., Nienaber, P., Palamara, O., Papavassiliou, V., Paudel, A., Piasetzky, E., Raaf, J.L., Radeka, V., Rafique, A., Reggiani-Guzzo, M., Rochester, L., Rogers, H.E., Rosenberg, M., Russell, B., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M.H., Smith, A., Snider, E.L., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Soleti, S.R., Stancari, M., Szelc, A.M., Tang, W., Tufanli, S., Weber, M., Wei, H., Williams, Z., Wolbers, S., Wospakrik, M., Wu, W., Yu, H.W., Zeller, G.P., Zennamo, J., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2021)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2021)
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Journal Article
Comparison of $\nu_\mu$-Ar multiplicity distributions observed by MicroBooNE to GENIE model predictions
Adams, C., An, R., Anthony, J., Auger, M., Barr, G., Bass, M., Bolton, T., Caratelli, D., Chen, Y., Cohen, E., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Del Tutto, M., Devitt, D., Ereditato, A., Escudero Sanchez, L., Esquivel, J., Fadeeva, A. A., Fleming, B. T., Garcia-Gamez, D., Garvey, G. T., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Gollapinni, S., Grosso, R., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hackenburg, A., Hamilton, P., Hen, O., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Ho, J., Horton-Smith, G. A., Huang, E. -C., de Vries, J. Jan, Jiang, L., Johnson, R. A., Joshi, J., Jostlein, H., Jwa, Y. -J., Karagiorgi, G., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Lister, A., Littlejohn, B. R., Lockwitz, S., Lorca, D., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marcocci, S., Marshall, J., Martinez Caicedo, D. A., Mastbaum, A., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Pandey, V., Paolone, V., Papadopoulou, A., Papavassiliou, V., Pavlovic, Z., Piasetzky, E., Qian, X., Raaf, J. L., Rafique, A., Ross-Lonergan, M., Russell, B., Schmitz, D. W., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Söldner-Rembold, S., Soleti, S. R., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Szelc, A. M., Tang, W., Terao, K., Thomson, M., Toups, M., Tsai, Y. -T., Usher, T., Van de Water, R. G., Viren, B., Wei, H., Wierman, K., Williams, Z., Wolbers, S., Wongjirad, T., Yang, T., Zhang, C.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (18.03.2019)
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Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (18.03.2019)
Journal Article
Comparison of $${\varvec{\nu }}_{\varvec{\mu }}-$$Ar multiplicity distributions observed by MicroBooNE to GENIE model predictions: MicroBooNE Collaboration
Adams, C., An, R., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Auger, M., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Barr, G., Bass, M., Bay, F., Bhat, A., Bhattacharya, K., Bishai, M., Blake, A., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Caratelli, D., Castillo Fernandez, R., Cavanna, F., Cerati, G., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Church, E., Cianci, D., Cohen, E., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Del Tutto, M., Devitt, A., Diaz, A., Dytman, S., Eberly, B., Ereditato, A., Escudero Sanchez, L., Esquivel, J., Evans, J. J., Fadeeva, A. A., Fleming, B. T., Foreman, W., Furmanski, A. P., Garcia-Gamez, D., Garvey, G. T., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Gollapinni, S., Gramellini, E., Greenlee, H., Grosso, R., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hackenburg, A., Hamilton, P., Hen, O., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Ho, J., Horton-Smith, G. A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E.-C., James, C., de Vries, J. Jan, Jiang, L., Johnson, R. A., Joshi, J., Jostlein, H., Jwa, Y.-J., Kaleko, D., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kobilarcik, T., Kreslo, I., Li, Y., Lister, A., Littlejohn, B. R., Lockwitz, S., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marcocci, S., Mariani, C., Marshall, J., Martinez Caicedo, D. A., Mastbaum, A., Meddage, V., Mettler, T., Miceli, T., Mills, G. B., Mogan, A., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.03.2019)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.03.2019)
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Journal Article
Comparison of νμ-Ar multiplicity distributions observed by MicroBooNE to GENIE model predictions: MicroBooNE Collaboration
An, R., Asaadi, J., Baller, B., Barr, G., Bass, M., Bhat, A., Bhattacharya, K., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Caratelli, D., Chen, Y., Church, E., Cianci, D., Cohen, E., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Del Tutto, M., Devitt, A., Diaz, A., Dytman, S., Eberly, B., Esquivel, J., Evans, J. J., Fleming, B. T., Foreman, W., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Gramellini, E., Greenlee, H., Grosso, R., Guzowski, P., Hackenburg, A., Hamilton, P., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Ho, J., Horton-Smith, G. A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E.-C., de Vries, J. Jan, Johnson, R. A., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kirby, B., Kobilarcik, T., Littlejohn, B. R., Lockwitz, S., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Marchionni, A., Marshall, J., Martinez Caicedo, D. A., Mastbaum, A., Miceli, T., Mills, G. B., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Murphy, M., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Nowak, J., Palamara, O., Pandey, V., Paolone, V., Papavassiliou, V., Piasetzky, E., Porzio, D., Pulliam, G., Qian, X., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Schmitz, D. W., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soderberg, M., Soleti, S. R., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Strauss, T., Sutton, K., Sword-Fehlberg, S., Tang, W., Terao, K., Toups, M., Tsai, Y.-T., Usher, T., Weber, M., Wei, H., Williams, Z., Wongjirad, T., Yang, T., Yarbrough, G., Zeller, G. P.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (2019)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (2019)
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Journal Article
Michel electron reconstruction using cosmic-ray data from the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Acciarri, R, R An, Anthony, J, Auger, M, Bagby, L, Balasubramanian, S, Baller, B, Bay, F, Bishai, M, Blake, A, Bugel, L, Caratelli, D, Carls, B, R Castillo Fernandez, Cavanna, F, Church, E, Cianci, D, Cohen, E, Collin, G H, Conrad, J M, Convery, M, Crespo-Anadón, JI, Devitt, D, Dytman, S, Ereditato, A, L Escudero Sanchez, eman, W, Furmanski, A P, Garvey, G T, Genty, V, Gollapinni, S, Graf, N, Gramellini, E, Guenette, R, Hackenburg, A, Hamilton, P, Hen, O, Hill, C, J Ho, Horton-Smith, G, E-C, Huang, James, C, de Vries, J Jan, C-M, Jen, Jiang, L, Johnson, R A, Jostlein, H, Kaleko, D, Karagiorgi, G, Kobilarcik, T, Kreslo, I, Laube, A, Y Li, Lister, A, Lockwitz, S, Louis, W C, Luethi, M, Lundberg, B, Luo, X, Marchionni, A, Mariani, C, Marshall, J, DA Martinez Caicedo, Meddage, V, Mills, G B, Mooney, M, Moore, C D, Mousseau, J, Naples, D, Nowak, J, Papavassiliou, V, Pate, S F, Pavlovic, Z, Piasetzky, E, Qian, X, Raaf, J L, Rafique, A, Rochester, L, Schukraft, A, Seligman, W, Shaevitz, M H, Sinclair, J, Soderberg, M, Söldner-Rembold, S, Soleti, SR, Spentzouris, P, Spitz, J, J St John, Sutton, KA, Szelc, A M, Terao, K, Thomson, M, Usher, T, RG Van de Water, Weber, M, Wickremasinghe, DA, Wolbers, S, Zeller, G P, Zennamo, J, Zhang, C
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.09.2017)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.09.2017)
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Journal Article
The continuous readout stream of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber for detection of supernova burst neutrinos
Abratenko, P., Alrashed, M., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bathe-Peters, L., Rodrigues, O. Benevides, Berkman, S., Bhat, A., Blake, A., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Fernandez, R. Castillo, Cavanna, F., Cerati, G., Chen, Y., Conrad, J. M., Devitt, D., Diurba, R., Domine, L., Dorrill, R., Eberly, B., Evans, J. J., Aguirre, G.A. Fiorentini, Fleming, B. T., Foppiani, N., Franco, D., Furmanski, A. P., Gollapinni, S., Goodwin, O., Green, P., Greenlee, H., Gu, L., Guenette, R., Hen, O., Horton-Smith, G. A., James, C., de Vries, J. Jan, Ji, X., Jwa, Y. -J., Kamp, N., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kobilarcik, T., LaZur, R., Littlejohn, B. R., Marcocci, S., Mariani, C., Marsden, D., Marshall, J., Martin-Albo, J., Mason, K., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mills, J., Mogan, A., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Murphy, M., Navrer-Agasson, A., Neely, R. K., Nienaber, P., Nowak, J., Palamara, O., Paolone, V., Paudel, A., Pavlovic, Z., Piasetzky, E., Raaf, J. L., Reggiani-Guzzo, M., Ren, L., Rogers, H. E., Rosenberg, M., Russell, B., Scanavini, G., Schukraft, A., Sharankova, R., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Sword-Fehlberg, S., Szelc, A. M., Tang, W., Thorpe, C., Tsai, Y. -T., Tufanli, S., Uchida, M. A., Van de Water, R. G., Viren, B., Weber, M., Williams, Z., Wongjirad, T., Wu, W., Yarbrough, G., Zennamo, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (05.02.2021)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (05.02.2021)
Journal Article
Calibration of the charge and energy loss per unit length of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber using muons and protons
Alrashed, M., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bay, F., Berkman, S., Bhat, A., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Cavanna, F., Church, E., Cianci, D., Conrad, J. M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Tutto, M. Del, Eberly, B., Esquivel, J., Foppiani, N., Franco, D., Garcia-Gamez, D., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Grosso, R., Gu, L., Hamilton, P., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G. A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E. -C., de Vries, J. Jan, Ji, X., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kreslo, I., Littlejohn, B. R., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marshall, J., Martin-Albo, J., Caicedo, D.A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mogan, A., Mohayai, T., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Neely, R. K., Palamara, O., Pandey, V., Pate, S. F., Paudel, A., Pavlovic, Z., Porzio, D., Prince, S., Pulliam, G., Raaf, J. L., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Rogers, H. E., Ross-Lonergan, M., Rohr, C. von, Russell, B., Scanavini, G., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soleti, S. R., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Szelc, A. M., Toups, M., Tufanli, S., de Water, R.G. Van, Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Woodruff, K., Wospakrik, M., Wu, W., Yarbrough, G., Zeller, G. P., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (24.03.2020)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (24.03.2020)
Journal Article
Calibration of the charge and energy loss per unit length of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber using muons and protons
Alrashed, M., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bay, F., Berkman, S., Bhat, A., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Cavanna, F., Church, E., Cianci, D., Conrad, J. M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Tutto, M. Del, Eberly, B., Esquivel, J., Foppiani, N., Franco, D., Garcia-Gamez, D., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Grosso, R., Gu, L., Hamilton, P., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G. A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E. -C., de Vries, J. Jan, Ji, X., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kreslo, I., Littlejohn, B. R., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marshall, J., Martin-Albo, J., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mogan, A., Mohayai, T., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Neely, R. K., Palamara, O., Pandey, V., Pate, S. F., Paudel, A., Pavlovic, Z., Porzio, D., Prince, S., Pulliam, G., Raaf, J. L., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Rogers, H. E., Ross-Lonergan, M., Rohr, C. Rudolf von, Russell, B., Scanavini, G., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soleti, S. R., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Szelc, A. M., Toups, M., Tufanli, S., de Water, R. G. Van, Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Woodruff, K., Wospakrik, M., Wu, W., Yarbrough, G., Zeller, G. P., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.03.2020)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.03.2020)
Journal Article
Reconstruction and measurement of $\mathcal{O}$ (100) MeV energy electromagnetic activity from π0 arrow γγ decays in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Alrashed, M., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bay, F., Berkman, S., Bhat, A., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Cavanna, F., Church, E., Cianci, D., Conrad, J. M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Tutto, M. Del, Eberly, B., Esquivel, J., Foppiani, N., Franco, D., Garcia-Gamez, D., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Grosso, R., Gu, L., Hamilton, P., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G. A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E. -C., de Vries, J. Jan, Ji, X., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kreslo, I., Littlejohn, B. R., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marshall, J., Martin-Albo, J., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mogan, A., Mohayai, T., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Neely, R. K., Palamara, O., Pandey, V., Pate, S. F., Paudel, A., Pavlovic, Z., Porzio, D., Prince, S., Pulliam, G., Raaf, J. L., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Rogers, H. E., Ross-Lonergan, M., Rohr, C. Rudolf von, Russell, B., Scanavini, G., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soleti, S. R., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Szelc, A. M., Toups, M., Tufanli, S., de Water, R. G. Van, Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Woodruff, K., Wospakrik, M., Wu, W., Yarbrough, G., Zeller, G. P., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (10.02.2020)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (10.02.2020)
Journal Article
Reconstruction and measurement of (100) MeV energy electromagnetic activity from π 0 arrow γγ decays in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Adams, C., Alrashed, M., An, R., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Barr, G., Basque, V., Bass, M., Bay, F., Berkman, S., Bhanderi, A., Bhat, A., Bishai, M., Blake, A., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Carr, R., Fernandez, R. Castillo, Cavanna, F., Cerati, G., Chen, Y., Church, E., Cianci, D., Cohen, E.O., Conrad, J.M., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J.I., Tutto, M. Del, Devitt, D., Diaz, A., Domine, L., Duffy, K., Dytman, S., Eberly, B., Ereditato, A., Sanchez, L. Escudero, Esquivel, J., Evans, J.J., Fitzpatrick, R.S., Fleming, B.T., Foppiani, N., Franco, D., Furmanski, A.P., Garcia-Gamez, D., Gardiner, S., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Gollapinni, S., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Green, P., Greenlee, H., Grosso, R., Gu, L., Gu, W., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hamilton, P., Hen, O., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G.A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E.-C., Itay, R., James, C., de Vries, J. Jan, Ji, X., Jiang, L., Jo, J.H., Johnson, R.A., Joshi, J., Jwa, Y.-J., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kobilarcik, T., Kreslo, I., Lepetic, I., Li, Y., Lister, A., Littlejohn, B.R., Lockwitz, S., Lorca, D., Louis, W.C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marcocci, S., Mariani, C., Marshall, J., Martin-Albo, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (10.02.2020)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (10.02.2020)
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Journal Article
Reconstruction and measurement of σ (100) MeV energy electromagnetic activity from π0 arrow γγ decays in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Alrashed, M., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bay, F., Berkman, S., Bhat, A., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Cavanna, F., Church, E., Cianci, D., Conrad, J. M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Tutto, M. Del, Eberly, B., Esquivel, J., Foppiani, N., Franco, D., Garcia-Gamez, D., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Goodwin, O., Gramellini, E., Grosso, R., Gu, L., Hamilton, P., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G. A., Hourlier, A., Huang, E. -C., de Vries, J. Jan, Ji, X., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kreslo, I., Littlejohn, B. R., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marshall, J., Martin-Albo, J., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Mettler, T., Miller, K., Mogan, A., Mohayai, T., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Neely, R. K., Palamara, O., Pandey, V., Pate, S. F., Paudel, A., Pavlovic, Z., Porzio, D., Prince, S., Pulliam, G., Raaf, J. L., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Rogers, H. E., Ross-Lonergan, M., Rohr, C. Rudolf von, Russell, B., Scanavini, G., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soleti, S. R., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Szelc, A. M., Toups, M., Tufanli, S., de Water, R. G. Van, Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Woodruff, K., Wospakrik, M., Wu, W., Yarbrough, G., Zeller, G. P., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.02.2020)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.02.2020)
Journal Article
Design and construction of the MicroBooNE Cosmic Ray Tagger system
Alrashed, M., Asaadi, J., Ashkenazi, A., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barr, G., Bay, F., Bhattacharya, K., Bishai, M., Bolton, T., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Carr, R., Fernandez, R. Castillo, Cavanna, F., Cerati, G., Chen, Y., Church, E., Cohen, E., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Tutto, M. Del, Diaz, A., Duffy, K., Dytman, S., Eberly, B., Ereditato, A., Sanchez, L. Escudero, Evans, J. J., Goeldi, D., Gollapinni, S., Goodwin, O., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hackenburg, A., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G. A., James, C., Jiang, L., Jostlein, H., Jwa, Y. -J., Karagiorgi, G., Ketchum, W., Kobilarcik, T., Li, Y., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Luo, X., Marcocci, S., Martin-Albo, J., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Mettler, T., Mogan, A., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Nowak, J., Palamara, O., Paolone, V., Papadopoulou, A., Papavassiliou, V., Pavlovic, Z., Piasetzky, E., Porzio, D., Pulliam, G., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Rohr, C. Rudolf von, Schmitz, D. W., Seligman, W., Sharankova, R., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., Szelc, A. M., Tagg, N., Tang, W., Thomson, M., Thornton, R. T., Tsai, Y. -T., Tufanli, S., Viren, B., Weber, M., Wei, H., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Woodruff, K., Yang, T., Yarbrough, G., Zeller, G. P., Zennamo, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.04.2019)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.04.2019)
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Journal Article
Ionization electron signal processing in single phase LArTPCs. Part II. Data/simulation comparison and performance in MicroBooNE
Adams, C., An, R., Anthony, J., Auger, M., Balasubramanian, S., Barr, G., Bass, M., Bolton, T., Caratelli, D., Terrazas, I. Caro, Carr, R., Fernandez, R. Castillo, Cavanna, F., Chen, H., Cianci, D., Collin, G. H., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Devitt, D., Dolce, M., Esquivel, J., Fadeeva, A. A., Furmanski, A. P., Garcia-Gamez, D., Garvey, G. T., Genty, V., Goeldi, D., Gramellini, E., Grosso, R., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hackenburg, A., Hamilton, P., Hen, O., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Ho, J., Horton-Smith, G. A., de Vries, J. Jan, Johnson, R. A., Joshi, J., Jostlein, H., Jwa, Y. -J., Karagiorgi, G., Kirby, B., Lister, A., Littlejohn, B. R., Lockwitz, S., Lorca, D., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Marchionni, A., Marcocci, S., Marshall, J., Mastbaum, A., Mills, G. B., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Nowak, J., Pandey, V., Paolone, V., Papadopoulou, A., Papavassiliou, V., Pulliam, G., Raaf, J. L., Radeka, V., Rafique, A., Rochester, L., Ross-Lonergan, M., Schmitz, D. W., Schukraft, A., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Söldner-Rembold, S., Soleti, S. R., Spentzouris, P., Strauss, T., Sword-Fehlberg, S., Szelc, A. M., Tagg, N., Thomson, M., Toups, M., Tsai, Y. -T., Usher, T., Weber, M., Wei, H., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wolbers, S., Wongjirad, T., Woodruff, K., Yarbrough, G., Yu, B., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (06.07.2018)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (06.07.2018)
Journal Article
Ionization electron signal processing in single phase LArTPCs. Part I. Algorithm Description and quantitative evaluation with MicroBooNE simulation
Adams, C., An, R., Anthony, J., Auger, M., Bagby, L., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barnes, C., Bass, M., Bhat, A., Bhattacharya, K., Blake, A., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Caratelli, D., Cavanna, F., Cerati, G., Church, E., Cohen, E., Convery, M., Cooper-Troendle, L., Tutto, M. Del, Diaz, A., Dytman, S., Eberly, B., Ereditato, A., Sanchez, L. Escudero, Evans, J. J., Fadeeva, A. A., Fleming, B. T., Foreman, W., Furmanski, A. P., Genty, V., Greenlee, H., Grosso, R., Guenette, R., Guzowski, P., Hewes, J., Hill, C., Hourlier, A., Huang, E. -C., Kaleko, D., Ketchum, W., Kobilarcik, T., Li, Y., Littlejohn, B. R., Lorca, D., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Luo, X., Marshall, J., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Mastbaum, A., Meddage, V., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Murrells, R., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Pandey, V., Paolone, V., Papadopoulou, A., Papavassiliou, V., Pavlovic, Z., Piasetzky, E., Qian, X., Raaf, J. L., Radeka, V., Ross-Lonergan, M., Russell, B., Schmitz, D. W., Seligman, W., Sinclair, J., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Soleti, S. R., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., Strauss, T., Sword-Fehlberg, S., Szelc, A. M., Tagg, N., Thomson, M., Thorn, C., Toups, M., Tsai, Y. -T., Tufanli, S., Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wierman, K., Williams, Z., Woodruff, K., Yang, T., Yarbrough, G., Yates, L. E., Zhang, C.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (06.07.2018)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (06.07.2018)
Journal Article
Measurement of cosmic-ray reconstruction efficiencies in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using a small external cosmic-ray counter
Acciarri, R., Adams, C., Anthony, J., Asaadi, J., Bagby, L., Balasubramanian, S., Baller, B., Barr, G., Bay, F., Blake, A., Bolton, T., Camilleri, L., Caratelli, D., Carls, B., Cavanna, F., Church, E., Cianci, D., Cohen, E., Conrad, J. M., Convery, M., Tutto, M. Del, Eberly, B., Sanchez, L. Escudero, Esquivel, J., Foreman, W., Furmanski, A. P., Garvey, G. T., Gollapinni, S., Graf, N., Gramellini, E., Grosso, R., Hamilton, P., Hen, O., Hill, C., Horton-Smith, G., Hourlier, A., James, C., Jen, C. -M., Jiang, L., Johnson, R. A., Joshi, J., Jostlein, H., Kaleko, D., Kalousis, L. N., Karagiorgi, G., Kirby, B., Kirby, M., Kobilarcik, T., Kreslo, I., Lange, G., Laube, A., Li, Y., Lockwitz, S., Louis, W. C., Luethi, M., Lundberg, B., Luo, X., Caicedo, D. A. Martinez, Miceli, T., Mills, G. B., Moon, J., Mooney, M., Moore, C. D., Mousseau, J., Naples, D., Nienaber, P., Nowak, J., Palamara, O., Paolone, V., Pate, S. F., Pavlovic, Z., Pelkey, R., Piasetzky, E., Porzio, D., Pulliam, G., Qian, X., Rochester, L., Russell, B., Schukraft, A., Shaevitz, M. H., Smith, A., Snider, E. L., Soderberg, M., Söldner-Rembold, S., Spentzouris, P., Spitz, J., John, J. St, Strauss, T., Szelc, A. M., Tagg, N., Terao, K., Thomson, M., Tsai, Y. -T., Viren, B., Weber, M., Wickremasinghe, D. A., Wongjirad, T., Yang, T., Yates, L., Zennamo, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (20.12.2017)
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Published in Journal of instrumentation (20.12.2017)
Journal Article