Retinal Crystals in Type 2 Idiopathic Macular Telangiectasia
Sallo, Ferenc B., MD, PhD, Leung, Irene, BA, Chung, Mina, MD, Wolf-Schnurrbusch, Ute E.K., MD, Dubra, Alfredo, PhD, Williams, David R., PhD, Clemons, Traci, PhD, Pauleikhoff, Daniel, MD, PhD, Bird, Alan C., MD, Peto, Tunde, MD, PhD
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.12.2011)
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (01.12.2011)
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Journal Article
Insights into Sickle Cell Disease through the Retinal Microvasculature
Pinhas, Alexander, Migacz, Justin V., Zhou, Davis B., Castanos Toral, Maria V., Otero-Marquez, Oscar, Israel, Sharon, Sun, Vincent, Gillette, Peter N., Sredar, Nripun, Dubra, Alfredo, Glassberg, Jeffrey, Rosen, Richard B., Chui, Toco Y.P.
Published in Ophthalmology science (Online) (01.12.2022)
Published in Ophthalmology science (Online) (01.12.2022)
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Journal Article
Retinal Structure and Function in Achromatopsia
Sundaram, Venki, FRCOphth, Wilde, Caroline, MBBS, Aboshiha, Jonathan, FRCOphth, Cowing, Jill, PhD, Han, Colin, Langlo, Christopher S, Chana, Ravinder, MSc, Davidson, Alice E., PhD, Sergouniotis, Panagiotis I., MD, PhD, Bainbridge, James W., PhD, FRCOphth, Ali, Robin R., PhD, Dubra, Alfredo, PhD, Rubin, Gary, PhD, Webster, Andrew R., MD, FRCOphth, Moore, Anthony T., FRCOphth, Nardini, Marko, PhD, Carroll, Joseph, PhD, Michaelides, Michel, MD, FRCOphth
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (2014)
Published in Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) (2014)
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Journal Article