Experimental capabilities of the LMJ-PETAL facility
Cayzac, W., Boutoux, G., Brygoo, S., Denoeud, A., Depierreux, S., Tassin, V., Albert, F., Alozy, E., Baccou, C., Batani, D., Blanchot, N., Bonneau, M., Bonnefille, M., Botrel, R., Bowen, C., Bradford, P., Brochier, M., Caillaud, T., Chaleil, A., Chardavoine, S., Chollet, C., Courtois, C., Darbon, S., Davoine, X., Debesset, S., Denis, V., Diaz, R., Dizière, A., Du Jeu, R., Duchastenier, W., Dupré, P., Duval, A., Esnault, C., Etchessahar, B., Ferri, M., Fuchs, J., Geoffray, I., Gremillet, L., Grolleau, A., D’Humières, E., Jalinaud, T., Laffite, S., Lafon, M., Lagache, M.A., Landoas, O., Lantuejoul, I., Le-Deroff, L., Le Tacon, S., Leidinger, J.P., Lelièvre, R., Liberatore, S., Mahieu, B., Masson-Laborde, P.E., Meyer, C., Miquel, J.L., Parreault, R., Philippe, F., Prévot, V., Prunet, P., Raphaël, O., Reverdin, C., Ribotte, L., Riquier, R., Rousseaux, C., Sary, G., Soullié, G., Sozet, M., Ta-Phuoc, K., Trela, J., Trauchessec, V., Vaisseau, X., Vauzour, B., Villette, B., Lefebvre, E.
Published in High energy density physics (01.09.2024)
Published in High energy density physics (01.09.2024)
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