An interferometric analysis method for radio impulses from ultra-high energy particle showers
Romero-Wolf, A., Hoover, S., Vieregg, A.G., Gorham, P.W., Allison, P., Barwick, S.W., Baughman, B.M., Beatty, J.J., Belov, K., Besson, D.Z., Bevan, S., Binns, W.R., Chen, C., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Detrixhe, M., De Marco, D., Dowkontt, P.F., DuVernois, M., Goldstein, D., Grashorn, E.W., Hill, B., Huang, M., Israel, M.H., Javaid, A., Kowalski, J., Learned, J., Liewer, K.M., Matsuno, S., Mercurio, B.C., Miki, C., Mottram, M., Nam, J., Naudet, C.J., Nichol, R.J., Palladino, K., Ruckman, L., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Shang, R.Y., Stockham, J., Stockham, M., Varner, G.S., Wang, Y.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.01.2015)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.01.2015)
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Journal Article
A first search for cosmogenic neutrinos with the ARIANNA Hexagonal Radio Array
Barwick, S.W., Berg, E.C., Besson, D.Z., Binder, G., Binns, W.R., Boersma, D.J., Bose, R.G., Braun, D.L., Buckley, J.H., Bugaev, V., Buitink, S., Dookayka, K., Dowkontt, P.F., Duffin, T., Euler, S., Gerhardt, L., Gustafsson, L., Hallgren, A., Hanson, J.C., Israel, M.H., Kiryluk, J., Klein, S.R., Kleinfelder, S., Niederhausen, H., Olevitch, M.A., Persichelli, C., Ratzlaff, K., Rauch, B.F., Reed, C., Roumi, M., Samanta, A., Simburger, G.E., Stezelberger, T., Tatar, J., Uggerhoj, U.I., Walker, J., Yodh, G., Young, R.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.10.2015)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.10.2015)
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Energy and flux measurements of ultra-high energy cosmic rays observed during the first ANITA flight
Schoorlemmer, H., Belov, K., Romero-Wolf, A., García-Fernández, D., Bugaev, V., Wissel, S.A., Allison, P., Alvarez-Muñiz, J., Barwick, S.W., Beatty, J.J., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Carvalho Jr, W.R., Chen, C., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Dowkontt, P.F., DuVernois, M.A., Field, R.C., Goldstein, D., Gorham, P.W., Hast, C., Huege, T., Heber, C.L., Hoover, S., Israel, M.H., Javaid, A., Kowalski, J., Lam, J., Learned, J.G., Link, J.T., Lusczek, E., Matsuno, S., Mercurio, B.C., Miki, C., Miočinović, P., Mulrey, K., Nam, J., Naudet, C.J., Ng, J., Nichol, R.J., Palladino, K., Rauch, B.F., Roberts, J., Reil, K., Rotter, B., Rosen, M., Ruckman, L., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Urdaneta, D., Varner, G.S., Vieregg, A.G., Walz, D., Wu, F., Zas, E.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.04.2016)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.04.2016)
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The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna ultra-high energy neutrino detector: Design, performance, and sensitivity for the 2006–2007 balloon flight
Gorham, P.W., Allison, P., Barwick, S.W., Beatty, J.J., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Chen, C., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Dowkontt, P.F., DuVernois, M.A., Field, R.C., Goldstein, D., Goodhue, A., Hast, C., Hebert, C.L., Hoover, S., Israel, M.H., Kowalski, J., Learned, J.G., Liewer, K.M., Link, J.T., Lusczek, E., Matsuno, S., Mercurio, B.C., Miki, C., Miočinović, P., Nam, J., Naudet, C.J., Nichol, R.J., Palladino, K., Reil, K., Romero-Wolf, A., Rosen, M., Ruckman, L., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Varner, G.S., Walz, D., Wang, Y., Williams, C., Wu, F.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.08.2009)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.08.2009)
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A search for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos associated with astrophysical sources using the third flight of ANITA
Deaconu, C., Batten, L., Allison, P., Banerjee, O., Beatty, J.J., Belov, K., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Bugaev, V., Cao, P., Chen, C.H., Chen, P., Chen, Y., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Cremonesi, L., Dailey, B., Dowkontt, P.F., Fox, B.D., Gordon, J.W.H., Gorham, P.W., Hast, C., Hill, B., Hsu, S.Y., Huang, J.J., Hughes, K., Hupe, R., Israel, M.H., Liewer, K.M., Liu, T.C., Ludwig, A.B., Macchiarulo, L., Matsuno, S., McBride, K., Miki, C., Mulrey, K., Nam, J., Naudet, C., Nichol, R.J., Novikov, A., Oberla, E., Prohira, S., Prechelt, R., Rauch, B.F., Ripa, J., Roberts, J.M., Romero-Wolf, A., Rotter, B., Russell, J.W., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Schoorlemmer, H., Shiao, J., Stafford, S., Stockham, J., Stockham, M., Strutt, B., Sutherland, M.S., Varner, G.S., Vieregg, A.G., Wang, N., Wang, S.H., Wissel, S.A.
Published in Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics (01.04.2021)
Published in Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics (01.04.2021)
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Journal Article
HiCal 2: An instrument designed for calibration of the ANITA experiment and for Antarctic surface reflectivity measurements
Prohira, S., Novikov, A., Besson, D.Z., Ratzlaff, K., Stockham, J., Stockham, M., Clem, J.M., Young, R., Gorham, P.W., Allison, P., Banerjee, O., Batten, L., Beatty, J.J., Belov, K., Binns, W.R., Bugaev, V., Cao, P., Chen, C., Chen, P., Connolly, A., Cremonesi, L., Dailey, B., Deaconu, C., Dowkontt, P.F., Fox, B.D., Gordon, J., Hast, C., Hill, B., Hupe, R., Israel, M.H., Kowalski, J., Lam, J., Learned, J.G., Liewer, K.M., Liu, T.C., Ludwig, A., Matsuno, S., Miki, C., Mottram, M., Mulrey, K., Nam, J., Nichol, R.J., Oberla, E., Rauch, B.F., Roberts, J., Romero-Wolf, A., Rotter, B., Russell, J., Saltzberg, D., Schoorlemmer, H., Seckel, D., Stafford, S., Strutt, B., Tatem, K., Varner, G.S., Vieregg, A.G., Wissel, S.A., Wu, F.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.02.2019)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.02.2019)
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Journal Article
Dynamic tunable notch filters for the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA)
Allison, P., Banerjee, O., Beatty, J.J., Connolly, A., Deaconu, C., Gordon, J., Gorham, P.W., Kovacevich, M., Miki, C., Oberla, E., Roberts, J., Rotter, B., Stafford, S., Tatem, K., Batten, L., Belov, K., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Bugaev, V., Cao, P., Chen, C., Chen, P., Chen, Y., Clem, J.M., Cremonesi, L., Dailey, B., Dowkontt, P.F., Hsu, S., Huang, J., Hupe, R., Israel, M.H., Kowalski, J., Lam, J., Learned, J.G., Liewer, K.M., Liu, T.C., Ludwig, A.B., Matsuno, S., Mulrey, K., Nam, J., Nichol, R.J., Novikov, A., Prohira, S., Rauch, B.F., Ripa, J., Romero-Wolf, A., Russell, J., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Shiao, J., Stockham, J., Stockham, M., Strutt, B., Varner, G.S., Vieregg, A.G., Wang, S., Wissel, S.A., Wu, F., Young, R.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.06.2018)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.06.2018)
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Journal Article
Constraints on cosmic neutrino fluxes from the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna experiment
Barwick, S W, Beatty, J J, Besson, D Z, Binns, W R, Cai, B, Clem, J M, Connolly, A, Cowen, D F, Dowkontt, P F, Duvernois, M A, Evenson, P A, Goldstein, D, Gorham, P W, Hebert, C L, Israel, M H, Learned, J G, Liewer, K M, Link, J T, Matsuno, S, Miocinović, P, Nam, J, Naudet, C J, Nichol, R, Palladino, K, Rosen, M, Saltzberg, D, Seckel, D, Silvestri, A, Stokes, B T, Varner, G S, Wu, F
Published in Physical review letters (05.05.2006)
Published in Physical review letters (05.05.2006)
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Journal Article
The simulation of the sensitivity of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) to Askaryan radiation from cosmogenic neutrinos interacting in the Antarctic Ice
Cremonesi, L., Connolly, A., Allison, P., Banerjee, O., Batten, L., Beatty, J.J., Bechtol, K., Belov, K., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Bugaev, V., Cao, P., Chen, C.C., Chen, C.H., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Dailey, B., Deaconu, C., Dowkontt, P.F., Fox, B.D., Gordon, J.W.H., Gorham, P.W., Hill, B., Huang, J.J., Hughes, K., Hupe, R., Israel, M.H., Liewer, K.M., Lin, S.Y., Liu, T.C., Ludwig, A.B., Macchiarulo, L., Matsuno, S., McBride, K., Miki, C., Mulrey, K., Nam, J., Nichol, R.J., Novikov, A., Oberla, E., Prohira, S., Rauch, B.F., Roberts, J. M., Romero-Wolf, A., Rotter, B., Russell, J.W., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Schoorlemmer, H., Shiao, J., Stafford, S., Stockham, J., Stockham, M., Strutt, B., Stuhr, J., Sutherland, M., Varner, G.S., Vieregg, A.G., Wang, S.H., Wissel, S.A.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (08.08.2019)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (08.08.2019)
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Journal Article
In situ radioglaciological measurements near Taylor Dome, Antarctica and implications for ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrino astronomy
Besson, D.Z., Jenkins, J., Matsuno, S., Nam, J., Smith, M., Barwick, S.W., Beatty, J.J., Binns, W.R., Chen, C., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Dowkontt, P.F., DuVernois, M.A., Field, R.C., Goldstein, D., Gorham, P.W., Goodhue, A., Hast, C., Hebert, C.L., Hoover, S., Israel, M.H., Kowalski, J., Learned, J.G., Liewer, K.M., Link, J.T., Lusczek, E., Mercurio, B., Miki, C., Miočinović, P., Naudet, C.J., Ng, J., Nichol, R., Palladino, K., Reil, K., Romero-Wolf, A., Rosen, M., Ruckman, L., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Varner, G.S., Walz, D., Wu, F.
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.03.2008)
Published in Astroparticle physics (01.03.2008)
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Journal Article
RETRACTED: Observation of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the ANITA balloon-borne radio interferometer
Romero-Wolf, A., Hoover, S., Nam, J., Gorham, P.W., Grashorn, E., Allison, P., Barwick, S.W., Beatty, J.J., Belov, K., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Chen, C., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Dowkontt, P.F., DuVernois, M.A., Field, R.C., Goldstein, D., Vieregg, A.G., Hast, C., Hebert, C.L., Israel, M.H., Javaid, A., Kowalski, J., Learned, J.G., Liewer, K.M., Link, J.T., Lusczek, E., Matsuno, S., Mercurio, B.C., Miki, C., Miočinović, P., Naudet, C.J., Ng, J., Nichol, R.J., Palladino, K., Reil, K., Rosen, M., Ruckman, L., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Varner, G.S., Walz, D., Wu, F.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2010)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2010)
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Journal Article
Observation of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the ANITA balloon-borne radio interferometer
Romero-Wolf, A., Hoover, S., Nam, J., Gorham, P.W., Grashorn, E., Allison, P., Barwick, S.W., Beatty, J.J., Belov, K., Besson, D.Z., Binns, W.R., Chen, C., Chen, P., Clem, J.M., Connolly, A., Dowkontt, P.F., DuVernois, M.A., Field, R.C., Goldstein, D., Vieregg, A.G., Hast, C., Hebert, C.L., Israel, M.H., Javaid, A., Kowalski, J., Learned, J.G., Liewer, K.M., Link, J.T., Lusczek, E., Matsuno, S., Mercurio, B.C., Miki, C., Miočinović, P., Naudet, C.J., Ng, J., Nichol, R.J., Palladino, K., Reil, K., Rosen, M., Ruckman, L., Saltzberg, D., Seckel, D., Varner, G.S., Walz, D., Wu, F.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
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Journal Article
Towards two-dimensional brachytherapy dosimetry using plastic scintillator: localization of the scintillation process
Kirov, A.S, Binns, W.R, Dempsey, J.F, Epstein, J.W, Dowkontt, P.F, Shrinivas, S, Hurlbut, C, Williamson, J.F
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (2000)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (2000)
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Journal Article
The scintillating optical fiber isotope experiment: Bevalac calibrations of test models
Connell, J.J., Binns, W.R., Dowkontt, P.F., Epstein, J.W., Israel, M.H., Klarmann, J., Webber, W.R., Kish, J.C.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.09.1990)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.09.1990)
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Journal Article
A scintillating optical fiber track imaging detector
Binns, W.R., Connell, J.J., Dowkontt, P.F., Epstein, J.W., Israel, M.H., Klarmann, J.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.10.1986)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.10.1986)
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