Performance of the LHCb Vertex Locator
Aaij, R, Affolder, A, Akiba, K, Alexander, M, Ali, S, Appleby, R B, Artuso, M, Bates, A, Bay, A, Behrendt, O, Benton, J, Beuzekom, M van, Bjørnstad, P M, Bogdanova, G, Borghi, S, Borgia, A, Bowcock, T J V, Brand, J van den, Brown, H, Buytaert, J, Callot, O, Carroll, J, Casse, G, Collins, P, Capua, S De, Doets, M, Donleavy, S, Dossett, D, Dumps, R, Eckstein, D, Eklund, L, Farinelli, C, Farry, S, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Frei, R, Garofoli, J, Gersabeck, M, Gershon, T, Gong, A, Gong, H, Gordon, H, Haefeli, G, Harrison, J, Heijne, V, Hennessy, K, Hulsbergen, W, Huse, T, Hutchcroft, D, Jaeger, A, Jalocha, P, Jans, E, John, M, Keaveney, J, Ketel, T, Korolev, M, Kraan, M, Laštovička, T, Lafferty, G, Latham, T, Lefeuvre, G, Leflat, A, Liles, M, Lysebetten, A van, MacGregor, G, Marinho, F, McNulty, R, Merkin, M, Moran, D, Mountain, R, Mous, I, Mylroie-Smith, J, Needham, M, Nikitin, N, Noor, A, Oblakowska-Mucha, A, Papadelis, A, Pappagallo, M, Parkes, C, Patel, G D, Rakotomiaramanana, B, Redford, S, Reid, M, Rinnert, K, Rodrigues, E, Saavedra, A F, Schiller, M, Schneider, O, Shears, T, Coutinho, R Silva, Smith, N A, Szumlak, T, Thomas, C, Tilburg, J van, Tobin, M, Velthuis, J, Verlaat, B, Viret, S, Volkov, V, Wallace, C, Wang, J
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.09.2014)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.09.2014)
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Journal Article
Performance of the LHCb muon system
Alves, AA Jr, Anderlini, L, Anelli, M, Nobrega, R A, Auriemma, G, Baldini, W, Bencivenni, G, Berutti, R, Bizzeti, A, Bocci, V, Bondar, N, Bonivento, W, Botchin, B, Martellotti, G
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.02.2013)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.02.2013)
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Journal Article
Radiation damage in the LHCb vertex locator
Affolder, A, Akiba, K, Alexander, M, Ali, S, Artuso, M, Benton, J, van Beuzekom, M, Bjoernstad, P M, Bogdanova, G, Borghi, S, Bowcock, TJV, Brown, H, Buytaert, J, Moran, D
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.08.2013)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.08.2013)
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Journal Article
The LHCb VELO Upgrade module construction
Akiba, K., Alexander, M., Bertella, C., Biolchini, A., Bitadze, A., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T.J.V., Bridges, K., Brock, M., Burke, A.T., Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Carroll, J., Coco, V., Collins, P., Davis, A., De Aguiar Francisco, O., De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Roo, K., Doherty, F., Douglas, L., Dufour, L., Dumps, R., Dutta, D., Eklund, L., Elvin, A., Farry, S., Fernandez Prieto, A., Franco Lima, V., Freestone, J., Fuzipeg, C., Galati, M.D., Gallas Torreira, A., Geertsema, R.E., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Grant, F., Halewood-leagas, T., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Hynds, D., Jans, E., John, D., John, M., Jurik, N., Ketel, T., Klaver, S., Kopciewicz, P., Kostiuk, I., Kraan, M., Langstaff, M., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Lemos Cid, E., Lukashenko, V., Merk, M., Milovanovic, M., Monk, M., Murray, D., Nasteva, I., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Pajero, T., Parkes, C., Pazos Alvarez, A., Perez Trigo, E., Perry, M., Reiss, F., Rinnert, K., Rodriguez Rodriguez, E., Rovekamp, J., Sanders, F., Scantlebury Smead, L.G., Schiller, M., Shears, T., Smith, N.A., Snoch, A., Švihra, P., Szumlak, T., van Beuzekom, M., van Overbeek, M., Vazquez Regueiro, P., Volkov, V., Wormald, M., Zunica, G.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2024)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2024)
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Journal Article
Mapping the material in the LHCb vertex locator using secondary hadronic interactions
Alexander, M., Barter, W., Bay, A., Bel, L.J., Beuzekom, M. van, Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T.J.V., Buchanan, E., Buytaert, J., Akiba, K. Carvalho, Chen, S., Coco, V., Collins, P., Crocombe, A., Marinho, F. Da Cunha, Dall'Occo, E., Capua, S. De, Dean, C.T., Dettori, F., Dossett, D., Dreimanis, K., Dujany, G., Eklund, L., Evans, T., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Harrison, J., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Ilten, P., Jans, E., John, M., Kopciewicz, P., Koppenburg, P., Lafferty, G., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Majewski, M.W., McNulty, R., Mylroie-Smith, J., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Parkes, C., Pearce, A., Poluektov, A., Pritchard, A., Qian, W., Redford, S., Richards, S., Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, E., Sarpis, G., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Smith, M., Smith, N.A., Szumlak, T., Velthuis, J.J., Volkov, V., Wallace, C., Wark, H.M., Webber, A., Williams, M.R.J., Williams, M.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (13.06.2018)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (13.06.2018)
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Journal Article
Measurement of thermal properties of the LHCb VELO detector using track-based software alignment
Akiba, K., Alexander, M., Barter, W., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T.J.V., Buchanan, E., Burr, C., Chen, S., Collins, P., Dall'Occo, E., De Capua, S., Dean, C.T., Dettori, F., Dreimanis, K., Dujany, G., Dumps, R., Eklund, L., Evans, T., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Grillo, L., Hadavizadeh, T., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Jans, E., John, M., Kopciewicz, P., Koppenburg, P., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Majewski, M.W., Mitreska, B., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Parkes, C., Poluektov, A., Qian, W., Redford, S., Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, E., Sarpis, G., Schiller, M., Szumlak, T., Tobin, M., van Beuzekom, M., Volkov, V., Williams, M.R.J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.10.2023)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.10.2023)
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Journal Article
Performance of the LHCb muon system with cosmic rays
Anelli, M, Nobrega, R Antunes, Auriemma, G, Baldini, W, Bencivenni, G, Berutti, R, Bocci, V, Bondar, N, Bonivento, W, Botchin, B, Cadeddu, S, Campana, P, Carboni, G, Cardini, A, Carletti, M, Ciambrone, P, Dane', E, Capua, S De, Deplano, C, Simone, P De, Dettori, F, Falabella, A, Rodriguez, F Ferreira, Frosini, M, Furcas, S, Graziani, G, Gruber, L, Kashchuk, A, Lai, A, Lanfranchi, G, Lenzi, M, Levitskaya, O, Mair, K, Maev, O, Manca, G, Martellotti, G, Rodrigues, A Massafferri, Messi, R, Murtas, F, Neustroev, P, Oldeman, R G C, Palutan, M, Passaleva, G, Penso, G, Petrella, A, Pinci, D, Pozzi, S, Sabatino, G, Saitta, B, Santacesaria, R, Santovetti, E, Saputi, A, Sarti, A, Satriano, C, Satta, A, Savrié, M, Schmidt, B, Schneider, T, Sciubba, A, Shatalov, P, Vecchi, S, Veltri, M, Volkov, S, Vorobyev, A
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.10.2010)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.10.2010)
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Journal Article
The BiPo-3 detector for the measurement of ultra low natural radioactivities of thin materials
Barabash, A.S., Basharina-Freshville, A., Birdsall, E., Blondel, S., Blot, S., Bongrand, M., Boursette, D., Brudanin, V., Busto, J., Caffrey, A.J., Calvez, S., Cascella, M., Cebrián, S., Cerna, C., Cesar, J.P, Chauveau, E., Chopra, A., Dafní, T., Capua, S. De, Duchesneau, D., Durand, D., Egorov, V., Eurin, G., Evans, J.J., Fajt, L., Filosofov, D., Flack, R., Garrido, X., Gómez, H., Guillon, B., Guzowski, P., Holý, K., Hodák, R., Huber, A., Hugon, C., Iguaz, F.J., Irastorza, I.G., Jeremie, A., Jullian, S., Kauer, M., Klimenko, A., Kochetov, O., Konovalov, S.I., Kovalenko, V., Lang, K., Lemière, Y., Noblet, T. Le, Liptak, Z., Liu, X.R., Loaiza, P., Lutter, G., Luzón, G., Macko, M., Mamedov, F., Marquet, C., Mauger, F., Morgan, B., Mott, J., Nemchenok, I., Nomachi, M., Nova, F., Ohsumi, H., Oliviéro, G., de Solórzano, A. Ortiz, Pahlka, R.B., Pater, J., Perrot, F., Piquemal, F., Povinec, P., Přidal, P., Ramachers, Y.A., Remoto, A., Richards, B., Riddle, C.L., Rukhadze, E., Saakyan, R., Salazar, R., Sarazin, X., Shitov, Yu, Simard, L., Šimkovic, F., Smetana, A., Smolek, K., Smolnikov, A., Söldner-Rembold, S., Soulé, B., Štekl, I., Thomas, J., Timkin, V., Torre, S., Tretyak, Vl.I., Tretyak, V.I., Umatov, V.I., Vilela, C., Vorobel, V., Waters, D., Žukauskas, A.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2017)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2017)
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Journal Article
Measurement of the distribution of ^207Bi depositions on calibration sources for SuperNEMO
Arnold, R., Augier, C., Barabash, A.S., Basharina-Freshville, A., Birdsall, E., Blondel, S., Bongrand, M., Boursette, D., Breier, R., Brudanin, V., Busto, J., Calvez, S., Cerna, C., Cesar, J.P., Ceschia, M., Chapon, A., Chauveau, E., Chopra, A., Dawson, L., De Capua, S., Duchesneau, D., Durand, D., Eurin, G., Evans, J.J., Filosofov, D., Flack, R., Franchini, P., Girard-Carillo, C., Gómez, H., Guillon, B., Guzowski, P., Hoballah, M., Hodák, R., Hussain, M.H., Jeremie, A., Jullian, S., Kaizer, J., Klimenko, A., Kochetov, O., Konovalov, S.I., Kovalenko, V., Lalanne, D., Lang, K., Lemière, Y., Le Noblet, T., Liptak, Z., Liu, X.R., Loaiza, P., Macko, M., Macolino, C., Marquet, C., Mauger, F., Minotti, A., Mora, Y., Morgan, B., Mott, J., Nemchenok, I., Nomachi, M., Nova, F., Nowacki, F., Ohsumi, H., Oliviéro, G., Pahlka, R.B., Palušová, V., Patrick, C., Perrot, F., Pin, A., Piquemal, F., Povinec, P., Proga, M., Quinn, W.S., Ramachers, Y.A., Remoto, A., Reyss, J.L., Saakyan, R., Salamatin, A., Salazar, R., Sarazin, X., Sedgbeer, J., Shitov, Yu, Simard, L., Šimkovic, F., Smolnikov, A., Söldner-Rembold, S., Štekl, I., Suhonen, J., Sutton, C.S., Szklarz, G., Tedjditi, H., Thomas, J., Timkin, V., Torre, S., Tretyak, Vl.I., Tretyak, V.I., Umatov, V.I., Vilela, C., Vorobel, V., Waters, D., Xie, F., Žemlička, J.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.07.2021)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.07.2021)
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Journal Article
The upgrade I of LHCb VELO—towards an intelligent monitoring platform
Kopciewicz, P., Szumlak, T., Majewski, M., Akiba, K., Augusto, O., Back, J., Bobulska, D.S., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T., Buytaert, J., Cid, E. Lemos, Coco, V., Collins, P., Dall'Occo, E., de Bruyn, K., de Capua, S., Dettori, F., Dreimanis, K., Dutta, D., Eklund, L., Evans, T., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Funk, W., Garcia, L. Meyer, García, O. Boente, Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Graz, C. Sanchez, Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Hynds, D., Jalocha, P., John, M., Jurik, N., Kostiuk, I., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Lima, V. Franco, Marinho, F., Mendes, L. H., Merk, M., Morris, A., Murray, D., Naik, S., Nasteva, I., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Otalora, J., Parkes, C., Plana, B.G., Prieto, A. Fernández, Rachwal, B., Regueiro, P. Vázquez, Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, G., Scantlebury-Smead, L., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Shears, T., Snoch, A., Svihra, P., Torreira, A. Gallas, Beuzekom, M. Van, Velthuis, J., Volkov, V., Williams, M.
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2020)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (01.06.2020)
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Journal Article
Radiation Damage Effects and Operation of the LHCb Vertex Locator
Akiba, K., Alexander, M., Barter, W., Bell, L., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T., Buchanan, E., Buytaert, J., de Capua, S., Chen, S., Collins, P., Crocombe, A., Dall'Occo, E., Dean, C., Dettori, F., Dreimanis, K., Dujany, G., Eklund, L., Evans, T., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Harrison, J., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Jans, E., John, M., Kopciewicz, P., Koppenburg, P., Lafferty, G., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Majewski, M., Marinho, F., Mylroie-Smith, J., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Parkes, C., Pearce, A., Poluektov, A., Pritchard, A., Qian, W., Redford, S., Richards, S., Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, E., Rodriguez, P., Schiller, M., Smith, M., Szumlak, T., van Beuzekom, M., Velthuis, J., Volkov, V., Wark, H., Webber, A., Williams, M.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.05.2018)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.05.2018)
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Journal Article
The BiPo-3 detector
Loaiza, P., Barabash, A.S., Basharina-Freshville, A., Birdsall, E., Blondel, S., Blot, S., Bongrand, M., Boursette, D., Brudanin, V., Busto, J., Caffrey, A.J., Calvez, S., Cascella, M., Cerna, C., Chauveau, E., Chopra, A., Capua, S. De, Duchesneau, D., Durand, D., Egorov, V., Eurin, G., Evans, J.J., Fajt, L., Filosofov, D., Flack, R., Garrido, X., Gómez, H., Guillon, B., Guzowski, P., Holý, K., Hodák, R., Huber, A., Hugon, C., Jeremie, A., Jullian, S., Kauer, M., Klimenko, A., Kochetov, O., Konovalov, S.I., Kovalenko, V., Lang, K., Lemière, Y., Noblet, T. Le, Liptak, Z., Liu, X.R., Lutter, G., Macko, M., Mamedov, F., Marquet, C., Mauger, F., Morgan, B., Mott, J., Nemchenok, I., Nomachi, M., Nova, F., Ohsumi, H., Oliviéro, G., Pahlka, R.B., Pater, J., Perrot, F., Piquemal, F., Povinec, P., Přidal, P., Ramachers, Y.A., Remoto, A., Richards, B., Riddle, C.L., Rukhadze, E., Saakyan, R., Sarazin, X., Shitov, Yu, Simard, L., Šimkovic, F., Smetana, A., Smolek, K., Smolnikov, A., Söldner-Rembold, S., Soulé, B., Štekl, I., Thomas, J., Timkin, V., Torre, S., Tretyak, Vl.I., Tretyak, V.I., Umatov, V.I., Vilela, C., Vorobel, V., Waters, D., Žukauskas, A.
Published in Applied radiation and isotopes (01.05.2017)
Published in Applied radiation and isotopes (01.05.2017)
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Journal Article
The LHCb VELO detector: design, operation and first results
de Capua, S., Coco, V., Akiba, K.
Published in 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (NSS MIC RTSD) (04.11.2023)
Published in 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (NSS MIC RTSD) (04.11.2023)
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Conference Proceeding
First spatial alignment of the LHCb VELO and analysis of beam absorber collision data
Borghi, S., Gersabeck, M., Parkes, C., Szumlak, T., Affolder, A., Akiba, K., Anderson, J., Artuso, M., Basiladze, S., Bates, A., Bay, A., Behrendt, O., van Beuzekom, M., Borgia, A., Bowcock, T., Buytaert, J., Casse, G., Collins, P., de Capua, S., de Vries, H., Donleavy, S., Eklund, L., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Frei, R., Hennessy, K., Huse, T., Hutchcroft, D., Jans, E., John, M., Ketel, T., Lefeuvre, G., Leflat, A., Marinho, F., McNulty, R., Mountain, R., Mous, I., Mylroie-Smith, J., Noor, A., Papadelis, A., Patel, G., Rakotomiaramanana, B., Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, E., Shears, T., Smith, N.A., Tobin, M., Traynor, S., Van Lysebetten, A., Verlaat, B., Wang, J.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.06.2010)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.06.2010)
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Journal Article
First LHC beam induced tracks reconstructed in the LHCb VELO
Parkes, C., Borghi, S., Bates, A., Eklund, L., Gersabeck, M., Marinho, F., Rakotomiaramanana, B., Rodrigues, E., Szumlak, T., Affolder, A., Bowcock, T., Casse, G., Donleavy, S., Hennessy, K., Huse, T., Hutchcroft, D., Mylroie-Smith, J., Noor, A., Patel, G., Rinnert, K., Smith, N.A., Shears, T., Tobin, M., John, M., Bay, A., Frei, R., Haefeli, G., Keune, A., Anderson, J., McNulty, R., Traynor, S., Basiladze, S., Leflat, A., Artuso, M., Borgia, A., Lefeuvre, G., Mountain, R., Wang, J., Akiba, K., van Beuzekom, M., Jans, E., Ketel, T., Mous, I., Papadelis, A., Van Lysebetten, A., Verlaat, B., de Vries, H., Behrendt, O., Buytaert, J., de Capua, S., Collins, P., Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.06.2009)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.06.2009)
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Journal Article
A model for RPC detectors operating at high rate
Carboni, G., Collazuol, G., De Capua, S., Domenici, D., Ganis, G., Messi, R., Passaleva, G., Santovetti, E., Veltri, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.02.2003)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.02.2003)
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Journal Article
Final results from an extensive ageing test of bakelite Resistive Plate Chambers
Carboni, G., Collazuol, G., de Capua, S., Domenici, D., Messi, R., Passaleva, G., Santovetti, E., Veltri, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2004)
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Journal Article
Direct measurement of the avalanche charge in a Resistive Plate Chambers detector
Carboni, G., de Capua, S., Domenici, D., Messi, R., Natali, G., Santovetti, E.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2004)
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Journal Article
An extensive aging study of bakelite Resistive Plate Chambers
Carboni, G., De Capua, S., Domenici, D., Ganis, G., Messi, R., Passaleva, G., Santovetti, E., Veltri, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.02.2004)
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Journal Article
First results from an aging test of a prototype RPC for the LHCb Muon System
Bizzeti, A., Carboni, G., Collazuol, G., De Capua, S., Domenici, D., Ganis, G., Messi, R., Passaleva, G., Santovetti, E., Veltri, M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2003)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.12.2003)
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Journal Article