Isotopic scaling and the symmetry energy in spectator fragmentation
Le Fèvre, A, Auger, G, Begemann-Blaich, M L, Bellaize, N, Bittiger, R, Bocage, F, Borderie, B, Bougault, R, Bouriquet, B, Charvet, J L, Chbihi, A, Dayras, R, Durand, D, Frankland, J D, Galichet, E, Gourio, D, Guinet, D, Hudan, S, Immé, G, Lautesse, P, Lavaud, F, Legrain, R, Lopez, O, Łukasik, J, Lynen, U, Müller, W F J, Nalpas, L, Orth, H, Plagnol, E, Raciti, G, Rosato, E, Saija, A, Schwarz, C, Seidel, W, Sfienti, C, Tamain, B, Trautmann, W, Trzciński, A, Turzó, K, Vient, E, Vigilante, M, Volant, C, Zwiegliński, B, Botvina, A S
Published in Physical review letters (29.04.2005)
Published in Physical review letters (29.04.2005)
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Journal Article
Surveying the nuclear caloric curve
Ma, Y.-G, Siwek, A, Péter, J, Gulminelli, F, Dayras, R, Nalpas, L, Tamain, B, Vient, E, Auger, G, Bacri, Ch.O, Benlliure, J, Bisquer, E, Borderie, B, Bougault, R, Brou, R, Charvet, J.L, Chbihi, A, Colin, J, Cussol, D, De Filippo, E, Demeyer, A, Doré, D, Durand, D, Ecomard, P, Eudes, P, Gerlic, E, Gourio, D, Guinet, D, Laforest, R, Lautesse, P, Laville, J.L, Lebreton, L, Lecolley, J.F, Le Fèvre, A, Lefort, T, Legrain, R, Lopez, O, Louvel, M, Łukasik, J, Marie, N, Métivier, V, Ouatizerga, A, Parlog, M, Plagnol, E, Rahmani, A, Reposeur, T, Rivet, M.F, Rosato, E, Saint-Laurent, F, Squalli, M, Steckmeyer, J.C, Stern, M, Tassan-Got, L, Volant, C, Wieleczko, J.P
Published in Physics letters. B (1997)
Published in Physics letters. B (1997)
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Journal Article
Fission time measurements: a new probe into superheavy element stability
Morjean, M, Jacquet, D, Charvet, J L, L'Hoir, A, Laget, M, Parlog, M, Chbihi, A, Chevallier, M, Cohen, C, Dauvergne, D, Dayras, R, Drouart, A, Escano-Rodriguez, C, Frankland, J D, Kirsch, R, Lautesse, P, Nalpas, L, Ray, C, Schmitt, C, Stodel, C, Tassan-Got, L, Testa, E, Volant, C
Published in Physical review letters (15.08.2008)
Published in Physical review letters (15.08.2008)
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Journal Article
No enhancement of fusion probability by the neutron halo of 6He
Published in Nature (London) (14.10.2004)
Published in Nature (London) (14.10.2004)
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Journal Article
Long Fission Times of Super-Heavy Compound Nuclei
Drouart, A, Charvet, J L, Chbihi, A, Chevallier, M, Cohen, C, Dauvergne, D, Dayras, R, Frankland, J D, Jacquet, D, Kirsch, R, Laget, M, Lautesse, P, L'Hoir, A, Marchix, A, Morjean, M, Nalpas, L, Parlog, M, Ray, C, Schmitt, C
Published in AIP conference proceedings (01.01.2008)
Published in AIP conference proceedings (01.01.2008)
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Journal Article
Predicting fracture from the tensile properties of a composite biomaterial
Cordes, J.A., Chang, A.T., Charvet, J.L.
Published in Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing (01.01.1998)
Published in Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing (01.01.1998)
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Journal Article
Direct experimental evidence for very long fission times of super-heavy elements
Published in The European physical journal. D, Atomic, molecular and optical physics (Print) (01.10.2007)
Published in The European physical journal. D, Atomic, molecular and optical physics (Print) (01.10.2007)
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Conference Proceeding
Journal Article
Study of intermediate velocity products in the Ar+Ni collisions between 52 and 95 A.MeV
Lefort, T., Doré, D., Cussol, D., Ma, Y.G., Péter, J., Dayras, R., Assenard, M., Auger, G., Bacri, Ch.O., Bocage, F., Bougault, R., Brou, R., Buchet, Ph, Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Colin, J., Demeyer, A., Durand, D., Eudes, P., Frankland, J.D., Galichet, E., Genouin-Duhamel, E., Gerlic, E., Germain, M., Gourio, D., Guinet, D., Hurst, B., Lautesse, P., Laville, J.L., Lecolley, J.F., Le Fèvre, A., Legrain, R., Le Neindre, N., Lopez, O., Louvel, M., Maskay, A.M., Nalpas, L., N'Guyen, A.D., Parlog, M., Plagnol, E., Politi, G., Rahmani, A., Reposeur, T., Rosato, E., Saint-Laurent, F., Salou, S., Steckmeyer, J.C., Stern, M., Tabacaru, G., Tamain, B., Tassan-Got, L., Tirel, O., Vient, E., Volant, C., Wieleczko, J.P., Wieloch, A.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (2000)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (2000)
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Journal Article
Evolution of the fusion cross-section for light systems at intermediate energies
Lautesse, P., Nalpas, L., Dayras, R., Rivet, M. F., Pârlog, M., Bisquer, E., Borderie, B., Bougault, R., Buchet, P., Charvet, J. L., Chbihi, A., Colonna, M., Demeyer, A., Désesquelles, P., Frankland, J. D., Galichet, E., Gerlic, E., Guinet, D. C. R., Legrain, R., Le Neindre, N., Lopez, O., Manduci, L., Maskay, A. M., Noguère, G., Rosato, E., Roy, R., Schmitt, C., Stern, M., Tamain, B., Vient, E., Vigilante, M., Volant, C., Wieleczko, J. P.
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (01.03.2006)
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (01.03.2006)
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Journal Article
INDRA, a 4π charged product detection array at GANIL
Pouthas, J., Borderie, B., Dayras, R., Plagnol, E., Rivet, M.F., Saint-Laurent, F., Steckmeyer, J.C., Auger, G., Bacri, C.O., Barbey, S., Barbier, A., Benkirane, A., Benlliure, J., Berthier, B., Bougamont, E., Bourgault, P., Box, P., Bzyl, R., Cahan, B., Cassagnou, Y., Charlet, D., Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Clerc, T., Copinet, N., Cussol, D., Engrand, M., Gautier, J.M., Huguet, Y., Jouniaux, O., Laville, J.L., Le Botlan, P., Leconte, A., Legrain, R., Lelong, P., Le Guay, M., Martina, L., Mazur, C., Mosrin, P., Olivier, L., Passerieux, J.P., Pierre, S., Piquet, B., Plaige, E., Pollacco, E.C., Raine, B., Richard, A., Ropert, J., Spitaels, C., Stab, L., Sznajderman, D., Tassan-got, L., Tillier, J., Tripon, M., Vallerand, P., Volant, C., Volkov, P., Wieleczko, J.P., Wittwer, G.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.1995)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.1995)
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Journal Article
Excitation energy and angular momentum of quasiprojectiles produced in the Xe+Sn collisions at incident energies between 25 and 50 MeV/nucleon
Steckmeyer, J.C., Genouin-Duhamel, E., Vient, E., Colin, J., Durand, D., Auger, G., Bacri, C.O., Bellaize, N., Borderie, B., Bougault, R., Bouriquet, B., Brou, R., Buchet, P., Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Cussol, D., Dayras, R., De Cesare, N., Demeyer, A., Doré, D., Frankland, J.D., Galichet, E., Gerlic, E., Guinet, D., Hudan, S., Lautesse, P., Lavaud, F., Laville, J.L., Lecolley, J.F., Leduc, C., Legrain, R., Le Neindre, N., Lopez, O., Louvel, M., Maskay, A.M., Nalpas, L., Normand, J., Pârlog, M., Pawłowski, P., Plagnol, E., Rivet, M.F., Rosato, E., Saint-Laurent, F., Tăbăcaru, G., Tamain, B., Tassan-Got, L., Tirel, O., Turzo, K., Vigilante, M., Volant, C., Wieleczko, J.P.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (2001)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (2001)
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Journal Article
Multifragmentation process for different mass asymmetry in the entrance channel around the Fermi energy
Bellaize, N., Lopez, O., Wieleczko, J.P., Cussol, D., Auger, G., Bacri, Ch.O., Bocage, F., Borderie, B., Bougault, R., Bouriquet, B., Brou, R., Buchet, P., Buta, A.M., Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Colin, J., Dayras, R., De Cesare, N., Demeyer, A., Doré, D., Durand, D., Frankland, J.D., Galichet, E., Genouin-Duhamel, E., Gerlic, E., Guiot, B., Guinet, D., Hudan, S., Lanzalone, G., Lautesse, P., Lavaud, F., Laville, J.L., Lecolley, J.F., Legrain, R., Le Neindre, N., Manduci, L., Marie, J., Nalpas, L., Normand, J., Pârlog, M., Pawłowski, P., Plagnol, E., Rivet, M.F., Rosato, E., Roy, R., Saint-Laurent, F., Steckmeyer, J.C., Tăbăcaru, G., Tamain, B., van Lauwe, E., Tassan-Got, L., Vient, E., Vigilante, M., Volant, C.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (21.10.2002)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (21.10.2002)
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Journal Article
Statistical multifragmentation of non-spherical expanding sources in central heavy-ion collisions
Le Fèvre, A., Płoszajczak, M., Toneev, V.D., Auger, G., Begemann-Blaich, M.L., Bellaize, N., Bittiger, R., Bocage, F., Borderie, B., Bougault, R., Bouriquet, B., Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Dayras, R., Durand, D., Frankland, J.D., Galichet, E., Gourio, D., Guinet, D., Hudan, S., Hurst, B., Lautesse, P., Lavaud, F., Legrain, R., Lopez, O., Łukasik, J., Lynen, U., Müller, W.F.J., Nalpas, L., Orth, H., Plagnol, E., Rosato, E., Saija, A., Schwarz, C., Sfienti, C., Tamain, B., Trautmann, W., Trzciński, A., Turzó, K., Vient, E., Vigilante, M., Volant, C., Zwiegliński, B., Botvina, A.S.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (19.04.2004)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (19.04.2004)
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Dynamical effects in nuclear collisions in the Fermi energy range: aligned breakup of heavy projectiles
Bocage, F., Colin, J., Louvel, M., Auger, G., Bacri, Ch.O., Bellaize, N., Borderie, B., Bougault, R., Brou, R., Buchet, P., Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Cussol, D., Dayras, R., De Cesare, N., Demeyer, A., Doré, D., Durand, D., Frankland, J.D., Galichet, E., Genouin-Duhamel, E., Gerlic, E., Guinet, D., Lautesse, P., Laville, J.L., Lecolley, J.F., Legrain, R., Le Neindre, N., Lopez, O., Maskay, A.M., Nalpas, L., Nguyen, A.D., Pârlog, M., Péter, J., Plagnol, E., Rivet, M.F., Rosato, E., Saint-Laurent, F., Salou, S., Steckmeyer, J.C., Stern, M., Tăbăcaru, G., Tamain, B., Tirel, O., Tassan-Got, L., Vient, E., Vigilante, M., Volant, C., Wieleczko, J.P., Le Brun, C., Genoux-Lubain, A., Rudolf, G., Stuttgé, L.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (28.08.2000)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (28.08.2000)
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Journal Article
Fragmentation in peripheral heavy-ion collisions: from neck emission to spectator decays
Łukasik, J, Auger, G, Begemann-Blaich, M.L, Bellaize, N, Bittiger, R, Bocage, F, Borderie, B, Bougault, R, Bouriquet, B, Charvet, J.L, Chbihi, A, Dayras, R, Durand, D, Frankland, J.D, Galichet, E, Gourio, D, Guinet, D, Hudan, S, Hurst, B, Lautesse, P, Lavaud, F, Le Fèvre, A, Legrain, R, Lopez, O, Lynen, U, Müller, W.F.J, Nalpas, L, Orth, H, Plagnol, E, Rosato, E, Saija, A, Schwarz, C, Sfienti, C, Steckmeyer, J.C, Tamain, B, Trautmann, W, Trzciński, A, Turzó, K, Vient, E, Vigilante, M, Volant, C, Zwiegliński, B, Botvina, A.S
Published in Physics letters. B (24.07.2003)
Published in Physics letters. B (24.07.2003)
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Journal Article
A hot expanding source in 50 A MeV Xe + Sn central reactions
Marie, N., Laforest, R., Bougault, R., Wieleczko, J.P., Durand, D., Bacri, Ch.O., Lecolley, J.F., Saint-Laurent, F., Auger, G., Benlliure, J., Bisquer, E., Borderie, B., Brou, R., Charvet, J.L., Chbihi, A., Colin, J., Cussol, D., Dayras, R., De Filippo, E., Demeyer, A., Doré, D., Ecomard, P., Eudes, P., Gourio, D., Guinet, D., Lautesse, P., Laville, J.L., Le Fèvre, A., Lefort, T., Legrain, R., Lopez, O., Louvel, M., Métivier, V., Nalpas, L., Ouatizerga, A., Parlog, M., Péter, J., Plagnol, E., Rahmani, A., Reposeur, T., Rivet, M.F., Rosato, E., Salou, S., Squalli, M., Steckmeyer, J.C., Tamain, B., Tassan-Got, L., Vient, E., Volant, C.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1997)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.01.1997)
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Journal Article
Response of CsI(Tl) scintillators over a large range in energy and atomic number of ions. Part I: recombination and δ-electrons
Pârlog, M., Borderie, B., Rivet, M.F., Tăbăcaru, G., Chbihi, A., Elouardi, M., Le Neindre, N., Lopez, O., Plagnol, E., Tassan-Got, L., Auger, G., Bacri, Ch.O., Bellaize, N., Bocage, F., Bougault, R., Bouriquet, B., Brou, R., Buchet, P., Charvet, J.L., Colin, J., Cussol, D., Dayras, R., Demeyer, A., Doré, D., Durand, D., Frankland, J.D., Galichet, E., Genouin-Duhamel, E., Gerlic, E., Hudan, S., Guinet, D., Lautesse, P., Lavaud, F., Laville, J.L., Lecolley, J.F., Leduc, C., Legrain, R., Louvel, M., Maskay, A.M., Nalpas, L., Normand, J., Péter, J., Rosato, E., Saint-Laurent, F., Steckmeyer, J.C., Tamain, B., Tirel, O., Vient, E., Volant, C., Wieleczko, J.P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2002)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2002)
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Journal Article
Measurement of charged jet suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at √s NN = 2.76 TeV
Alme, Johan, Erdal, Hege Austrheim, Helstrup, Håvard, Hetland, Kristin Fanebust, Kileng, Bjarte, Altinpinar, Sedat, Djuvsland, Øystein, Fehlker, Dominik, Haaland, Øystein Senneset, Huang, Meidana, Langøy, Rune, Lien, Jørgen, Lønne, Per-Ivar, Nystrand, Joakim, Rehman, Attiq ur, Røhrich, Dieter, Skjerdal, Kyrre, Ullaland, Kjetil, Wagner, Boris, Yang, Shiming, Arsene, Ionut Christian, Bätzing, Paul Christoph, Dordic, Olja, Eyyubova, Gyulnara, Lindal, Svein, Milosevic, Jovan, Qvigstad, Henrik, Richter, Matthias Rudolph, Røed, Ketil, Skaali, Toralf Bernhard, Tveter, Trine Spedstad, Wikne, Jon Christopher, Zhao, Chengxin, Abelev, Betty, Adam, Jaroslav, Adamová, Dagmar, Adare, Andrew Marshall, Aggarwal, Madan M, Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca, Agocs, Andreas Gabor, Agostinelli, Andrea, Aguilar Salazar, Saul, Ahammed, Zubayer, Ahmad, Nazeer, Ahmad Masoodi, Arshar, Ahn, Sang Un, Ahn, Sul-Ah, Ajaz, Muhammad, Akindinov, Alexander, Aleksandrov, Dimitry, ALICE, Collaboration
Published in The journal of high energy physics (2014)
Published in The journal of high energy physics (2014)
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