Vaginal self-sampling is a cost-effective way to increase participation in a cervical cancer screening programme: a randomised trial
Haguenoer, K, Sengchanh, S, Gaudy-Graffin, C, Boyard, J, Fontenay, R, Marret, H, Goudeau, A, Pigneaux de Laroche, N, Rusch, E, Giraudeau, B
Published in British journal of cancer (25.11.2014)
Published in British journal of cancer (25.11.2014)
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Journal Article
First measurement of proton-induced low-momentum dielectron radiation off cold nuclear matter
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J.C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J.L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Mishra, D., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y.C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y.
Published in Physics letters. B (10.09.2012)
Published in Physics letters. B (10.09.2012)
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Journal Article
Hyperon production in Ar + KCl collisions at 1.76A GeV
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Bannier, B., Bassini, R., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Dıaz, J., Dohrmann, F., Dybczak, A., Eberl, T., Epple, E., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gil, A., Gilardi, C., González-Dıaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heilmann, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Huck, P., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Kanaki, K., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kotte, R., Krizek, F., Kurepin, A., Lang, S., Lange, J. S., Lapidus, K., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Mishra, D., Mousa, J., Naumann, L., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pérez Cavalcanti, T., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Roy-Stephan, M., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Sailer, B., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wisniowski, M., Wojcik, T., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., Zhou, P., Zumbruch, P.
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (01.02.2011)
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (01.02.2011)
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Journal Article
Dilepton Production at SIS Energies Studied with HADES
Holzmann, Romain, Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A.V., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J.L., Braun-Munzinger, P., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Díaz, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O.V., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Gil, A., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Huck, P., Ierusalimov, A.P., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Kopp, A., Kotte, R., Kozuch, A., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Khlitz, P.K., Lamas-Valverde, J., Lang, S., Lange, J.S., Lapidus, K., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Morinière, E., Mousa, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y.C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Roskoss, J., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Siebenson, J., Simon, R., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sudol, M., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Veretenkin, I., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wisniowski, M., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y.V.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.03.2010)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.03.2010)
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Journal Article
Probing of in-medium hadron structure with HADES
Salabura, P., Agakichiev, G., Agodi, C., Alvarez-Pol, H., Balanda, A., Bellia, G., Bielcik, J., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J., Braun-Munzinger, P., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Coniglione, R., Djeridi, R., Dohrmann, F., Duran, I., Eberl, T., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Garzon, J., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Grosse, E., Guber, F., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Jaskula, M., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Kanaki, K., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B., Kotte, R., Kotulic-Bunta, J., Krücken, R., Kugler, A., Kühn, W., Kulessa, R., Kurepin, A., Lang, S., Lehnert, J., Maiolino, C., Markert, J., Metag, V., Mousa, J., Münch, M., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Novotny, J., Novotny, R., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y., Pechenov, V., Perez, T., Pietraszko, J., Pleskac, R., Pospisil, V., Pvrzygoda, W., Rabin, N., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Ritman, J., Roy-Stephan, M., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Sailer, B., Sanchez, M., Sapienza, P., Schmah, A., Smolyankin, V., Smykov, L., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Stroebele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sudol, M., Tlusty, P., Toia, A., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Wisniowski, M., Wojcik, T., Wüstenfeld, J., Zanevsky, Y., Žovinec, D., Zumbruch, P.
Published in Nuclear Physics A (07.03.2005)
Published in Nuclear Physics A (07.03.2005)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Measurement of low-mass e+e− pair production in 1 and 2 A GeV C–C collision with HADES
Sudol, M., Agakishiev, G., Agodi, C., Balanda, A., Bellia, G., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Blanco, A., Bortolotti, A., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Coniglione, R., Destefanis, M., Durán, I., Dybczak, A., Eberl, T., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Gernhäuser, R., Gil, A., Gilardi, C., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Heilmann, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Kanaki, K., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Kolb, B. W., Kozuch, A., Krása, A., Křížek, F., Krücken, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Lamas-Valverde, J., Lang, S., Lange, J. S., Lapidus, K., Maier, L., Maiolino, C., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Morinière, E., Mousa, J., Münch, M., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Novotny, R., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y. C., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pérez Cavalcanti, T., Piattelli, P., Pietraszko, J., Pospíšil, V., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Roy-Stephan, M., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Sailer, B., Salabura, P., Sapienza, P., Schroeder, C., Simon, R., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlustý, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Weber, M., Wisniowski, M., Wojcik, T., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., Zhou, P., Zumbruch, P.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.07.2009)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.07.2009)
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Journal Article
PO11 - Autofluorescence cutanée après un repas riche en produits de glycation avancée
Mast, C, Boyard, J, Hotto, J, Gatta-Cherifi, B, Gin, H, Rigalleau, V
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (2011)
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (2011)
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Journal Article
Coherent pion production in heavy ion charge exchange reactions
Boyard, J.-L., Augustyniak, W., Dahl, R., Drews, M., Ellegaard, C., Farhi, L., Gaarde, C., Hennino, T., Jensen, J.A., Jourdain, J.-C., Kagarlis, M., Kunne, R., Larsen, J.S., Radvanyi, P., Ramstein, B., Roy-Stephan, M., Zupranski, P.
Published in Nuclear Physics A (13.06.2005)
Published in Nuclear Physics A (13.06.2005)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
The HADES tracking system
Müntz, C., Markert, J., Agakichiev, G., Alvarez-Pol, H., Badura, E., Bielcik, J., Bokemeyer, H., Boyard, J.-L., Chepurnov, V., Chernenko, S., Daues, H., Dohrmann, F., Enghardt, W., Fateev, O., Garabatos, C., Glonti, L., Grosse, E., Hehner, J., Heidel, K., Hennino, T., Hoffmann, J., Ierusalimov, A., Kämpfer, B., Kanaki, K., Koenig, W., Kotte, R., Naumann, L., Ott, W., Pachmayer, Y.C., Pechenov, V., Pouthas, J., Ramstein, B., Rosenkranz, K., Rosier, P., Roy-Stephan, M., Rustamov, A., Sadovski, A., Smykov, L., Sobiella, M., Stelzer, H., Stroebele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sudol, M., Wüstenfeld, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.2004)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11.12.2004)
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Journal Article
Measurement of charged pions in 12C + 12C collisions at 1 A GeV and 2 A GeV with HADES
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Bellia, G., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Bielcik, J., Blanco, A., Bortolotti, A., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Coniglione, R., Destefanis, M., Durán, I., Dybczak, A., Eberl, T., Fateev, O., Ferreira-Marques, R., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Gernhäuser, R., Gil, A., Gilardi, C., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Heilmann, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Kanaki, K., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kozuch, A., Krása, A., Křížek, F., Krücken, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Lamas-Valverde, J., Lang, S., Lange, J. S., Lapidus, K., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Morinière, E., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Novotny, R., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pérez Cavalcanti, T., Piattelli, P., Pospíšil, V., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Roy-Stephan, M., Sadovsky, A., Sailer, B., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schroeder, C., Schwab, E., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sudol, M., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Weber, M., Wisniowski, M., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., Zhou, P., Zumbruch, P.
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (2009)
Published in The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (2009)
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Journal Article
Development of low-mass drift chambers for the HADES spectrometer
Bokemeyer, H, Boyard, J.l, Chepurnov, V, Chernenko, S, Daues, H, Dohrmann, F, Enghardt, W, Fateev, O, Garabatos, C, Glonti, L, Grosse, E, Hehner, J, Hennino, T, Kempter, J, Koenig, W, Müntz, C, Naumann, L, Petrov, A, Pouthas, J, Rosier, Ph, Smykov, L, Stelzer, H, Sobiella, M, Stroth, J, Wüstenfeld, J, Zanevsky, Yu, Zumbruch, P
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2002)
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2002)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
Searching a dark photon with HADES
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J.C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J.L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y.C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y.
Published in Physics letters. B (04.04.2014)
Published in Physics letters. B (04.04.2014)
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Journal Article
Dilepton analysis in the HADES spectrometer for C+C at 2 A GeV
Bielcik, J, Agakishiev, G, Agodi, C, Alvarez-Pol, H, Balanda, A, Bellia, G, Böhmer, M, Boyard, J L, Braun-Munzinger, P, Chernenko, S, Christ, T, Coniglione, R, Djeridi, R, Dohrmann, F, Durán, I, Eberl, T, Fabbietti, L, Fateev, O, Finocchiaro, P, Friese, J, Fröhlich, I, Garzón, J A, Gernhäuser, R, Golubeva, M, González-Daz, D, Grosse, E, Guber, F, Hennino, T, Hlavac, S, Holzmann, R, Ierusalimov, A, Iori, I, Jaskula, M, Jurkovic, M, Kämpfer, B, Kanaki, K, Karavicheva, T, Koenig, I, Koenig, W, Kolb, B W, Kottel, R, Kotulic-Bunta, J, Krücken, R, Kugler, A, Kühn, W, Kulessa, R, Kurepin, A, Lang, S, Lehnert, J, Maiolino, C, Markert, J, Metag, V, Mousa, J, Münch, M, Müntz, C, Naumann, L, Novotny, R, Novotny, J, Otwinowski, J, Pachmayer, Y C, Pant, L M, Pechenov, V, Pérez, T, Pietraszko, J, Pleskac, R, Pospísil, V, Przygoda, W, Rabin, N, Ramstein, B, Reshetin, A, Ritman, J, Roy-Stephan, M, Rustamov, A, Sadovsky, A, Sailer, B, Salabura, P, Sánchez, M, Sapienza, P, Schmah, A, Simon, R, Smolyankin, V, Smykov, L, Spataro, S, Spruck, B, Stroebele, H, Stroth, J, Sturm, C, Sudol, M, Tlusty, P, Toia, A, Traxler, M, Tsertos, H, Wagner, V, Wisniowski, M, Wojcik, T, Wüstenfeld, J, Zanevsky, Y, Zovinec, D, Zumbruch, P
Published in Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics (01.04.2005)
Published in Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics (01.04.2005)
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Journal Article
Subthreshold Ξ^{-} production in collisions of p(3.5 GeV)+Nb
Agakishiev, G, Arnold, O, Balanda, A, Belver, D, Belyaev, A V, Berger-Chen, J C, Blanco, A, Böhmer, M, Boyard, J L, Cabanelas, P, Chernenko, S, Dybczak, A, Epple, E, Fabbietti, L, Fateev, O V, Finocchiaro, P, Fonte, P, Friese, J, Fröhlich, I, Galatyuk, T, Garzón, J A, Gernhäuser, R, Göbel, K, Golubeva, M, González-Díaz, D, Guber, F, Gumberidze, M, Heinz, T, Hennino, T, Holzmann, R, Ierusalimov, A, Iori, I, Ivashkin, A, Jurkovic, M, Kämpfer, B, Karavicheva, T, Koenig, I, Koenig, W, Kolb, B W, Kornakov, G, Kotte, R, Krása, A, Krizek, F, Krücken, R, Kuc, H, Kühn, W, Kugler, A, Kurepin, A, Ladygin, V, Lalik, R, Lang, S, Lapidus, K, Lebedev, A, Liu, T, Lopes, L, Lorenz, M, Maier, L, Mangiarotti, A, Markert, J, Metag, V, Michalska, B, Michel, J, Müntz, C, Müntzer, R, Naumann, L, Pachmayer, Y C, Palka, M, Parpottas, Y, Pechenov, V, Pechenova, O, Pietraszko, J, Przygoda, W, Ramstein, B, Reshetin, A, Rustamov, A, Sadovsky, A, Salabura, P, Schmah, A, Schwab, E, Siebenson, J, Sobolev, Yu G, Spataro, S, Spruck, B, Ströbele, H, Stroth, J, Sturm, C, Tarantola, A, Teilab, K, Tlusty, P, Traxler, M, Trebacz, R, Tsertos, H, Vasiliev, T, Wagner, V, Weber, M, Wendisch, C, Wüstenfeld, J, Yurevich, S, Zanevsky, Y V
Published in Physical review letters (29.05.2015)
Published in Physical review letters (29.05.2015)
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Journal Article
Origin of the low-mass electron pair excess in light nucleus–nucleus collisions
Agakichiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A.V., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J.L., Braun-Munzinger, P., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Destefanis, M., Díaz, J., Dohrmann, F., Dybczak, A., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O.V., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Gil, A., Gilardi, C., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kirschner, D., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Kotte, R., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Lang, S., Lange, J.S., Lapidus, K., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Morinière, E., Mousa, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y.C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sudol, M., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wisniowski, M., Wojcik, T., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y.V., Zhou, P.
Published in Physics letters. B (14.06.2010)
Published in Physics letters. B (14.06.2010)
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Journal Article
SPES4– π : installation for exclusive study of nuclear reactions
Alkhazov, G.D., Astashin, V.V., Atamanchuk, A.G., Augustyniak, W., Bachelier, D., Baublis, V.V., Boivin, M., Boyard, J.-L., Clavelin, J.-F., Courtat, P., Denoit, M., Douet, R., Ellegaard, C., Farhi, L., Gaarde, C., Gacougnolle, R., Gerzenstein, V.Ya, Golovtsov, V.L., Golubev, V.V., Hennino, T., Jourdain, J.-C., Khanzadeev, A.V., Komkov, B.G., Kravtsov, A.V., Kudin, L.G., Kunne, R., Larsen, J., Lebon, S., Malinina, L.V., Maroni, A., Martin, J.-M., Morsch, H.-P., Mylnikov, V.A., Orischin, E.M., Osterlund, M., Poux, V., Prokofiev, A.N., Radvanyi, P., Ramstein, B., Razmyslovich, B.V., Roy-Stephan, M., Samsonov, V.M., Skowron, R., Smirnov, I.B., Strokovsky, E.A., Tkach, I.I., Vikhrov, V.V., Volkov, S.S., Vorobyov, An.A., Zhdanov, A.A., Zupranski, P.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (2005)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (2005)
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Journal Article
Analysis of pion production data measured by HADES in proton-proton collisions at 1.25 GeV
Agakishiev, G, Balanda, A, Belver, D, Belyaev, A, Berger-Chen, J C, Blanco, A, Böhmer, M, Boyard, J L, Cabanelas, P, Chernenko, S, Dybczak, A, Epple, E, Fabbietti, L, Fateev, O, Finocchiaro, P, Fonte, P, Friese, J, Fröhlich, I, Galatyuk, T, Garzón, J A, Gernhäuser, R, Göbel, K, Golubeva, M, González-Díaz, D, Guber, F, Gumberidze, M, Heinz, T, Hennino, T, Holzmann, R, Ierusalimov, A, Iori, I, Ivashkin, A, Jurkovic, M, Kämpfer, B, Karavicheva, T, Koenig, I, Koenig, W, Kolb, B W, Kornakov, G, Kotte, R, Krása, A, Krizek, F, Krücken, R, Kuc, H, Kühn, W, Kugler, A, Kurepin, A, Ladygin, V, Lalik, R, Lang, S, Lapidus, K, Lebedev, A, Liu, T, Lopes, L, Lorenz, M, Maier, L, Mangiarotti, A, Markert, J, Metag, V, Michalska, B, Michel, J, Müntz, C, Münzer, R, Naumann, L, Pachmayer, Y C, Palka, M, Parpottas, Y, Pechenov, V, Pechenova, O, Pietraszko, J, Przygoda, W, Ramstein, B, Reshetin, A, Rustamov, A, Sadovsky, A, Salabura, P, Schmah, A, Schwab, E, Siebenson, J, Sobolev, Yu G, Spataro, S, Spruck, B, Ströbele, H, Stroth, J, Sturm, C, Tarantola, A, Teilab, K, Tlusty, P, Traxler, M, Trebacz, R, Tsertos, H, Vasiliev, T, Wagner, V, Weber, M, Wendisch, C, Wüstenfeld, J, Yurevich, S, Zanevsky, Y, Sarantsev, A V, Nikonov, V A
Published in (24.03.2017)
Published in (24.03.2017)
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Journal Article