Fish scale crystals: an under-recognised cause of intestinal necrosis
Bogaerts, J M A, van der Hoeven, J G, Arts, E E A, van der Kolk, B M, Brosens, L A
Published in Journal of clinical pathology (01.08.2019)
Published in Journal of clinical pathology (01.08.2019)
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Journal Article
The ATLAS Event Builder
Vandelli, W., Abolins, M., Battaglia, A., Beck, H.P., Blair, R., Bogaerts, A.J., Bosman, M., Ciobotaru, M.D., Cranfield, R., Crone, G., Dawson, J., Dobinson, R., Dobson, M., Dos Anjos, A., Drake, G., Ermoline, Y., Ferrari, R., Ferrer, M.L., Francis, D., Gadomski, S., Gameiro, S., Gorini, B., Green, B., Haberichter, W., Haberli, C., Hauser, R., Hinkelbein, C., Hughes-Jones, R., Joos, M., Kieft, G., Klous, S., Korcyl, K., Kordas, K., Kugel, A., Leahu, L., Lehmann, G., Martin, B., Mapelli, L., Meessen, C., Meirosu, C., Misiejuk, A., Mornacchi, G., Muller, M., Nagasaka, Y., Negri, A., Pasqualucci, E., Pauly, T., Petersen, J., Pope, B., Schlereth, J., Spiwoks, R., Stancu, S., Strong, J., Sushkov, S., Szymocha, T., Tremblet, L., Unel, G., Vermeulen, J., Werner, P., Wheeler-Ellis, S., Wickens, F., Wiedenmann, W., Yu, M., Yasu, Y., Zhang, J., Zobernig, H.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.12.2008)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.12.2008)
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Journal Article
Design, deployment and functional tests of the online event filter for the ATLAS experiment at LHC
Armstrong, S., dos Anjos, A., Baines, J.T.M., Bee, C.P., Biglietti, M., Bogaerts, J.A., Boisvert, V., Bosman, M., Caron, B., Casado, P., Cataldi, G., Cavalli, D., Cervetto, M., Comune, G., Muino, P.C., De Santo, A., Gomez, M.D., Dosil, M., Ellis, N., Emeliyanov, D., Epp, B., Etienne, F., Falciano, S., Farilla, A., George, S., Ghete, V., Gonzalez, S., Grothe, M., Kabana, S., Khomich, A., Kilvington, G., Konstantinidis, N., Kootz, A., Lowe, A., Luminari, L., Maeno, T., Masik, J., di Mattia, A., Meessen, C., Mello, A.G., Merino, G., Moore, R., Morettini, P., Nikitin, N., Nisati, A., Padilla, C., Panikashvili, N., Parodi, F., Reale, V.P., Pinfold, J.L., Pinto, P., Qian, Z., Resconi, S., Rosati, S., Sanchez, C., Santamarina, C., Scannicchio, D.A., Schiavi, C., Segura, E., de Seixas, J.M., Sivoklokov, S., Soluk, R., Stefanidis, E., Sushkov, S., Sutton, M., Tapprogge, S., Thomas, E., Touchard, F., Pinto, B.V., Vercesi, V., Werner, P., Wheeler, S., Wickens, F.J., Wiedenmann, W., Wielers, M., Zobernig, G.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.12.2005)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.12.2005)
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Journal Article
SCI based data acquisition architectures
Bogaerts, J.A.C., Divia, R., Muller, H., Renardy, J.F.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers); (United States) (01.04.1992)
Published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers); (United States) (01.04.1992)
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Journal Article
Conference Proceeding
The base-line DataFlow system of the ATLAS trigger and DAQ
Beck, H.P., Abolins, M., Dos Anjos, A., Barisonzi, M., Beretta, M.M., Blair, R., Bogaerts, J.A., Boterenbrood, H., Botterill, D., Ciobotaru, M.D., Cortezon, E.P., Cranfield, R., Crone, G., Dawson, J., Di Girolamo, B., Dobinson, R.W., Ermoline, Y., Ferrer, M.L., Francis, D., Gadomski, S., Gameiro, S.M., Golonka, P., Gorini, B., Green, B., Gruwe, M., Haas, S., Haeberli, C., Hasegawa, Y., Hauser, R., Hinkelbein, C., Hughes-Jones, R., Knezo, E., Jansweijer, P., Joos, M., Kaczmarska, A., Kieft, G., Korcyl, K., Kugel, A., Lankford, A.J., Lehmann, G., LeVine, M.J., Weiyue Liu, Maeno, T., Maia, M.L., Mapelli, L., Martin, B., McLaren, R., Meirosu, C., Misiejuk, A.S., Mommsen, R., Mornacchi, G., Muller, M., Nagasaka, Y., Nakayoshi, K., Papadopoulos, I., Petersen, J., Pinto, Pd.M.L., Prigent, D., Reale, V.P., Schlereth, J., Shimojima, M., Spiwoks, R., Stancu, S.N., Strong, J., Tremblet, L., Vermeulen, J., Werner, P., Wickens, F.J., Yasu, Y., Maoyuan Yu, Zobernig, H., Zurek, M.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.06.2004)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.06.2004)
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Journal Article
Implementation and performance of the third level muon trigger of the ATLAS experiment at LHC
Armstrong, S., Assamagan, K.A., Baines, J.T.M., Bee, C.P., Bellomo, M., Biglietti, M., Bogaerts, J.A., Boisvert, V., Bosman, M., Carlino, G., Caron, B., Casado, P., Cataldi, G., Cavalli, D., Cervetto, M., Comune, G., Muino, P.C., Conventi, F., De Santo, A., de Seixas, J.M., Gomez, M.D., Di Mattia, A., dos Anjos, A., Dosil, M., Ellis, N., Emeliyanov, D., Epp, B., Falciano, S., Farilla, A., George, S., Ghete, V., Gonzalez, S., Grothe, M., Kabana, S., Khomich, A., Kilvington, G., Konstantinidis, N., Kootz, A., Lowe, A., Luminari, L., Maeno, T., Masik, J., Meessen, C., Mello, A.G., Merino, G., Moore, R., Morettini, P., Negri, A., Nikitin, N., Nisati, A., Padilla, C., Panikashvili, N., Parodi, F., Perez-Reale, V., Pinfold, J.L., Pinto, P., Primavera, M., Qian, Z., Resconi, S., Rosati, S., Sanchez, C., Santamarina, C., Scannicchio, D.A., Schiavi, C., Segura, E., Sivoklokov, S., Soluk, R., Stefanidis, E., Sushkov, S., Sutton, M., Tapprogge, S., Thomas, E., Touchard, F., Pinto, B.V., Ventura, A., Vercesi, V., Werner, P., Wheeler, S., Wickens, F.J., Wiedenmann, W., Wielers, M., Zobernig, H.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.04.2006)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.04.2006)
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Journal Article
D-Branes and Constant Electro-magnetic Backgrounds
Bogaerts, J., Sevrin, A., Troost, J., Troost, W., van der Loo, S.
Published in Fortschritte der Physik (01.05.2001)
Published in Fortschritte der Physik (01.05.2001)
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Journal Article
Performance analysis of the ATLAS Second-Level Trigger software
Bogaerts, J.A.C., Botterill, D.R., Weidong Li, Middleton, R.P., Werner, P., Wickens, R.J., Zobernig, H.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.04.2002)
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.04.2002)
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Journal Article
Implementation and performance of the high level trigger electron and photon selection for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Armstrong, S., Anjos, A.D., Baines, J.T.M., Bee, C.P., Biglietti, M., Bogaerts, J.A., Boisvert, V., Bosman, M., Caron, B., Casado, P., Cataldi, G., Cavalli, D., Cervetto, M., Comune, G., Muino, P.C., De Santo, A., Gomez, M.D., Dosil, M., Ellis, N., Emeliyanov, D., Epp, B., Falciano, S., Farilla, A., George, S., Ghete, V., Gonzalez, S., Grothe, M., Kabana, S., Khomich, A., Kilvington, G., Konstantinidis, N., Kootz, A., Lowe, A., Luminari, L., Maeno, T., Masik, J., Di Mattia, A., Meessen, C., Mello, A.G., Merino, G., Moore, R., Morettini, P., Negri, A., Nikitin, N., Nisati, A., Padilla, C., Panikashvili, N., Parodi, F., Reale, V.P., Pinfold, J.L., Pinto, P., Qian, Z., Resconi, S., Rosati, S., Sanchez, C., Santamarina, C., Scannicchio, D.A., Schiavi, C., Segura, E., de Seixas, J.M., Sivoklokov, S., Soluk, R., Stefanidis, E., Sushkov, S., Sutton, M., Tapprogge, S., Thomas, E., Touchard, F., Pinto, B.V., Vercesi, V., Werner, P., Wheeler, S., Wickens, F.J., Wiedenmann, W., Wielers, M., Zobernig, G.
Published in IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004 (2004)
Published in IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004 (2004)
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Conference Proceeding
The ATLAS Data Acquisition and Trigger: concept, design and status
Kordas, K., Abolins, M., Alexandrov, I., Amorim, A., Armstrong, S., Badescu, E., Baines, J.T.M., Barros, N., Bellomo, M., Biglietti, M., Bold, T., Bosman, M., Carlino, G., Caron, B., Cataldi, G., Conde-Muino, P., Conventi, F., Corso-Radu, A., Cranfield, R., Cranmer, K., Damazio, D., De Santo, A., Diaz-Gomaz, M., Dobinson, R.W., Dobson, M., Dos Anjos, A., Ermoline, Y., Ertorer, E., Ferrer, M.L., Francis, D., Gameiro, S., Gaudio, G., Gaumer, O., George, S., Gorini, B., Haas, S., Hadavand, H., Hillier, S.J., Hughes-Jones, R.E., Kazarov, A., Kieft, G., Kirk, J., Klous, S., Kohno, T., Konstantinidis, N., Kootz, A., Korcyl, K., Kotov, V., Leahu, L., Leahu, M., Le Vine, M.J., Lowe, C., Luminari, L., Martin, B., Masik, J., McLaren, R., Meessen, C., Mineev, M., Moore, R., Morettini, P., Negri, A., Panikashvili, N., Parodi, F., Pasqualucci, E., Pauly, T., Petersen, J., Pope, B., Pretzl, K., Rheaum, P., Roda, C., Salvatore, D., Santamarina-Rios, C., Schlereth, J.L., Sivoklokov, S., Spagnolo, S., Stamen, R., Stancu, S., Sushkov, S., Sutton, M., Szymocha, T., Tarem, Z., Teixeira-Dias, P., Thomas, E., Touchard, F., Tremblet, L., Unel, N.G., Usai, G., Vachon, B., Van Wasen, J., Vercesi, V., Vermeulen, J., Warburton, A., Werner, P., Wickens, F., Wiedenmann, W., Wielers, M., Wiesmann, M., Yasu, Y., Zema, F., Zobernig, H.
Published in Nuclear physics. Section B, Proceedings supplement (01.10.2007)
Published in Nuclear physics. Section B, Proceedings supplement (01.10.2007)
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Journal Article
Muon identification with the event filter of the ATLAS experiment at CERN LHC's
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Conference Proceeding