Showing 1 - 20 results of 46 for search '"Bilokin, S"', query time: 2.58s Refine Results  

Analysis of testbeam data of the highly granular RPC-steel CALICE digital hadron calorimeter and validation of Geant4 Monte Carlo models

by Chefdeville, M., Repond, J., Schlereth, J., Smith, J.R., Trojand, D., Xia, L., Zhang, Q., Apostolakis, J., Grefe, C., Ivantchenko, V., Folger, G., Ribon, A., Uzhinskiy, V., Blazey, G.C., Dyshkant, A., Francis, K., Zutshi, V., Bach, O., Bocharnikov, V., Brianne, E., Gadow, K., Göttlicher, P., Hartbrich, O., Heuchel, D., Krivan, F., Krüger, K., Kvasnicka, J., Lu, S., Neubüser, C., Pinto, O., Provenza, A., Reinecke, M., Sefkow, F., Schuwalow, S., Sudo, Y., Tran, H.L., Buhmann, P., Garutti, E., Lomidze, D., Martens, S., Matysek, M., Bilki, B., Northacker, D., Onel, Y., Doren, B. van, Wilson, G.W., Kawagoe, K., Miura, Y., Mori, R., Sekiya, I., Suehara, T., Yoshioka, T., Belver, D., Alamillo, E. Calvo, Fouz, M.C., Cabrera, H. García, Marín, J., Navarrete, J., Pelayo, J. Puerta, Verdugo, A., Corriveau, F., Freund, B., Chadeeva, M., Danilov, M., Gabriel, M., Emberger, L., Graf, C., Israeli, Y., Simon, F., Szalay, M., Windel, H., Bilokin, S., Bonis, J., Irles, A., Pöschl, R., Thiebault, A., Richard, F., Zerwas, D., Cvach, J., Janata, M., Kovalcuk, M., Polak, I., Smolik, J., Vrba, V., Zalesak, J., Zuklin, J., Takeshita, T., Elkhalii, A., Götze, M., Zeitnitz, C., Chang, S., Khan, A., Kim, D.H., Kong, D.J., Oh, Y.D.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.09.2019)

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Characterisation of different stages of hadronic showers using the CALICE Si-W ECAL physics prototype

by Eigen, G., Price, T., Watson, N.K., Winter, A., Do, Y., Khan, A., Kim, D., Blazey, G.C., Dyshkant, A., Francis, K., Zutshi, V., Kawagoe, K., Miura, Y., Mori, R., Sekiya, I., Suehara, T., Yoshioka, T., Apostolakis, J., Giraud, J., Grondin, D., Hostachy, J.-Y., Bach, O., Bocharnikov, V., Brianne, E., Gadow, K., Göttlicher, P., Hartbrich, O., Heuchel, D., Krivan, F., Krüger, K., Kvasnicka, J., Lu, S., Pinto, O., Provenza, A., Reinecke, M., Sefkow, F., Schuwalow, S., Sudo, Y., Tran, H.L., Buhmann, P., Garutti, E., Laurien, S., Lomidze, D., Wilson, G.W., Belver, D., Alamillo, E. Calvo, Fouz, M.C., García Cabrera, H., Marín, J., Navarrete, J., Pelayo, J. Puerta, Verdugo, A., Masetti, L., Chadeeva, M., Danilov, M., Gabriel, M., Emberger, L., Graf, C., Israeli, Y., Simon, F., Szalay, M., Windel, H., Amjad, M.S., Bilokin, S., Bonis, J., Breton, D., Cornebise, P., Doublet, P., Gallas, A., Jeglot, J., Li, H., Maalmi, J., Pöschl, R., Thiebault, A., Richard, F., Zerwas, D., Boudry, V., Brient, J-C., Cornat, R., Edy, E., Fayolle, G., Gastaldi, F., Videau, H., Callier, S., Dulucq, F., de la Taille, Ch, Martin-Chassard, G., Raux, L., Seguin-Moreau, N., Cvach, J., Janata, M., Kovalcuk, M., Polak, I., Smolik, J., Vrba, V., Zalesak, J., Zuklin, J., Jeans, D., van der Kolk, N., Peitzmann, T.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.09.2019)

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Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the Phase 2 data of the Belle II experiment

by Aihara, H., Akopov, N., Asner, D. M., Atmacan, H., Aushev, T., Aziz, T., Bahinipati, S., Bakich, A. M., Bansal, S., Beaulieu, A., Behera, P. K., Bennett, J. V., Budano, A., Cao, L., Cecchi, C., Chang, P., Cheaib, R., Chen, Y. -T., Cinabro, D., Cunliffe, S., Czank, T., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., De Pietro, G., Di Carlo, S., Domínguez Jiménez, I., Dubey, S., Eidelman, S., Garcia-Hernandez, M., Gellrich, A., Geßler, T., Godang, R., Gomis, P., Greenwald, D., Hayashii, H., Heredia de la Cruz, I., Hollitt, S., Hotta, T., Ishikawa, A., Iwasaki, M., Jeon, H. B., Kim, C. -H., Kim, Y. K., Kimmel, T. D., Kleinwort, C., Križan, P., Kuehn, W., Kumar, M., Lai, Y. -T., Lee, S. C., Li, S. X., Li, Y. M., Libby, J., Longo, S., MacQueen, C., Maggiora, M., Marinas, C., Martini, A., Masuda, M., Merola, M., Milesi, M., Moser, H. -G., Mueller, F., Nakamura, K. R., Nakayama, H., Niiyama, M., Nouxman, M. H. A., Onishchuk, Y., Patra, S., Piilonen, L. E., Praz, C., Ritter, M., Robertson, S. H., Roney, J. M., Sahoo, D., Sato, Y., Scavino, B., Schueler, J., Senyo, K., Shen, C. P., Sobie, R. J., Sokolov, A., Starič, M., Stottler, Z. S., Sumihama, M., Sumiyoshi, T., Tabata, M., Takizawa, M., Tsuboyama, T., Uglov, T., Uno, S., Ushiroda, Y., van Tonder, R., Vossen, A., Wan, K., Wan Abdullah, W., Warburton, A., Yan, W., Zhang, Z., Zhou, Q. D., Zhou, X. Y.
Published in Chinese physics C (28.01.2020)
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Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the Phase 2 data of the Belle II experiment This work was supported by the following funding sources: Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia Grant No. 18T-1C180; Australian Research Council and research grant Nos. DP180102629, DP170102389, DP170102204, DP150103061, FT130100303, and FT130100018; Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, and Austrian Science Fund No. P 31361-N36; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

by Bambade, P., Banerjee, Sw, Braun, N., Cao, L., Cheaib, R., Chekelian, V., Cho, K., Corona, L., Cunliffe, S., Dattola, F., Destefanis, M., Di Carlo, S., Doležal, Z., Dubey, S., Fodor, A., Garg, R., Gaz, A., Giordano, R., Gobbo, B., Goldenzweig, P., Halder, S., Hartbrich, O., Hill, E. C., Hoek, M., Irakkathil Jabbar, J., Ishikawa, A., Itoh, R., Iwasaki, M., Jackson, P., Jaffe, D. E., Jia, S., Kahn, J., Kim, S.-H., Knysh, B., Komarov, I., Lanceri, L., Lee, I.-S., Levit, D., Li, Y. M., Libby, J., Lieret, K., Luo, T., Manoni, E., Marcello, S., Matvienko, D., McNeil, J., Metzner, F., Müller, F. J., Nazaryan, G., Nisar, N. K., Nishida, S., Nishimura, K., Nouxman, M. H. A., Paoloni, E., Park, H., Park, S.-H., Paul, S., Pestotnik, R., Resmi, P. K., Ritter, M., Ritzert, M., Rizzo, G., Robertson, S. H., Rodríguez Pérez, D., Rosenfeld, C., Rostomyan, A., Rout, N., Russo, G., Scavino, B., Seino, Y., Selce, A., Sfienti, C., Sobie, R. J., Soffer, A., Spataro, S., Stroili, R., Sumihama, M., Sumiyoshi, T., Tanida, K., Taniguchi, N., Trabelsi, K., Tsuzuki, N., Uehara, S., Uglov, T., Varner, G. S., Vossen, A., Wakeling, H. M., Wang, M.-Z., Watanabe, M., Wehle, S., Wessel, C., Wiechczynski, J., Wieduwilt, P., Yan, W., Yang, S. B., Yook, Y. M., Yuan, C. Z., Zani, L., Zhukova, V. I., Zupanc, A.
Published in Chinese physics C (20.12.2019)

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