Clinical translation of a new flat-panel detector for beam's-eye-view imaging
Harris, TC, Seco, J, Ferguson, D, Lehmann, M, Huber, P, Shi, M, Jacobson, M, Valencia Lozano, I, Myronakis, M, Baturin, P, Fueglistaller, R, Morf, D, Berbeco, R
Published in Physics in medicine & biology (11.11.2020)
Published in Physics in medicine & biology (11.11.2020)
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Journal Article
Automated MV markerless tumor tracking for VMAT
Ferguson, D, Harris, T, Shi, M, Jacobson, M, Myronakis, M, Lehmann, M, Huber, P, Morf, D, Fueglistaller, R, Baturin, P, Valencia Lozano, I, Williams, C, Berbeco, R
Published in Physics in medicine & biology (22.06.2020)
Published in Physics in medicine & biology (22.06.2020)
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Journal Article
Bucking coil implementation on PMT for active canceling of magnetic field
Gogami, T., Asaturyan, A., Bono, J., Baturin, P., Chen, C., Chiba, A., Chiga, N., Fujii, Y., Hashimoto, O., Kawama, D., Maruta, T., Maxwell, V., Mkrtchyan, A., Nagao, S., Nakamura, S.N., Reinhold, J., Shichijo, A., Tang, L., Taniya, N., Wood, S.A., Ye, Z.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2013)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2013)
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Direct measurements of the lifetime of medium-heavy hypernuclei
Qiu, X., Tang, L., Chen, C., Margaryan, A., Wood, S.A., Achenbach, P., Ahmidouch, A., Albayrak, I., Androic, D., Asaturyan, A., Asaturyan, R., Ates, O., Badui, R., Baturin, P., Boeglin, W., Bono, J., Brash, E., Carter, P., Chen, X., Chiba, A., Christy, M.E., Dalton, M.M., Danagoulian, S., De Leo, R., Doi, D., Elaasar, M., Ent, R., Fenker, H., Fujii, Y., Furic, M., Gabrielyan, M., Gan, L., Garibaldi, F., Gaskell, D., Gasparian, A., Gogami, T., Hashimoto, O., Horn, T., Hu, B., Hungerford, Ed V., Jones, M., Kanda, H., Kaneta, M., Kawama, D., Khanal, H., Kohl, M., Liyanage, A., Luo, W., Maeda, K., Markowitz, P., Marikyan, G., Maruta, T., Matsumura, A., Maxwell, V., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Nagao, S., Nakamura, S.N., Narayan, A., Neville, C., Niculescu, G., Niculescu, M.I., Nunez, A., Nuruzzaman, Okayasu, Y., Petkovic, T., Pochodzalla, J., Reinhold, J., Rodriguez, V.M., Samanta, C., Sawatzky, B., Seva, T., Shichijo, A., Tadevosyan, V., Taniya, N., Tsukada, K., Veilleux, M., Vulcan, W., Wesselmann, F.R., Yamamoto, T., Ye, Z., Yokota, K., Yuan, L., Zhamkochyan, S., Zhu, L.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.05.2018)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (01.05.2018)
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The parent of the Quadrantid meteoroid stream and asteroid 2003 EH1
Williams, I. P., Ryabova, G. O., Baturin, A. P., Chernitsov, A. M.
Published in Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (01.12.2004)
Published in Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (01.12.2004)
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Journal Article
High resolution spectroscopy of (lambda)(12)B by electroproduction
Iodice, M, Cusanno, F, Acha, A, Ambrozewicz, P, Aniol, K A, Baturin, P, Bertin, P Y, Benaoum, H, Blomqvist, K I, Boeglin, W U, Breuer, H, Brindza, P, Bydzovský, P, Camsonne, A, Chang, C C, Chen, J-P, Choi, Seonho, Chudakov, E A, Cisbani, E, Colilli, S, Coman, L, Craver, B J, De Cataldo, G, de Jager, C W, De Leo, R, Deur, A P, Ferdi, C, Feuerbach, R J, Folts, E, Fratoni, R, Frullani, S, Garibaldi, F, Gayou, O, Giulani, F, Gomez, J, Gricia, M, Hansen, J O, Hayes, D, Higinbotham, D W, Holmstrom, T K, Hyde, C E, Ibrahim, H F, Jiang, X, Kaufman, L J, Kino, K, Kross, B, Lagamba, L, LeRose, J J, Lindgren, R A, Lucentini, M, Margaziotis, D J, Markowitz, P, Marrone, S, Meziani, Z E, McCormick, K, Michaels, R W, Millener, D J, Miyoshi, T, Moffit, B, Monaghan, P A, Moteabbed, M, Muñoz Camacho, C, Nanda, S, Nappi, E, Nelyubin, V V, Norum, B E, Okasyasu, Y, Paschke, K D, Perdrisat, C F, Piasetzky, E, Punjabi, V A, Qiang, Y, Raue, B, Reimer, P E, Reinhold, J, Reitz, B, Roche, R E, Rodriguez, V M, Saha, A, Santavenere, F, Sarty, A J, Segal, J, Shahinyan, A, Singh, J, Sirca, S, Snyder, R, Solvignon, P H, Sotona, M, Subedi, R, Sulkosky, V A, Suzuki, T, Ueno, H, Ulmer, P E, Urciuoli, G M, Veneroni, P, Voutier, E, Wojtsekhowski, B B, Ye, Y, Zheng, X, Zhou, S
Published in Physical review letters (03.08.2007)
Published in Physical review letters (03.08.2007)
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A Method of Investigating Electrical Systems with Periodically Changing Parameters
Gorelik, A. V., Gorelik, V. Yu, Apattsev, V. I., Baturin, A. P., Kobzev, V. A., Zhuravlev, I. A.
Published in Russian electrical engineering (01.12.2017)
Published in Russian electrical engineering (01.12.2017)
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Journal Article
New precision limit on the strange vector form factors of the proton
Ahmed, Z, Allada, K, Aniol, K A, Armstrong, D S, Arrington, J, Baturin, P, Bellini, V, Benesch, J, Beminiwattha, R, Benmokhtar, F, Canan, M, Camsonne, A, Cates, G D, Chen, J-P, Chudakov, E, Cisbani, E, Dalton, M M, de Jager, C W, De Leo, R, Deconinck, W, Decowski, P, Deng, X, Deur, A, Dutta, C, Franklin, G B, Friend, M, Frullani, S, Garibaldi, F, Giusa, A, Glamazdin, A, Golge, S, Grimm, K, Hansen, O, Higinbotham, D W, Holmes, R, Holmstrom, T, Huang, J, Huang, M, Hyde, C E, Jen, C M, Jin, G, Jones, D, Kang, H, King, P, Kowalski, S, Kumar, K S, Lee, J H, LeRose, J J, Liyanage, N, Long, E, McNulty, D, Margaziotis, D, Meddi, F, Meekins, D G, Mercado, L, Meziani, Z-E, Michaels, R, Muñoz-Camacho, C, Mihovilovic, M, Muangma, N, Myers, K E, Nanda, S, Narayan, A, Nelyubin, V, Nuruzzaman, Oh, Y, Pan, K, Parno, D, Paschke, K D, Phillips, S K, Qian, X, Qiang, Y, Quinn, B, Rakhman, A, Reimer, P E, Rider, K, Riordan, S, Roche, J, Rubin, J, Russo, G, Saenboonruang, K, Saha, A, Sawatzky, B, Silwal, R, Sirca, S, Souder, P A, Sperduto, M, Subedi, R, Suleiman, R, Sulkosky, V, Sutera, C M, Tobias, W A, Urciuoli, G M, Waidyawansa, B, Wang, D, Wexler, J, Wilson, R, Wojtsekhowski, B, Zhan, X, Yan, X
Published in Physical review letters (05.03.2012)
Published in Physical review letters (05.03.2012)
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Observation of the (Λ)(7)He hypernucleus by the (e, e'K+) reaction
Nakamura, S N, Matsumura, A, Okayasu, Y, Seva, T, Rodriguez, V M, Baturin, P, Yuan, L, Acha, A, Ahmidouch, A, Androic, D, Asaturyan, A, Asaturyan, R, Baker, O K, Benmokhtar, F, Bosted, P, Carlini, R, Chen, C, Christy, M, Cole, L, Danagoulian, S, Daniel, A, Dharmawardane, V, Egiyan, K, Elaasar, M, Ent, R, Fenker, H, Fujii, Y, Furic, M, Gan, L, Gaskell, D, Gasparian, A, Gibson, E F, Gogami, T, Gueye, P, Han, Y, Hashimoto, O, Hiyama, E, Honda, D, Horn, T, Hu, B, Hungerford, Ed V, Jayalath, C, Jones, M, Johnston, K, Kalantarians, N, Kanda, H, Kaneta, M, Kato, F, Kato, S, Kawama, D, Keppel, C, Lan, K J, Luo, W, Mack, D, Maeda, K, Malace, S, Margaryan, A, Marikyan, G, Markowitz, P, Maruta, T, Maruyama, N, Miyoshi, T, Mkrtchyan, A, Mkrtchyan, H, Nagao, S, Navasardyan, T, Niculescu, G, Niculescu, M-I, Nomura, H, Nonaka, K, Ohtani, A, Oyamada, M, Perez, N, Petkovic, T, Randeniya, S, Reinhold, J, Roche, J, Sato, Y, Segbefia, E K, Simicevic, N, Smith, G, Song, Y, Sumihama, M, Tadevosyan, V, Takahashi, T, Tang, L, Tsukada, K, Tvaskis, V, Vulcan, W, Wells, S, Wood, S A, Yan, C, Zhamkochyan, S
Published in Physical review letters (04.01.2013)
Published in Physical review letters (04.01.2013)
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Journal Article
Williams, Iwan P, Ryabova, Go, Baturin, A P, CHERNITSOV, A M
Published in Earth, moon, and planets (01.12.2004)
Published in Earth, moon, and planets (01.12.2004)
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Journal Article
Spectroscopic investigation of [Lambda] hypernuclei in the wide mass region using the (e,e'K super(+)) reaction
Nakamura, Satoshi N, Achenbach, P, Ahmidouch, A, Albayrak, I, Androic, D, Asaturyan, A, Asaturyan, R, Ates, O, Badui, R, Baturin, P
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (01.01.2011)
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (01.01.2011)
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Hypernuclear spectroscopy program at JLab Hall C
Hashimoto, O., Nakamura, S.N., Acha, A., Ahmidouch, A., Androic, D., Asaturyan, A., Asaturyan, R., Baker, O.K., Baturin, P., Benmokhtar, F., Bosted, P., Carlini, R., Chen, X., Christy, M., Cole, L., Danagoulian, S., Daniel, A., Dharmawardane, V., Egiyan, K., Elaasar, M., Ent, R., Fenker, H., Fujii, Y., Furic, M., Gan, L., Gaskell, D., Gasparian, A., Gibson, E.F., Gueye, P., Halkyard, R., Honda, D., Horn, T., Hu, B., Hu, S., Hungerford, Ed V., Ispiryan, M., Johnston, K., Jones, M., Kalantarians, N., Kaneta, M., Kato, F., Kato, S., Kawama, D., Keppel, C., Li, Y., Luo, W., Mack, D., Margaryan, A., Marikyan, G., Maruyama, N., Matsumura, A., Miyoshi, T., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Navasardyan, T., Niculescu, G., Niculescu, M.-I., Nomura, H., Nonaka, K., Ohtani, A., Okayasu, Y., Pamela, P., Perez, N., Petkovic, T., Randeniya, S., Reinhold, J., Rivera, R., Roche, J., Rodriguez, V.M., Sato, Y., Seva, T., Tang, L., Simicevic, N., Smith, G., Sumihama, M., Song, Y., Tadevosyan, V., Takahashi, T., Tamura, H., Tvaskis, V., Vulcan, W., Wang, B., Wells, S., Wood, S., Yan, C., Yuan, L., Zamkochian, S.
Published in Nuclear physics. A (15.05.2008)
Published in Nuclear physics. A (15.05.2008)
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