Testbeam studies of barrel and end-cap modules for the ATLAS ITk strip detector before and after irradiation
Rühr, F., Affolder, A., Ai, X., Arling, J.H., Atlay, B., Basso, M.J., Becot, C., Bruers, B., Buchanan, E., Carli, I., Ciungu, B., Cunningham, W., David, C., Cornell, S. Diez, Dreyer, E., Ibanez, C. Escobar, Gallop, B., Garcia Argos, C., Greenall, A., Gregor, I.M., Gubbels, C., Guescini, F., Hauser, M., Keller, J., Kisliuk, D., Klein, C.T., Koffas, T., Kovanda, O., Kroll, J., Liberatore, M., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Loenker, J., Meng, H., Milovanovic, M., Moya, M. Minano, Moos, F., Ng, S.Y., Phillips, P., Privara, R., Queitsch-Maitland, M., Rabhi, N., Rachac, M., Rehnisch, L., Rodriguez, A. Rodriguez, Rossi, E., Sawyer, C., Song, W., Sperlich, D., Sykora, M., Thomas, J., Wiglesworth, C., Wiik-Fuchs, L., Wonsak, S., Zahradnik, V., Zhu, H.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2020)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01.11.2020)
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Assembly and electrical tests of the first full-size forward module for the ATLAS ITk Strip detector
Argos, C. García, Hauser, M., Jakobs, K., Mahboubi, K., Parzefall, U., Wiehe, M., Wiik-Fuchs, L., Gallop, B., Greenall, A., Phillips, P.W., Sawyer, C., Sperlich, D., Warren, M., Abidi, S.H., Affolder, A.A., Bernabeu, J., Dette, K., Dolezal, Z., Fadeyev, V., Kodys, P., Lacasta, C., Madaffari, D., Orr, R.S., Rodriguez, D., Solaz, C., Soldevila, U., Teuscher, R., Unno, Y., Velocce, L.M.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2019)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2019)
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Journal Article
First bulk and surface results for the ATLAS ITk Strip stereo annulus sensors
Hunter, R.F.H., Abidi, S.H., Affolder, A.A., Bohm, J., Botte, J., Ciungu, B., Dette, K., Dolezal, Z., Escobar, C., Fadeyev, V., Fernandez-Tejero, J., Argos, C. García, Gillberg, D., Hara, K., Hauser, M., Jakobs, K., Keller, J.S., Kodys, P., Koffas, T., Kotek, Z., Kroll, J., Lacasta, C., Latonova, V., Loenker, J., Madaffari, D., Mikestikova, M., Miñano, M., Ng, S.Y., Orr, R.S., Parzefall, U., Rodriguez, D., Soldevila, U., Stastny, J., Stegler, M., Suzuki, J., Teuscher, R., Unno, Y., Wada, S., Wiehe, M., Wiik-Fuchs, L., Wizemann, F., Zahradnik, V.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2019)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2019)
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Test beam evaluation of silicon strip modules for ATLAS phase-II strip tracker upgrade
Blue, A.J., Affolder, A.A., Ai, X., Allport, P.P., Arling, J.-H., Atkin, R.J., Bruni, L.S., Carli, I., Casse, G., Chen, L., Chisholm, A., Cormier, K., Cunningham, W., Dervan, P., Diez, S., Dolezal, Z., Dopke, J., Dreyer, E., Dreyling-Eschweiler, J., Escobar, C., Fabiani, V., Fadeyev, V., Fernandez-Tejero, J., Fleta, C., Gabrielli, A., Gallop, B., Argos, C. García, Greenall, A., Gregor, I.M., Greig, G., Guescini, F., Hara, K., Hauser, M., Huang, Y., Hunter, R.F.H., Keller, J.S., Klein, C.T., Kodys, P., Koetz, U., Koffas, T., Kotek, Z., Kroll, J., Kühn, S., Lee, S.J., Liu, Y., Lohwasser, K., Mészárosová, L., Mikestikova, M., Moya, M. Miñano, Mori, R., Moser, B., Nikolopoulos, K., Peschke, R., Pezzullo, G., Phillips, P.W., Poley, L., Queitsch-Maitland, M., Ravotti, F., Rodriguez, D., Rossi, E., Rummler, A., Sawyer, C., Sperlich, D., Sullivan, S., Suzuki, J., Sykora, M., Tahirovic, E., Theiner, O., Thomas, J., Unno, Y., Wada, S., Warren, M., Wiehe, M., Wonsak, S., Wormald, M., Wraight, K., Zakharchuk, N., Zhu, H.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2019)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.04.2019)
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Journal Article
First bulk and surface results for the ATLAS ITk Strip stereo annulus sensors
Hunter, R. F. H., Abidi, S. H., Affolder, A. A., Bohm, J., Botte, J., Ciungu, B., Dette, K., Dolezal, Z., Escobar, C., Fadeyev, V., Fernandez-Tejero, J., Argos, C. García, Gillberg, D., Hara, K., Hauser, M., Jakobs, K., Keller, J. S., Kodys, P., Koffas, T., Kotek, Z., Kroll, J., Lacasta, C., Latonova, V., Loenker, J., Madaffari, D., Mikestikova, M., Miñano, M., Ng, S. Y., Orr, R. S., Parzefall, U., Rodriguez, D., Soldevila, U., Stastny, J., Stegler, M., Suzuki, J., Teuscher, R., Unno, Y., Wada, S., Wiehe, M., Wiik-Fuchs, L., Wizemann, F., Zahradnik, V.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (16.08.2018)
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Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (16.08.2018)
Journal Article
A double-sided, shield-less stave prototype for the ATLAS Upgrade strip tracker for the High Luminosity LHC
Díez, S, Haber, C H, Witharm, R, Affolder, A A, Allport, P P, Anghinolfi, F, Bates, R, Beck, G, Benitez, V, Bernabeu, J, Blanchot, G, Bloch, I, Blue, A, Booker, P, Brenner, R, Buttar, C, Casse, G, Carroll, J, Church, I, Civera, J V, Dervan, P, Fadeyev, V, Farthouat, P, Ferrere, D, Friedrich, C, French, R, Gallop, B, García, C, García-Argos, C, Gibson, M, González-Sevilla, S, Greenall, A, Gregor, I M, Grillo, A, Hauser, M, Haywood, S, Hennes, E, Hessey, N P, Hill, J, Hommels, L B A, Jones, T, Kaplon, J, Kuehn, S, Lacasta, C, Lynn, D, Mahboubi, K, Marco, R, Martí-García, S, Martínez-McKinney, F, Matheson, J, McMahon, S, Nelson, D, Newcomer, F M, Nickerson, R, Parzefall, U, Phillips, P, Sadrozinski, H F -W, Santoyo, D, Seiden, A, Soldevila, U, Spencer, E, Stanitzki, M, Sutcliffe, P, Tipton, P, Tsurin, I, Ullán, M, Unno, Y, Viehauser, G, Villani, E G, Warren, M, Wastie, R, Weidberg, A, Wilmut, I, Wonsak, S, Wormald, M
Published in Journal of instrumentation (2014)
Published in Journal of instrumentation (2014)
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