A search for new intermediate vector bosons and excited quarks decaying to two-jets at the CERN p̄p collider
Alitti, J., Ambrosini, G., Ansari, R., Bareyre, P., Bertram, I.A., Blaylock, G., Borer, K., Buskulic, D., Carboni, G., Cavalli, D., Cavasinni, V., Cenci, P., Chollet, J.C., Conta, C., Costantini, F., Cravero, A., Curatolo, M., DeWolf, R.S., DiLella, L., Ducros, Y., Egan, G.F., Einsweiler, K.F., Esposito, B., Fayard, L., Federspiel, A., Fraternali, M., Froidevaux, D., Fumagalli, G., Gaillard, J.M., Gianotti, F., Gildemeister, O., Gössling, C., Goggi, V.G., Grünendahl, S., Hara, K., Hellman, S., Hřivnáč, J., Hufnagel, H., Hugentobler, E., Hultqvist, K., Iacopini, E., Incandela, J., Jakobs, K., Jenni, P., Kluge, E.E., Kurz, N., Lami, S., Lariccia, P., Linssen, L., Livan, M., Lubrano, P., Magneville, C., Malgeri, L., Mandelli, L., Mapelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Meier, K., Merkel, B., Moning, R., Morganti, M., Müller, L., Nessi, M., Onions, C., Pal, T., Parker, M.A., Parrour, G., Pastore, F., Pennacchio, E., Pentney, J.M., Pepe, M., Perini, L., Petridou, C., Petroff, P., Polesello, G., Poppleton, A., Pretzl, K., Primavera, M., Punturo, M., Rimoldi, A., Sacchi, M., Scampoli, P., Schacher, J., Schmidt, B., Šimák, V., Sondermann, V., Spiwoks, R., Stapnes, S., Tondini, F., Tovey, S.N., Tsesmelis, E., Unal, G., Valdata-Nappi, M., Vercesi, V., Weidberg, A.R., Wells, P.S., White, T.O., Wood, D.R., Wotton, S.A., Zaccone, H., Zylberstejn, A.
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.07.1993)
Published in Nuclear physics. B (01.07.1993)
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Journal Article
Investigation of top mass measurements with the ATLAS detector at LHC
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Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.02.2005)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.02.2005)
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Fast scintillation counters for the DO Muon System Upgrade
Abramov, V., Babintsev, V., Baldin, B., Butler, J., Beutel, D., Bezzubov, V., Bojko, N., Burtovoi, V., Chekulaev, S., Chi, E., Denisov, D., Denisov, S., Diehl, T., Dyshkant, A., Eroshin, O., Evdokimov, V., Galyaev, A., Goncharov, P., Green, D., Gurzhiev, S., Haggerty, H., Hanlet, P., Hansen, S., Hedin, D., Ito, A., Johns, K., Kostritskiy, A., Kozelov, A., Kozlovski, E., Leitner, R., Lokajicek, M., Los, S., Mayorov, A., Medovikov, V., Mokhov, N., Pospisil, S., Raskowski, J., Simak, V., Smith, G., Stefanik, A., Stoianova, D., Suk, M., Vaniov, V., Volkov, A., Vorobiev, A., Vrba, V., Williams, R., Wood, D., Yoffe, F., Zimin, S.
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01.08.1999)
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Reform of the Territorial Organization of Power in Ukraine as a Mechanism of Anti-Crisis Management
Hornyk, Volodymyr H, Kravchenko, Sergii O, Simak, Sergii V, Shevchenko, Olexandr O, Bezena, Ivan M
Published in Journal of advanced research in law and economics (01.07.2020)
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Protein Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis as a Common Vole Sibling Species Identification Method (Microtus arvalis Pallas, 1779 and M.rossiaemeridionalis Ognev, 1924 (Rodentia, Cricetidae))
Zhigarev, I. A., Zhigarev, D. I., Alpatov, V. V., Lapkovsky, V. V., Malygin, V. M., Simak, S. V.
Published in Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences (01.07.2019)
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Manufacture of readout boards for a liquid argon calorimeter
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Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.04.1991)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (15.04.1991)
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Journal Article
A measurement of single and double prompt photon production at the CERN p collider
Alitti, J., Ambrosini, G., Ansari, R., Autiero, D., Bareyre, P., Bertram, I.A., Blaylock, G., Bonamy, P., Borer, K., Bourliaud, M., Buskulic, D., Carboni, G., Cavalli, D., Cavasinni, V., Cenci, P., Chollet, J.C., Conta, C., Costa, F., Costantini, F., Cozzi, L., Cravero, A., Curatolo, M., Dell'Acqua, A., DelPrete, T., DeWolf, R.S., DiLella, L., Ducros, Y., Egan, G.F., Einsweiler, K.F., Esposito, B., Fayard, L., Federspiel, A., Ferrari, R., Fraternali, M., Froidevaux, D., Fumagalli, G., Gaillard, J.M., Gianotti, F., Gildemeister, O., Gössling, C., Goggi, V.G., Grünendahl, S., Hara, K., Hellman, S., Hřivnáč, J., Hufnagel, H., Hugentobler, E., Hultqvist, K., Iacopini, E., Incandela, J., Jakobs, K., Jenni, P., Kluge, E.E., Kurz, N., Lami, S., Lariccia, P., Lefebvre, M., Linssen, L., Livan, M., Lubrano, P., Magneville, C., Malgeri, L., Mandelli, L., Mapelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Meier, K., Merkel, B., Meyer, J.P., Moniez, M., Moning, R., Morganti, M., Müller, L., Munday, D.J., Nessi, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Onions, C., Pal, T., Parker, M.A., Parrour, G., Pastore, F., Pennacchio, E., Pentney, J.M., Pepe, M., Perini, L., Petridou, C., Petroff, P., Plothow-Besch, H., Polesello, G., Poppleton, A., Pretzl, K., Primavera, M., Punturo, M., Repellin, J.P., Rimoldi, A., Sacchi, M., Scampoli, P., Schacher, J., Schmidt, B., Šimák, V., Singh, S.L.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.08.1992)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.08.1992)
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Journal Article
An improved determination of the ratio of W and Z masses at the CERN [formula omitted]p collider
Alitti, J., Ambrosini, G., Ansari, R., Autiero, D., Bareyre, P., Bertram, I.A., Blaylock, G., Bonamy, P., Borer, K., Bourliaud, M., Buskulic, D., Carboni, G., Cavasinni, V., Cenci, P., Chollet, J.C., Conta, C., Costa, G., Costantini, F., Cozzi, L., Curatolo, M., Dell'Acqua, A., DelPrete, T., DiLella, L., Ducros, Y., Egan, G.F., Einsweiler, K.F., Esposito, B., Fayard, L., Federspiel, A., Froidevaux, D., Fumagalli, G., Gianotti, F., Gildermeister, O., Gössling, C., Grünendahl, S., Hara, K., Hellman, S., Hřivnáč, J., Hugentobler, E., Hultqvist, K., Iacopini, E., Incandela, J., Jakobs, K., Jenni, P., Kluge, E.E., Lami, S., Lariccia, P., Lefebvre, M., Linssen, L., Livan, M., Lubrano, P., Magneville, C., Mandelli, L., Mapelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Meier, K., Merkel, B., Meyer, J.P., Moniez, M., Moning, R., Morganti, M., Müller, L., Munday, D.J., Nessi, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Onions, C., Parker, M.A., Parrour, G., Pastore, F., Pennacchio, E., Pepe, M., Perini, L., Petridou, C., Petroff, P., Poppleton, A., Primavera, M., Punturo, M., Repellin, J.P., Rimoldi, A., Sacchi, M., Schmidt, B., Šimák, V., Singh, S.L., Sondermann, V., Spiwoks, R., Stapnes, S., Talamonti, C., Tondini, F., Tovey, S.N., Tsesmelis, E., Unal, G., Valdata-Nappi, M., Vercesi, V., Weidberg, A.R., Wells, P.S., White, T.O., Wood, D.R., Wotton, S.A., Zaccone, H., Zylberstejn, A.
Published in Physics letters. B (01.02.1992)
Published in Physics letters. B (01.02.1992)
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Journal Article
Influence of graviton on top-antitop production at the LHC
Smolek, K, Arai, M, Okada, N, Šimák, V
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (01.05.2008)
Published in Journal of physics. Conference series (01.05.2008)
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Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced by vector-boson fusion and decaying to bottom quarks in root s=8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud, M, Lund-Jensen, Bengt, Sidebo, P. Edvin, Strandberg, Jonas, Zwalinski, L., et al
Published in The journal of high energy physics (2016)
Published in The journal of high energy physics (2016)
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Forward muon system for the DØ detector upgrade
Abramov, V., Alexeev, G., Babintsev, V., Baldin, B., Butler, J., Beutel, D., Bezzubov, V., Bojko, N., Burtovoi, V., Chekulaev, S., Chi, E., Denisov, D., Denisov, S., Diehl, T., Dodonov, V., Dyshkant, A., Eroshin, O., Evdokimov, V., Galyaev, A., Goncharov, P., Gornushkin, Yu, Green, D., Gurzhiev, S., Haggerty, H., Hanlet, P., Hansen, S., Hedin, D., Ito, A., Johns, K., Kalinin, A., Kostritskiy, A., Kozelov, A., Kozlovski, E., Leitner, R., Lokajı́ček, M., Los, S., Malyshev, V., Mayorov, A., Medovikov, V., Mokhov, N., Nozdrin, A., Pisarev, I., Pospı́šil, S., Raskowski, J., Sabirov, B., Šimák, V., Smith, G., Stefanik, A., Stoianova, D., Suk, M., Tokmenin, V., Vaniov, V., Volkov, A., Vorobiev, A., Vrba, V., Williams, R., Wood, D., Yatsunenko, Yu, Yoffe, F., Zimin, S.
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.12.1998)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21.12.1998)
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Journal Article
ATLAS sensitivity to top quark and W boson polarizationin \(t\bar{t}\) events
Hubaut, F, Monnier, E, Pralavorio, P, Smolek, K, Simak, V
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.10.2005)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.10.2005)
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Journal Article
ATLAS sensitivity to top quark and W boson polarizationin $t\bar{t}$ events
Hubaut, F., Monnier, E., Pralavorio, P., Smolek, K., Simak, V.
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.10.2005)
Published in The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields (01.10.2005)
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Journal Article
A measurement of the W and Z production cross sections and a determination of Γ w at the CERN [ovbar|p]p collider
Alitti, J., Amrosini, G., Ansari, R., Autiero, D., Bareyre, P., Bertram, I.A., Blaylock, G., Bonamy, P., Borer, K., Bourliaud, M., Buskulic, D., Cavalli, D., Cavasinni, V., Cenci, P., Chollet, J.C., Conta, C., Costa, G., Costantini, F., Cozzi, L., Curatolo, M., Dell'Acqua, A., DiLella, L., Ducros, Y., Egan, G.F., Einsweiler, K.F., Fayard, L., Federspiel, A., Fraternali, M., Froidevaux, D., Fumagalli, G., Gaillard, J.M., Gianotti, F., Gildemeister, O., Gössling, C., Goggi, V.G., Grünendahl, S., Hara, K., Hellman, S., Hřiv'ač, J., Hufnagel, H., Hugentobler, E., Hultqvist, K., Iacopini, E., Incandela, J., Jakobs, K., Jenni, P., Kluge, E.E., Kurz, N., Lami, S., Lariccia, P., Lefebvre, M., Lubrano, P., Magneville, C., Mazzanti, M., Meier, K., Merkel, B., Meyer, J.P., Moniez, M., Moning, R., Morganti, M., Müller, L., Munday, D.J., Onions, C., Pal, T., Parker, M.A., Parrour, G., Pastore, F., Pennacchio, E., Pentney, J.M., Pepe, M., Perini, L., Petridou, C., Petroff, P., Plothow-Besch, H., Polesello, G., Poppleton, A., Pretzl, K., Primavera, M., Punturo, M., Repellin, J.P., Rimoldi, A., Sacchi, M., Scampoli, P., Schacher, J., Schmidt, B., Šimák, V., Singh, S.L., Sondermann, V., Spiwoks, R., Stapnes, S., Tondini, F., Tovey, S.N., Tsesmelis, E., Unal, G., Valdata-Nappi, M., Vercesi, V., Weidberg, A.R., White, T.O., Wood, D.R., Zylberstejn, A.
Published in Physics letters. B (13.02.1992)
Published in Physics letters. B (13.02.1992)
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Communicative-functional components of discourse
Shapran, Nataliia V., Novoseletska, Svitlana V., Koliada, Elina K., Musiichuk, Tetiana I., Simak, Kateryna V.
Published in Linguistics and Culture Review (14.11.2021)
Published in Linguistics and Culture Review (14.11.2021)
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